I have a cigarette rolling machine, so I roll my own. I buy tobacco in a pouch, free of additives. I definitely smoke less, because I have to roll up one. A pouch usually lasts me about a week. Coming from 2 packs of non-filtered cigarettes per day, I'd say this is an improvement. Remember: You're addicted to two different things: The additives (look up Ammonia chemistry and cigarettes) and the nicotine. Very difficult habit to break.
hehe MJ I remember in times when I'm kid 16 0r 17 maybe; all kids next my house need smoke in front girls to prove masculinity then don't stop more until today
I quit smoking cigarettes in 2004 after many failed attempts, and here's what worked for me. Like many reading this thread, I read many as well, and one guy said something that made sense to me. It sounded pretty simplistic, but I figured, what did I have to lose. Nothing else had worked. The concept was simply this. Throw out any and all cigarettes you have and then don't buy any more. So I did just that. What followed was an experience that I would guess most people go through when they quit smoking. It's as if there is another person inside of you constantly saying, "if you don't buy some cigarettes, I'm gonna make you miserable". And that was an understatement. Face itched non stop 24/7 due to the physical nicotine withdrawals, but that subsided after a couple of weeks. That guy inside me kept pestering me on a regular basis but I just said, "stuff it" and went about my business. I also came to the realization that along with being a physical addition (nicotine) it had also become a habit. I was always reaching into my pocket for a pack of smokes but they weren't there. And it became frustrating, kinda like moving into a new place and walking into a closed door, or reaching for a light switch on the wrong wall, because it's in a different location than the last place. If you are serious and want to do battle with that inner annoying self, then just get rid of the cigarettes and be prepared for the battle. But after a couple of months the annoying other self goes away for good, and you no longer have the physical cravings, and the habit of reaching for a smoke is replaced by the habit of *not* reaching for a smoke. Both physical addiction and habits are really hard to break, but it can be done.
Yes this works, if you're mentally strong that you can break anything. You simply choose not to do something.
@ Palladin yep you are correct, myself already drunk and smoke tweed for almost 40 years my friend Timesurfer maybe remember this so I stop definitely with alcohol without problems and for some reason also I nevermore smoke tweed, but cigarettes is a lot worst than another two trust me dude really is very hard to me break unfortunately who know someday
Most people, myself included, tend to minimize the addiction component of smoking cigarettes. It is as much as an addiction as Heroine or Meth. Maybe more so when you consider that a heroine addict only shoots up once or twice a day. A cigarette smoker has to feed his addiction as much a 20 times a day, maybe more. Make no mistake about it, if you smoke cigarettes you are a drug addict. And it's an addiction that can kill you. Unfortunately It's a battle many people lose, not because they are weak, but because they don't consider cigarette smoking an addiction, rather just a habit. When you realize what you are up against, you will take the fight much more seriously.
This is so true here, I've known so many who'd like to stop but not really.. This only helps for maybe a few days, weeks maybe, just maybe. I've known people who woke up and thrown away their pack of cigs and really quit because they really wanted to. (guys from 2 packs a day)
The number one requisite for this problem is learn to control urges. If you are not able to control it, then you will have a hard time in quitting smoking. Another thing to consider is the number of years you have been smoking. The longer you've been doing it, the harder and longer will it take you to stop.
I know this is a thread about quitting smoking however I'm upset at how much the UK government are controlling it What's worse is they raise the tax and just let the companies raise the prices as if tobacco isn't already overpriced in comparison to all of Europe. I've tried smoking just about all types of tobacco products and I would rate Pipe tobacco as the "nicest", tasted a lot less of chemicals for the most part depending on if you get aromatic blends. As for quitting smoking my advice is keep yourself busy and actually use your willpower. You know you have it so put it to use. If you're a long time smoker then I bet you don't get nicotine rushes so what do you get? and does that outweigh cancer, ruined lungs, being less fit for physical activities? imo nothing happens for a purpose, we're all meaningless and we're going to die. So do what you want and live your life rather then worrying what others think about you or tell you to do.(within reason)
I am over 20 and never smoked. I plan on smoking rather than quitting for sometime unless I get addicted.
please don't do.. the world in moving to a healthier lifestyle why do you want to be addicted to the poison...
I agree, DO NOT START SMOKING! I cannot emphasize this enough, I stupidly started at age 12 and have been smoking around 30 years. If I had never smoked I would have saved myself a fortune, I currently spend around £20 a week, that's over £1000 a year! And over the last 30 years that could easily be as much as £30,000. And do not forget, 80% of that money (in the UK at least) goes to the government in the form of tax. If you absolutely have to start smoking, then smoke tobacco and not cigarettes, pre-made cigarettes contain carcinogenic chemicals to 'help them burn', you can test this for yourself. Light a cigarette and leave it in an ashtray, it will completely burn to the filter by itself, now try the same with tobacco you have rolled yourself, it will stop burning within 30 seconds. Smoking is really bad for you, but smoking cigarettes is MUCH worse than smoking rolling tobacco.
Last friday it's been 5 weeks since my last cigarette. Grew up in a family of die hard smokers, almost all of my late mother's relatives worked in the philip morris cigarette factory in their city. I smoked for over 30 years and the last 2-3 years 100grams of tobacco per day (16 euro per day). Got the flu and didn't like the cigarettes anymore.
At 5 weeks your withdrawl urges should be subsiding substantially. But be aware the Demon is still inside of you, and will continue to torment you for quite a while. In the beginning my Demon seemed to be life size and I had to fight him every day as if I were in a boxing ring. But after 6 months the Demon was a small annoyance that I could dismiss with a "get off my lawn" type of gesture. I wish you continued success.
Tried few times to take smoke. It is just so terrible s**t, that I don't understand how anyone can take like 20 cigs per day. What is the reason to smoke?
You can joke all you want, but the reality of what smoking does to your lungs is no joke. https://www.facebook.com/amanda.orr.56/posts/10212156331769060 .
@Palladin: I agree with you. But the reality is that Nicotine acts as a psych drug. Take a look here https://bebrainfit.com/nicotine-brain-enhancing-drug/ and here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC31902/