One other thing I dont work because of my autism so I have no money coming in other than what I make off my youtube video so I really hope that tis is not sign of my laptop starting to die on me because I cant afford a new pc.
thats too bad.. hope u get it working somehow. ( i use this software daily for a company i work remote support)
what does it exactly do and will It ever mess up windows? I have never used anything like this. Do you think I would have the same issue if I used a usb keyboard?
well it resets registry and file and services permissions.. then windows can function properly. PS2 ? wow get usb.. get in this millennium.
it reads my built in laptop keyboard as a standard ps/2 keyboard in device manager.. I had asked should I try a usb keyboard.
[FONT="]What have you got to lose? I understand your predicament, but it seems your laptop is slowly degrading into an unusable state.[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Do you have a restore point you can roll back to? You might not want to do some of the more “risky” fixes, but I’d guess your computer is on its last legs: keyboard broken, optical drive broken … you may not have a choice.[/FONT]
my optical drive is broken because its missing the black part that hold the disk in place. It's a replacement drive I had put in it as soon as I got this laptop off of amazon as a referb back in 20012 to add blu-ray. I have a feeling the pc shop that I last had it repaired at messed up the drive. I have a spare drive but its slightly too tall to fit my laptop.
[FONT="]Broken is broken; drives that don't fit are as good as broken.[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]How did the USB keyboard work? [/FONT]
I just fully tried "Sharp Keys" the keys showed up right away in it when I went to remap them. So I remampped them to the key they are suppossed to be and they are now working 100% for now. It may have just beeen 3 corrorupt reg keys causing the issue.
Keys are back to not working so its most likely the keys are dieing so I will hve to get the USB keyboard and I am pretty sure it will work just fkine because I tested my keys in the bios and they did not work all the time in it. I will have to eventually get a replacement keyboard for my laptop when I can afford to get it repaired.
1 last thing to try.. reset Embedded Controler aka EC .. take batt and power cord off. hold power 30 secs to drain it. replug batt and power and check bios keys. do you have latest bios ? whats model exact under laptop?
Yes and I finally got a wireless keyboard and it works 100%. Will have to get built in keyboard replaced. I looked it up and it dont cost that much for one on ebay.