Spammed to death by Fake Loader and KMSPico

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Janset, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Janset

    Janset MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2011
    Keep up the good work Daz.

    I am sorry that your name has been dragged into my little problem, and yes, the very first post that I posted on this topic I tried to include one of the delinquent sites for the information of forum users and the link did just that, however when I posted again after I was requested, the 2 delinquent sites did not change as you stated. I will not post a site again.

  2. Daz

    Daz MDL Developer / Admin

    Jul 31, 2009
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  3. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    #63 Nucleus, Sep 22, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
    Hi Janset...

    Now that ppl know you are new to some of this, then they better know how to assist you. Please don't be offended, there is no need to give MDL a miss. I don't know who called you a moron. If as you say, you're a newcomer to this type of stuff then MDL will be an invaluable resource for you. Yes I agree that some of the abbreviations used by ppl can seem awkward at first. :g:

    A PM is a private message, a forum feature whereby you can message another member unseen by anyone else. The easiest way to PM someone is probably by clicking on their name where it appears in bold at the left of their post and choosing "Private Message". If/when you receive a PM you would see a notification (very top of the page - Notifications), or you can adjust your forum settings so you get a popup notification of a PM or e-mail notification of it.

    The reason that urie, then I suggested to not post those dodgey sites was to avoid others following the links and downloading from there too. At the time of that post I didn't know those sites were automatically blocked as Daz pointed out in his post.

    Please friend, don't take offence at a few regulars who probably didn't realise you were new to some of this stuff. I'm sure no one meant to offend and again, MDL will be an invaluable resource for you. Cheers. ;)
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  4. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    @endbase – Just a quick update. I exchanged PM’s with abbodi regarding KMS VL All and your MAK activated Office 2013. He’s certain it will detect and skip MAK activation. But still he looked over the scripts checking routines, and again he’s sure that all is well and the checks don’t miss anything.

    He didn’t have a MAK key to check the procedure and obviously can’t ask you to check again because of your MAK count. So for now he suggested to sit tight and see if anyone else reports the problem you mentioned. ;)
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  5. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    #65 endbase, Sep 22, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
    Aah oke maybe the problem is at my side but it is hard to check now I have now installed Office 2016 and activated with abbodi's script :) had to convert it to volume license first with O2016RTool but it worked it is still seeying my office 15 licence tho that is strange I have deinstalled it BTW ! But no worries here thx for asking abbobi :)

    ps I could sent him one of my three keys to test it no problems with the count here let me know !
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  6. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    I'll PM a link to your post and he can answer directly. Cheers.
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  7. Janset

    Janset MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2011
    Thank you Nucleus. I appreciate your understanding. It is a pity that there is always some that people with over inflated ego's who take more pleasure in posting sarcastic remarks and criticism than getting into the true nature of the forum, and that is helping others out. :)

    In the mean time I will look into what useful information was suggested,

  8. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    Wow Nuc, nice job. Did you see the Daz website, I laughed for 10 mins. Boggles the mind what people will do.
  9. AzTec

    AzTec MDL Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Without reading all that came before, most likely to do with just going click,click,click to download something, without knowing what you are doing, and then bitching about something that has work fine for years...... Y E A R S....

    Welcome to The Internet, Let the USER BeWare
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  10. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
  11. Janset

    Janset MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2011
    Hi John123x you are very correct.

    In my flap I was obviously talking cross purposes. I used Daz's Loader on windows 7 many moons ago, and it worked perfectly.

    As for Office 2007, I think it was something like OGA or some such, but I can not remember in what capacity. I really do have a problem, not just with bad downloads but also with my memory....I hate old age:(

    Thanks for bring that to my attention.

  12. john123x

    john123x MDL Member

    Jun 5, 2011
  13. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    Sorry, this is entirely my fault, I should have asked him via PM.

    As a long time DuckDuckGo user, I'm horrified by these google results.

    As google is everywhere, it's a shame to see how low they can go for money.

    People trust google as search engine, especially newbies and people that are not tech savvy, and google purposely point then to malicious sites.

    What happen to google motto "don't be evil"?

    It seems that their new motto is "f*ck yea, lets make money, no matter how!"

    No wonder why i see so many computers full of crapware.
  14. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    #75 revertex, Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
    Before someone wonder why I'm asking for malware sites links, I'm trying to understand how some people ends installing malware.

    I eventually do repair in friends and relatives computers, an i always amazed how they can install so much crap.

    Seems the number one search engine have a role in lead people to sites with a pretty bad reputation.
  15. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    I don't think it is the task of google to play mother over users !! It's upon users to have common sense to do or not do visit certain sites :tea:
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  16. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    #77 Nucleus, Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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  17. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    #78 revertex, Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015

    Suppose you use you computer for trivial things like email and Facebook, then your windows ask for activation.

    You as some of your friends what to do, and he just say "google daz loader".

    Looking at the results, you will find pretty convinced sites, some of then even have fake Norton and download dotcom badges, in an attempt to look reputable.

    How a layman people will suspect that site is not the original source?

    Test it yourself, show both any of these pages and the original thread here in MDL to someone else then ask them which one is legit, you will be amazed.

    I wonder how many people fall for these scams.

    The point is, if you are using google, chances are you will not find the link to original file, as nobody digs past from the first page results.

    Surprisingly, even Bing show MDL Forums in the top results for "DAZ Loader" search.
  18. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    It's real difficult, and what the OP raised is a good point. It's easy for more experienced types to say that it's just down to a bit of experience and checking things, but newcomers obviously won't know that. Difficult indeed. I suppose all anyone can do is try and offer pointers to good procedure as in this thread. :good3:
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  19. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    I know what you are saying I had my own compagny for 9 years in the IT branche and had a lot of costumers with infected computers In my experience it is better to teach people how to browse for the correct sites and not trying to protect them with software that gives them a safe feeling because then they are gonna make the wrong choices. My point is use your brain first and then click next !! ;)
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