As ezPDF no longer works properly, I spent a few hours testing more or less all available readers, and found just one that really works on both: WPS Office. Not quite as good as ezPDF was, but works. Anyone has a better suggestion? Something that works for reading newspapers and recognizes colomns... Thanks
I looked at it and am puzzled... What has to do with my question? I am using root explorer and it finds anything I transfer to either tablet or SD. What I am looking for is ONE .apk that opens pdf and word fils, and if possible e-pub. ezPDF did that, until it sopped working about two years ago. As I wrote WPS Office does that, Not quite as good as ezPDF was, but works. What will MIxplorer do for me?
sorry, my mistake.... I do not use google. And I now have returned to Xodo, which was always the second best as long as ezPDF was around. I was looking for an alternative, but it seems there is not WPS is NOT recommendable, it steals just about everything and also does not work properly.
Thanks The description tells millions of things, but not if it reads Word files.... that is why I never bothered. Does it? Added today: IT DOES NOT !