You all chickens. Can't you just stop smoking with strong will power? I just did that on various stages of my life. Just plain will power. In fact, I quit smoking 4 months ago, November 2016 or so. Did I suffer? Yes, but I've learned to live with pain, at a least I try. Pain for a lot of things life brings on every human being. If you're lifestyle, called job or private life, is pretty much stressful for you to concentrate on your will power then decide: either keep smoking and lower your daily dosis and accept the fact you might die due to cigarettes OR drop your current lifestyle and go for something a lot less stressful then you can quit smoking. I chose the latter.
@Mr.X unfortunately NO, I already try several times I don't remember more maybe I can try electronic cigarettes who know i can stop this damn habit
For a long time I was into smoking. A total of 5 years. The last time I had a smoke of Marlboro Menthol was 2010. It was difficult at very I mean very....becauseI would have always the urge to light one. The office way back then also was crucial in helping me cut down. It banned smoking in the offices. And then the parking lot (from where all of the smokers were diverted-- ha ha I mean you could see the smoke from there even from a distance) and then as a last ditch effort for all's safety it banned it from the factory. From then my consumption dropped from 2 packs a day to 3 sticks and then my girlfriend convinced me to quit. I was successful. But now I am addicted to coffee in replacement for the cigarettes. But I can now live with that.
Try stopping gradually, cut a stick per day until you get used to not smoking anymore. Buble gum is also a good alternative..
hello guys. I smoked about 5 years. But randomly stopped it. Recently I had pneumonia. In my work I felt bad and lost consciousness. My friend got taxi and took me to the urgent care clinic dallas where doctor advised me to stop smoking, if I want to be healthy.
The Evidence Is Overwhelming: Cannabis Is an Exit Drug for Major Addictions, Not a Gateway to New Ones "Scientific data also suggests that cannabis may reduce some people’s cravings for alcohol and tobacco. For example, clinical trial data from the United Kingdom finds that subjects administered cannabidiol, an organic cannabinoid, reduces their cigarette smoking by 40 percent compared to participants provided a placebo. Data published earlier this year in the International Journal of Drug Policy reported that over ten percent of Canadian medical cannabis patients acknowledge using pot in lieu of tobacco."
I have never smoked before but some smokers are very embarrassing by subjecting non-smokers to secondhand smoking. It is having untold effect on my health. I try as much as possible to always avoid individual smoker who doesn't understand that smoking in public places is dangerous to the health of others.
I can see many being struggling with this, and yet many successful in their combat. Good luck fellows!
I used a combination of Champix (maybe different name in the US) and a book called Allen Carrs Easy way to stop smoking
Hi YetiKick to MDL dude; well I can try Champix if I find in my country to end this bad habit thanks for share info
Find Your Reason. To get motivated, you need a powerful, personal reason to quit. Consider Nicotine-Replacement Therapy.
I don't smoke but according to few friends who decided to stop smoking, they do it little by little. They use candy for a substitute.
This is how i stopped smoking. I bought cigarettes with more carbon and nicotine on them. After that i started not inhale the smoke inside my lungs, in my mouth. This way i kept doing only the habit part and also taking some nicotine. After some days i bought low carbon and nicotine cigarettes. Latter slowly decreased the nr of cigarettes smoked and finally get rid of it totally. Why this method? Its good because even if you smoke a cigarette sometime when you are u der strees drunk etc since you are used to not inhale the smoke you have a very low chance of starting it again. Last few days i smoked sone cigaretes and yesterday and today i didnt. So this is somehow future proof.