Well....almost 8 years now! the money that I saved, are right down there on the table - ~$18k. I smoked ~1½ pack a day. Just think about it
You only really need to want to stop. Other than that nothing will help if in your mind you're quiting only because someone said it's bad for you. You have to believe it and want to quit.
Start your week by consuming 10 cigarettes a day for 1 week, and next week 9 cigarettes, and then 8 and so on and so forth, until your body will reject the nicotine itself. I have been a smoke-free for 5yrs now. That's my trick.
My friend is a web developer Back when we programmed just for fun and not for business, he was also trying to stop smoking and he had this crazy idea. He created a facebook app where he uploaded this really awkward and shaming photo of himself and established a goal for something you were trying to achieve (in his case, 60 days to quit smoking). By the end of the 60 days, the app would create a poll among your friends asking something as "Has this person stopped smoking in the last 60 days?". If "Yes" won, then the app would NOT automatically post his picture for everyone to see, otherwise... the app basically blackmailed him hahaha He succeeded, by the way. I thought it was brilliant. A little bit weird and dangerous, I must admit, but nonetheless brilliant. I don't know the name of the app, but I think it's still online
That's not easy... I was a hard core smoker for what, about 15 years? But sometimes even when you try to quit it's too hard, the only thing that actually helped me was a life changing event - the birth of my daughter. When my wife was pregnant I knew I couldn't go around smoking so I HAD to stop. And that's it, with the right motivation everything is possible
You'll be grumpy for about 2 weeks, but it's totally worth it, your senses and stamina will heighten (or actually go back to normal) even as soon as 1 month after quitting.
Hehe, after each smoked cigarette you have stopped smoking already! The cigarette is finished after a while so you must quit. (must put it into the ashtray or somewhere) Just don't light up another one and you're done!
Think of yourself dying of lung cancer in a hospital bed, 20 years from now, in the future. Imagine yourself, 20 years from now, wishing you had quit 20 years ago. Then rejoice! Today is 20 years ago! You have that chance right now, that chance you'll wish in the future that you had taken 20 years ago. It's like going back in time. It's changing the future.