SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act - Do you agree?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Paiva, Jan 18, 2012.


SOPA - Do you agree?

  1. Yes I agree with this law

  2. No I do not agree with this law

  1. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    #1 Paiva, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012

    The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), also known as House Bill 3261 or H.R. 3261, is a bill that was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on October 26, 2011, by House Judiciary Committee Chair Representative Lamar S. Smith (R-TX) and a bipartisan group of 12 initial co-sponsors. The bill, if made law, would expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement and copyright holders to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. Presented to the House Judiciary Committee, it builds on the similar PRO-IP Act of 2008 and the corresponding Senate bill, the PROTECT IP Act.


    Feeling threatened by possible approval of Law decided to make a major blackout sites, or take your pages from the air, while some of the activists will only put banners and bands on their sites.

    Until that time were found by our team that are the sites in protest in its English version (free service and free online encyclopedia), (blog site) and (accessed 18/01/12).

    To be continue
  2. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    #2 Paiva, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
    Let us discuss about the topic?
    Waiting for the first comments ...

    To be continue
  3. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    #3 Paiva, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
    Google's Matt Cutts On Why SOPA Is Bad For Everyone

    As the Stop Internet Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act have inched their way into the headlines, a number of people — even some who make their living on this here Internet — have shrugged and said things like, "I don't download any pirated movies, so why should this bother me?" So we spoke to Matt Cutts, Principal Engineer at Google, who gave his feelings on why we should all be concerned.

    Among the problems, explains Cutts — speaking as someone who understands the Internet and not as a representative of Google — is that the proposed bills would make it harder for online start-ups to, well... start up.

    "[Start-ups] will need more lawyers, plus they'll be more likely to self-censor," he explains to Consumerist. "Venture capitalists will be less likely to invest in many start-ups."

    Cutts points to the "countless examples of misguided or mistaken takedowns" that have already happened in the years since the Digital Millennium Copyright Act kicked in, "that hit completely unrelated targets as collateral damage."

    He gives the example of the ordeal that MetaFilter had to go through to prove that a five-year-old song on the site was not actually an unreleased, leaked Michael Jackson song, in spite of what Sony's moronic web-scouring bots said.

    "The Internet is one of the most vibrant, equalizing inventions of the last century," says Cutts. "People are spending more and more time online learning new things or connecting with friends. SOPA and PIPA risk putting a chilling effect on the entire internet, and that's exactly the opposite of what we need right now."

    Thus, he says, it's critical that Americans tell their Congresspersons and Senators that these pieces of legislation are misguided.

    "Even though I'm sure members of Congress are acting with the best intentions, SOPA and PIPA are incredibly flawed bills and should not be passed," says Cutts.

    To be continue
  4. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  5. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    #5 Paiva, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
    Wikipedia editors revolt over SOPA blackout

    Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has called for the online encyclopedia to go off-line in protest against SOPA, but he appears to have miffed the self appointed experts who acts as the outfit's editors.

    According to Associated Press, the editors, whose job it is to make people they don't like disappear, they claim that protest of anti-piracy legislation could threaten the credibility of their work. No seriously. Robert Lawton, a Michigan computer consultant said that he was worried that suddenly the organisation is in the the role of advocacy, and that's a slippery slope. The next thing that will happen is that it will be blacked out because Wikipedia want to save the whales. Who cares if Wales dies eh? Oh, you said whales. Yes Robert we can understand why a fake penis expert would not care about the world's largest mammal being hunted to extinction to satisfy a demand for traditional food in Japan.

    Wikipedia will shut down access to its English-language site for 24 hours beginning 4pm AEDT today. Instead of encyclopedia articles, visitors will see information about SOPA But it seems that the editors don't like the idea. Some have blacked out their own user profile pages, as if we read them, or resigned their administrative rights on the site, as if that will hurt anyone. Some think the site's decision to fighting censorship with censorship.

    “How will the world continue to turn if I do not have the power to stop famous historians publishing facts online that disagree with me,” one editor did not tell us.

    Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales argues that the site can maintain neutrality in content even as it takes public positions. He said that the encyclopedia will always be neutral, but its community need not be, not when the encyclopedia is threatened.

    But Wales idea of who makes up his “community” discounts the fact that they might be self-absorbed, social non-entities who get their kicks from telling people that they are wrong and have the power to enforce it.


    Thanks R29k for link's

    To be continue
  6. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  7. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    Panic enabled here :eek::eek::eek:

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  8. dareckibmw

    dareckibmw MDL Expert

    Jun 16, 2009
    Dear ████████████████████ internet ███████████████████████ sopa ███████████████ is ████████████

    wrong ████████████████████ and █████████████████ a █████████████████ mistake. ███████████████ tell everyone.

    Check out Demonoid :biggrin:
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  9. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    I bet they will try to find another way of sneaking this crap through Congress :sneaky: watch them closely.
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  10. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    SOPA / PIPA will be a fail project on a few months ;)
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  11. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    SOPA isn't completely dead :eek:

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  12. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Power to the People :clap3::hug2:
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  13. bludgard

    bludgard MDL Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    I think it's a bunch of double-talk. Good cop: Bad cop.
    The foremost question in my mind is; "What the hell can the average computer enthusiast (like me) do to combat this takeover?"
    Any suggestions grossly welcome....o_O
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  14. SCBrigth

    SCBrigth MDL Senior Member

    May 9, 2009
    The U.S. Gov is acting like a dictature inside his Country :evil2: , slowly oppressing american people and the rest of world directly or indirectly.
    This is a slow and steady process that has been occurring for a long time without people being aware of it (you can cook a frog slowly in warm water).:weeping::evil2:

    We are going back to the times of barbarism :mad: when the absolute rulers reigned over the life of the people.

    I read the text below somewhere I think that pretty much sums up the feeling of the Internet community:
    "They are not dealing with statues, with no mind and no voice! But with people of flesh and blood who wake each day in search of his dreams, and they deserve at least a decent administration, which is in favor of freedom of expression, connection and communication."
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  15. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Control is the matrix :matrix_2:

    It's just a game of hackers vs. hackers

    Who will win?

    I win :p

  16. exo-dan

    exo-dan MDL Senior Member

    Aug 22, 2009
    Washington knows as much about the internet as they do music-that being said, leave it the hell alone:D
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  17. gabris[LT]

    gabris[LT] MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    Hmm.. Interesting, what would creators of the internet say about all this SOPA/PIPA/Megaupload/Anonymous thing :D
  18. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    The man,
    they should think, to what extent humans can reach and be ignorant.
  19. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    :laie: I love it :hug2:Pirate Bay
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  20. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    The Pirate Bay -

    Well, is down here :eek::eek::eek:

    Anonymous SOPA Punish?
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