I know a lot of people that started using snuff to get their fix of nicotine. Does anyone know what long term health effects snuff causes? My mother in law started using a vaporizer - seems to have helped her, but I must say I'm a bit sceptical.
My wife has had very good success with Dan Candell, dancandellhypnosis.com/Services.html. I thought she was nuts in the beginning but his program was effective for her.
Hi, its really difficult to stop the habit of smoking. I used to see that with my Dad. However, you need maybe, to engaged into other activities or sports to make you busy. In that way, it can help you limit your habit to smoke.
My dad quit smoking years ago! He just did, no easy way. You have to realize it can be quit, you don't have to live it with your whole life. Fighting!
For some reason I never picked it up despite everyone around me doing it. Some find it a lot harder to quit than others but they now all complain about wanting to quit.
If you have its habit,then you could stop it by eating chocolate when you feel its strong desire. Quit it thinking that you do not want to burn your health by its smoke. No No No Smoking et al. Keep it in your mind and always think Health is Wealth. Nothing is greater than health, Nothing is important than health. It is your enemy not your friend.
E-cigs shut down hundreds of immune system genes—regular cigs don’t This might interest some people ... E-cigs shut down hundreds of immune system genes—regular cigs don’t
I tried e-cigs for a while. Made my chest hurt, my mouth hurt and my teeth hurt. I also started getting rashes on my body. I tried different liquids PG/VG combinations and such, just wasn't for me I guess. Still got a TON of e-cig equipment too. About 10 different high-end vap devices, hundreds of dollars worth sitting in a cupboard gathering dust ... Eventually I switched from "normal" cigarettes to RYO organic chemical free tobacco. Smartest thing I ever did. Okay, I know, smart would be quitting, but if your gonna smoke, I would say chemical free organic tobacco is the way to go. Personally I smoke Auld Kendal Georgia/Virginia tobacco, which I buy in 50g pouches, but I mix it with a 10g pouch of Auld Kendal Vanilla flavored tobacco. It gives a nice mild sweetly smell and taste to my smoke that makes it really enjoyable. Absolutely craps all over a regular cigarettes and I would never smoke anything but chemical free tobacco that's for sure. Another fine quality tobacco I like is Manitou Organic. Its very close to regular cigarettes in taste and feel, but can be a bit pricey and hard to get - very popular. There are lots of options for smokers in the chemical free organic tobacco market, with tons of flavors to choose from if that's your thing. I've tried Cinnamon, Blueberry, Coconut, Cherry/Vanilla, Peach, Blackberry, Strawberry, Liquorice = YUK!, Rum = YUK! and a few other flavors I can't remember. I don't know how people can smoke say a peach flavored tobacco 24/7 straight. I enjoy some of the flavors but straight is a bit much for my tastes. A slight hint of vanilla in a nice organic tobacco suits me just fine. RYO = Roll Your Own, is the way to go. (If you can't quit of coarse)
If you take it seriously, you will be successful without any doubt. Just give your best in trying to quit and nothing is impossible when you think its possible.
It's an addiction which makes it hard. Some people have a genetic predisposition to becoming addicted which makes it harder. My roommate who is a psychiatrist says that addicts almost backslide (I think he exaggerates a bit). What you could do is try first is reducing the impact. Vaping has less chemicals than a cigarette so it should be safer from what I understand. For some people weaning themselves off tends to work, for others it has to be cold turkey. Whatever ends up working for you, good luck!
I have started trying to quit the past 3 days also and I am truly scared. I am going to the doctor this morning to talk about this terrible addiction I have to cigarettes. smoke build-up that needs to be cleaned out. I have tried quitting before, several times, with no success.
My "count" as you put it is reduced. I used to be a 3 pack a day + smoker. Sure. You just want me to gradually choke the living **** out of some moron who desperately deserves it, don't you ? Smoking is cheaper in more ways than one, but thank you for your concern.