Haha, was I really the guy who made that? My memory is terrible. Unfortunately the links are not working anymore. Does anyone have it or something similar? Edit: hmm... I did post the source code. I might be able to recreate it.
There is a few bugs to address SVFtoSFX_400_x86.exe 1 - Purely aesthetic, check sums could be presented in a more standarized output, like, b34a9037 *en_winme_110_select.iso and so on. Code: Decoding... Can't find source file: en_winme_110_select.iso b34a9037 = CRC-32 2d3c96d9527b1c64bcefab01ad621d658e816747 = SHA1 Press any key to continue . . . 2 - Whitespace is not working well. 3 - Today you have to execute SVFtoSFX in same folder as *.svf, it's all or nothing. A drag and drop single/multiple files on to tool and only repack those selected could be handy? That would open possibility to utilize a right-click shortcut. Maybe others have more bugs to post, I dunno how widely this tool would be used.
For starter (I just had a quick look) Line 51 - Missing punctuation mark <Period> Code: echo ExecuteParameters="x \"%%~ni.svf\" -br \"%%%%S\"" >> config.txt Added punctuation mark <Period> Code: echo ExecuteParameters="x \"%%~ni.svf\" -br .\"%%%%S\"" >> config.txt Maybe you could upload complete binary (all files included)
Hi Ho, THX, I was not sure if it's ok I send the Data by a link. So I'm beginning with the first script. EDIT: I not have enough messages to send links. after 5 postings i can Edit and send you the Link to the File too. The link with the files include script, valid only 7 Days. If someone need again, pls, send me feedback. Otherwise, this is my beginner work, and special with smerversion. Kind regards ChrisgiGee Spoiler: config.txt Code: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Progress="no" ExecuteFile="SVF2EXE.cmd" ExecuteParameters="\"%%S\"" ;!@InstallEnd@! Spoiler: make.bat Code: 7zr.exe a -mx=9 SVF2EXE.7z 7zr.exe 7zSD_W10.sfx SVF2EXE.cmd smv.exe copy /b 7zSD_SVF.sfx + config.txt + SVF2EXE.7z +smv.exe SVF2EXE.exe Spoiler: svf2exe.cmd Code: @echo off color 1f title SVF to SFX creation tool - L0L and murphy78 (Modified by Tong) 2018-03-21 dir /b %1\*.svf >NUL 2>NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Unable to locate .SVF files in the current directory. echo Press any key to exit, or close the window. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause>NUL EXIT /b) :CHOICE set VERBOSE=0 echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo This script will create SFX patches for all SVF files in the current folder. echo Option V is for Verbose output. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choice /c YNV /N /M "Proceed ? (Y/N/V): " IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 EXIT /b IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 set VERBOSE=1 FOR %%i IN (%1\*.svf) DO ( echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Creating .7z file for %%~ni.svf echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( 7zr.exe a -m0=copy "%%~ni.7z" "%%i" "smv.exe" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( 7zr.exe a -m0=copy "%%~ni.7z" "%%i" "smv.exe" ) echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Creating .exe file for %%~ni.7z echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo ;!@Install@!UTF-8! > config.txt echo InstallPath="%%%%S" >> config.txt echo ExecuteFile="smv.exe" >> config.txt echo ExecuteParameters="x \"%%~ni.svf\" -br \"%%%%S\"" >> config.txt echo Delete="smv.exe" >> config.txt echo Delete="%%~ni.svf" >> config.txt echo ;!@InstallEnd@! >> config.txt IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( copy /b 7zSD_W10.sfx + config.txt + "%%~ni.7z" "%%~dpni.exe" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( copy /b 7zSD_W10.sfx + config.txt + "%%~ni.7z" "%%~dpni.exe" ) echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Cleanup the config.txt and %%~ni.7z echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( if exist config.txt del /q /s "config.txt" >NUL 2>NUL if exist %%~ni.7z del /q /s "%%~ni.7z" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( if exist config.txt del /q /s "config.txt" if exist %%~ni.7z del /q /s "%%~ni.7z" ) ) echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Process complete. Press any key to exit. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause>NUL exit /b