The only way I stopped was by using the Allen Carr Audio Book Easyway, and smoking weed is not healthier... unless you have no brain.
After smoking for 23 years from June 1983 (16.5 years) to Dec 2006 (40 years), I quit and have been using Nicorette off and on since then. But no cigarette since Dec 2006.
Didn't smoke for about 10 months, then i had a few the other day but i don't think i will end up buying packs like i used to.
Best thing that worked for me was going cold turkey. Quit for a year and now im back to it because of some personal problems. I suggest e cigs. they are the next best thing.
Good for you. Sometimes people don't get jokes. PS. I am not responsible for other people's habits, emotions or feelings.
Couldn't have put it clearer. Still there's a big line between a joke and being a doucebag. I'm not responsible for making things clear to other users. Just saying, no offense intended. Even though smoking is disgusting and I cannot fathom why I even started.
My cousion has tried his best to quit smoking and he susseeded after 3 months' hard working.But he gained some weight instead
One year , seven months and forty three minutes since i quit. Still loving being free of that repugnant habit.