Haha, was I really the guy who made that? My memory is terrible. Unfortunately the links are not working anymore. Does anyone have it or something similar? Edit: hmm... I did post the source code. I might be able to recreate it.
There is a few bugs to address SVFtoSFX_400_x86.exe 1 - Purely aesthetic, check sums could be presented in a more standarized output, like, b34a9037 *en_winme_110_select.iso and so on. Code: Decoding... Can't find source file: en_winme_110_select.iso b34a9037 = CRC-32 2d3c96d9527b1c64bcefab01ad621d658e816747 = SHA1 Press any key to continue . . . 2 - Whitespace is not working well. 3 - Today you have to execute SVFtoSFX in same folder as *.svf, it's all or nothing. A drag and drop single/multiple files on to tool and only repack those selected could be handy? That would open possibility to utilize a right-click shortcut. Maybe others have more bugs to post, I dunno how widely this tool would be used.
For starter (I just had a quick look) Line 51 - Missing punctuation mark <Period> Code: echo ExecuteParameters="x \"%%~ni.svf\" -br \"%%%%S\"" >> config.txt Added punctuation mark <Period> Code: echo ExecuteParameters="x \"%%~ni.svf\" -br .\"%%%%S\"" >> config.txt Maybe you could upload complete binary (all files included)
Hi Ho, THX, I was not sure if it's ok I send the Data by a link. So I'm beginning with the first script. EDIT: I not have enough messages to send links. after 5 postings i can Edit and send you the Link to the File too. The link with the files include script, valid only 7 Days. If someone need again, pls, send me feedback. Otherwise, this is my beginner work, and special with smerversion. Kind regards ChrisgiGee Spoiler: config.txt Code: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Progress="no" ExecuteFile="SVF2EXE.cmd" ExecuteParameters="\"%%S\"" ;!@InstallEnd@! Spoiler: make.bat Code: 7zr.exe a -mx=9 SVF2EXE.7z 7zr.exe 7zSD_W10.sfx SVF2EXE.cmd smv.exe copy /b 7zSD_SVF.sfx + config.txt + SVF2EXE.7z +smv.exe SVF2EXE.exe Spoiler: svf2exe.cmd Code: @echo off color 1f title SVF to SFX creation tool - L0L and murphy78 (Modified by Tong) 2018-03-21 dir /b %1\*.svf >NUL 2>NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Unable to locate .SVF files in the current directory. echo Press any key to exit, or close the window. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause>NUL EXIT /b) :CHOICE set VERBOSE=0 echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo This script will create SFX patches for all SVF files in the current folder. echo Option V is for Verbose output. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choice /c YNV /N /M "Proceed ? (Y/N/V): " IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 EXIT /b IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 set VERBOSE=1 FOR %%i IN (%1\*.svf) DO ( echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Creating .7z file for %%~ni.svf echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( 7zr.exe a -m0=copy "%%~ni.7z" "%%i" "smv.exe" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( 7zr.exe a -m0=copy "%%~ni.7z" "%%i" "smv.exe" ) echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Creating .exe file for %%~ni.7z echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo ;!@Install@!UTF-8! > config.txt echo InstallPath="%%%%S" >> config.txt echo ExecuteFile="smv.exe" >> config.txt echo ExecuteParameters="x \"%%~ni.svf\" -br \"%%%%S\"" >> config.txt echo Delete="smv.exe" >> config.txt echo Delete="%%~ni.svf" >> config.txt echo ;!@InstallEnd@! >> config.txt IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( copy /b 7zSD_W10.sfx + config.txt + "%%~ni.7z" "%%~dpni.exe" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( copy /b 7zSD_W10.sfx + config.txt + "%%~ni.7z" "%%~dpni.exe" ) echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Cleanup the config.txt and %%~ni.7z echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( if exist config.txt del /q /s "config.txt" >NUL 2>NUL if exist %%~ni.7z del /q /s "%%~ni.7z" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( if exist config.txt del /q /s "config.txt" if exist %%~ni.7z del /q /s "%%~ni.7z" ) ) echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Process complete. Press any key to exit. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause>NUL exit /b
Hi, I would like to know what this tool is for? What could I do with it? Is it difficult to use? Could I include my modifications and configuration of an operating system in an svf file and apply it to another iso for example? Or am I misunderstanding how the tool works?
SVF files are for all intents and purposes just delta files that have the ability to also use compression. In my experience, the compression is really unnecessary. Basically you could take two different ISO files that are very similar but slightly different and create a delta patch using smart version (smv.exe) and the result is a .svf file which is a delta between the source iso and the result iso. It is equivalent to using a delta patch but smartversion calls them something else (versions iirc) So Hypothetically, if you wanted to modify an OS and just release the modification, what you would do is: 1) Extract the iso to a directory 2) mount the index you wanted to modify using dism or similar tool 3) make the modifications to registry using reg load / unload or dism add package stuff. You could also use win10ui to overhaul the updates but you would want to use the script before mounting if that's the case because I believe it automounts/unmounts. 4) unmount directory and commit with dism 5) create new iso 6) create the svf patch with smv.exe from the original .iso to the new iso you just created. It shouldn't be too much different depending on how much data was changed. You want to keep the install.wim and boot.wim formats unchanged. You don't want to change to install.esd, install.swm, or solid format. Anything that dramatically changes the file structure would create a very large delta (svf) file. This is my MakePatch.cmd that I use to make svf files: Code: set smvexec="E:\Apps\SmartVersion\smv.exe" set smvname=%~n1_%~n2.svf %smvexec% cr %smvname% %1 -sha1 %smvexec% i %smvname% %2 -rf %1 %2 -br . Basic usage is "makepatch somefile.iso secondiso.iso" You want to change the location of the smv.exe. In my experience it doesn't matter what version of smv.exe you use. You just have to get one from smartversion 3.00 or above. Just install the program and dig out the smv.exe I also want to point out that this code was taken directly from the smartversion website and would have to be modified with quotations if you wanted to use filenames with spaces