I am expanding the version. But these days I was busy and I could not have much time. I hope that in less than a week I can publish it. With this version, you can create, add and extract (multiple versions) .svf files
can anyone help me with smartversion? I'm trying to extract iso from the svf file but it won't let me
From where or what post did you download the svf? You can open the svf with smartversion and you can see what the needed source ISO is, i believe some here made a script for that too.
I want to take a look at 7z SFX and I have made a possible alternative to SVFtoSFX, just drag&drop the SVF file on the script. Call it whatever you want. I am rewriting the script these days...
@luzea I like it, clean and simple, it doesn´t add new features however regarding drag n drop since this is part of @murphy78 ,s SVF to SFX v2 (and updated by @Enthousiast to latest v3.7) and also bigger in size. Then again, size doesn´t realy matter (in my opinion) in this context to the tool itself. Both tools miss a embedded error return message in the *.exe file: source file not found/wrong source file with a output expected source file (file name and SHA-1/SHA-256) Could you add this? It would help alot to members new to SmartVersion. Regards
Is the issue that when ran from a non-command prompt that it exits the program too quickly or something without pausing on the error message?
No error, no messages if source file is not present. If source file is present then correct file is decoded. Error message would look similare to this with smv.exe: Code: error detected: IO Error filename : .\SW_CD_NTRL_Lync_2010_32BITX64_English_1_X17-12289.iso message : The system cannot find the file specified.
have fun with SmartVersion SDK - no dokumentation (237 exported Functions) most stdcall and some cdecl calling method - pretty much all of APIS are undocumented - 70 % of the rare documented APIS are wrong dokumented (crash by using the documented parameter) - no debug dll 's (you can only debug Machine code) - no support by @gvollant (send him a PM 20.11.2019 -> no respond) current i spend 1/2 year time to debug a lot of the APIS (documented and undocumented) to get them working (ported to AU3) it seems to me that the author does not have or intent to support (or continue to dev) the APIS
Yes, and thats the reason why I dont want to use it. Maybe I can use it with the https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1555991 info script by @BAU
This is the actual script that creates the config.txt and the 7z sfx: Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" & cd /d "%~dp0" color 1f title SVF to SFX creation tool - L0L and murphy78 dir /b *.svf >NUL 2>NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO =============================================================================== echo Unable to locate .SVF files in the current directory. echo Press any key to exit, or close the window. ECHO =============================================================================== pause>NUL EXIT /b) :CHOICE set VERBOSE=0 ECHO =============================================================================== ECHO This script will create SFX patches for all SVF files in the current folder. ECHO Option V is for Verbose output. ECHO =============================================================================== choice /c YNV /N /M "Proceed ? (Y/N/V): " IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 EXIT /b IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 set VERBOSE=1 FOR %%i IN (*.svf) DO ( echo Creating 7z file for %%~ni.svf IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( 7z.exe a -m0=Copy "%%~ni.7z" "%%i" "smv.exe" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( 7z.exe a -m0=Copy "%%~ni.7z" "%%i" "smv.exe" ) echo Creating SFX for %%~ni.exe echo ;!@Install@!UTF-8! >config.txt echo InstallPath="%%%%S" >>config.txt echo ExecuteFile="smv.exe" >>config.txt echo ExecuteParameters="x \"%%~ni.svf\" -br ." >>config.txt echo Delete="smv.exe" >>config.txt echo Delete="%%~ni.svf" >>config.txt echo ;!@InstallEnd@! >>config.txt IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( copy /b 7zsd_All.sfx + config.txt + "%%~ni.7z" "%%~ni.exe" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( copy /b 7zsd_All.sfx + config.txt + "%%~ni.7z" "%%~ni.exe" ) :cleanup the 7z and config.txt IF %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( if exist config.txt del /q/s "config.txt" >NUL 2>NUL if exist %%~ni.7z del /q/s "%%~ni.7z" >NUL 2>NUL ) IF %VERBOSE% EQU 1 ( if exist config.txt del /q/s "config.txt" if exist %%~ni.7z del /q/s "%%~ni.7z" ) ) ECHO =============================================================================== ECHO Process complete. Press any key to exit. ECHO =============================================================================== pause>NUL exit /b The echo lines are the config txt parts that pipe to a file for attachment. You could alter the echo lines so that they add a pause after the execute parameters I suppose. What this would do is attach to the sfx so that when the sfx is ran it will pause after processing the svf file.