This sounds really bad. If you dont have any backup it will be a disaster. 20 moths are very short life for a HDD no matter you use it for server or for anything else. If you dont have a good warranty things can go worse. Right now I'm studing computer science and technologies but I dont know too much for laptops. I think they make the models to crash and spoil faster. After that you go and buy a new laptop. You cant repair almost anything. PCs components will become the same.
Yes. I make first this. Second I flash the BIOS and put another version. No result. Card still disappear. I think is dead. Main reason: overheating.
The Card isn't dead, it's damaged. If the card would be dead, you wouldn't get anything on Screen, it would just keep black! According to the technical spec, that Laptop has a single Graphic Card only and not two, like my Acer 4752G, a bundle of Intel and Nvidia cards! Don't know in your country, in Thailand (my country) I would just go to a Service Station and let them check the real cause of the problem. Many things could simply repair and we have a lot of services which are able to do that for a low cost!
When I have time I will go to one friend who can help me test it. This week I need to work with the integrated card because I have too much things to do. I have heared the same thing for the black screen and I still have some hope we can fix it somehow. The laptop is not so old - 4 years.
Hello guys. I think it was an interesting article. Thank for all advices you gave me. There were no problem with the video card. The PCI Express controller is the problem. Maybe its burnt or crashed. There is no way to fix it so its not good to hear it. I already built a new PC and laptop will stay less active with office tools until it stops finally. Thank you again guys. Lock the topic!
Simply, the PCI-Express controller handles the Graphic as well, because that's running on PCI-X16! I would still contact a sufficient Hardware Service for Laptop's, because that could be solved by changing the related Chip-set on Mainboard. Such is done in Bangkok/Thailand by several companies for a small amount of money! Check, that's still worth doing!