Stop Smoking?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by floonoIdeogue, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    +1 to that.......:D
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  2. wirysage

    wirysage MDL Novice

    Nov 24, 2009
    +1 to that

    +1 to that
  3. aniya

    aniya MDL Novice

    Dec 2, 2009
    Tip 1: Rise above the cravings

    Imagine the cigarettes as crutches. You’ve always had these crutches to lean on and soon, it becomes impossible to walk without them.

    The important thing to learn is that as soon as you walk on your feet again, they’ll quickly regain strength. It may be a little known fact, but about half of what a smoker inhales from his cigarette is pure air.

    The next time you’re hit with a craving, take some deep breaths and relax. You will soon be able to rise above the craving, feel refreshed, and move on.

    Tip 2: All the reasons to quit

    Why do you want to stop smoking? Do you have children? Do you want to live to see your grandchildren? Are you sick of the smell?

    Whatever your reasons are, write them down. Keep a daily journal of how you feel and in the very first entry list in bold letters every reason you have for quitting.

    List things like health reasons, expense, inconvenience, bad breath, or other reasons and make the list as long as possible. Also be sure to list how you WILL feel when you’ve kicked the habit.

    Tip 3: The good, the bad and the ugly

    After you complete your lists of reasons you want to quit smoking and how you’ll feel after you’ve quit, make a list of the consequences of not quitting.

    Have other smokers in your family gotten cancer? Have they died? Do they have to speak through a hole in their neck? Will you be unable to pay off debt because you’re always buying cigarettes?

    Whatever you consequences, be sure to list all of them. As above, be sure to list the consequences (good consequences, of course) of quitting. Keep them to look forward to.

    Tip 4: Break time!

    Most smokers agree: a cigarette is a break. When quitting, give yourself breaks, but do something. Go for walk, eat a piece of fruit or drink
    some juice. This is critical because the body will be going through changes expelling all the accumulated poisons. The fruit will aid this process in many ways.

    Good luck!
  4. Alex9589

    Alex9589 MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2009
    #64 Alex9589, Dec 11, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2009
    You have took a good decision. I have stopped my smoking habit by Hypnotherapy and various techniques got from the site They provided a good and effective solution to stop smoking and helped me to improve my self confidence and self control...
  5. Thomas

    Thomas MDL Spam Reporter

    Nov 10, 2009
    buddyburton is a Human Forum Spammer.
  6. Thomas

    Thomas MDL Spam Reporter

    Nov 10, 2009
    nameslot, Is a Forum Spammer. See Here.
  7. Kzin

    Kzin MDL Novice

    Jan 7, 2010
    First off, the patch or gum is a must.

    Next, try to reduce "idle hands time"...when you're not actively occupied, you reach for a smoke. (And yes, I think computers were invented by the tobacco industry...we light 100 of 'em, and actually smoke maybe 6.)

    Hard candy (Life Savers) is a must. When you feel the urge, pop some candy.

  8. vladxed666

    vladxed666 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    I have never been able to quit.. I tried chantix and it gave me weird dreams..
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  9. genuine555

    genuine555 MDL Expert

    Oct 3, 2009
    I had to quit everything else, except smoking.
    So it's what keeps me functioning :angel_not:

    But I know it's bad. Still I'm proud to know I gave up on the very bad stuff long ago :clown:
  10. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    Glad im not the only one. I had some incredibly vivid / wierd dreams when taking champix. :spacecraft: :confused::confused:
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  11. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    Smoking is good for you... as long as you aren't doing it and you are a shareholder of a cigarette company :)

    On a serious note, instead of reaching for a cigarette or a sweet, try celery and fresh spinach (such as english spinach) instead. You can chew away on that and you won't put on weight caused by eating lots of chips or sweets. The celery and spinach will help you clean you out :music: and even if it doesn't help directly, it helps because you've eat so much celery and spinach (the salad kind, its much more palatable) that you lose interest in eating them. Since you already have set up an association between your need to smoke and now something you don't like, you quit...?!

    lol, well it worked for someone I know, and it may not work for you, but you could always try it :) The worst off you can be is you've had more vegetables in your day!
  12. SCBrigth

    SCBrigth MDL Senior Member

    May 9, 2009
    I prefer to continue smoking to eat that.
    When you feel need to smoke, drink a glass of water, it doesn't put on weight and it helps to clean the kidneys.
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  13. RCOO

    RCOO MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    My father smoked before and had to quit because he was getting lungs problems. He quitted pretty easily, replacing the cigarre for chewing gum and tooth picks. =S
    You guys should try that. There are also needle treatments that are reported to work pretty well.
    Smoking can take several years from you...
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  14. tomylee1

    tomylee1 MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2010
    you cannot think about smoke.
  15. Dolorous Edd

    Dolorous Edd MDL Expert

    Aug 31, 2009
    I quit on 4 or 5 different occasions, The last time I quit was in 97 or 98. I still feel the urge and I am still tempted when I see a pack of cigarettes sitting on the table. It is just something that will always be with me. For me, it was a combination of using the patch for a few days, long enough to knock the edge off but the patch did wierd things to me so I just quit using it and managed not to start back up. I think it has more to do with your state of mind at the time you try to quit, if you are not ready it isn't going to happen. Avoid stress, make sure you have stuff to do to keep you occupied, think about the money you are saving, etc.
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  16. acyuta

    acyuta MDL Expert

    Mar 8, 2010
    I had been smoking since mid-1983. I quit first in Jan 2005, but had a relapse in late-2005. Quit again in Dec 2006 and have been off ever since. So more than 3 years of quit. Have been taking nicorette (4-5 pcs/day) of 2mg strength just as a prop.
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  17. Padpadak

    Padpadak MDL Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    Try To watch the dvd from Allen Carr, he bring the things on a more nice way than other STOP SMOKING dvd's of books

    Good luck
  18. dareckibmw

    dareckibmw MDL Expert

    Jun 16, 2009
    Well, I've been smoking since late '80, had a heart attack 3 months ago and I quit it patches, nicorette, etc., nothing.... just like that. I feel much better now :p
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  19. ricktendo64

    ricktendo64 MDL Expert

    Apr 20, 2008
    X-smoker here...weed (marijuana) helped me quit (not a joke)

    My moms also a smoker, she has tried champix but she is always f**king up and restarting smoking
  20. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    It also helps people quit way more dangerous things (drugs) than tobacco although tobacco kills way more people than alcohol or any Thank you
