Stop Smoking?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by floonoIdeogue, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. Rikski

    Rikski MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2009
    Champix worked for me and a few of my friends too!!
  2. Rikski

    Rikski MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2009
    Oh and I forgot to mention - they did make me feel a bit s**te and sleep was not normal, but I made it through (and with the slight side effects - I'd say I would rather have them than smoke!!!!!).
  3. an4rew

    an4rew MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2010
    Last October i decided to get fit, lost 4 stone, quit caffiene but can't quit the marlboro!

    I have cut down from 20 a day to 10.

    Going cold turkey scares me!
  4. noisey

    noisey MDL Novice

    May 22, 2010
    #84 noisey, Jun 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2010
    You can stop smoking through minimizing the sticks that you can consume for a day. If you can consume 30 sticks for a day, you must now go for even 20 sticks instead. Little by little you can get over your problem. One thing you bear in mind and it must be your self-discipline.
  5. editoral

    editoral MDL Novice

    Jun 10, 2010
    I recently packed up after 35yrs of smoking 30+ every day. I did try before to do it but never lasted a few hrs:confused: So this time i never gave myself much hope, but to my amazement i found it really very easy. I used the plastic fake fag thing (nicorette i think) they say to use same amount of cartridges as cigs you smoke a day but i only used 1 a day and stop using this after only 1 month. At the end of the day you really must want to STOP! As for me i treated myself to a New car at only £200 per month...I still have money left other compared to when i was Smoking. And my teeth are a lot Whiter!
  6. dikkysun

    dikkysun MDL Novice

    Apr 27, 2010
    No way here,just stop!
  7. kennymevrick

    kennymevrick MDL Novice

    Sep 3, 2010
    Well Smoking is really dangerous for human body and there are included nicotine and The nicotine in the brain has a concomitant effect: it raises the levels of dopamine - the mediator of pleasure, among many other pharmacological properties. A growing body of evidence indicates that while we know nicotine increases the levels of dopamine, it also seems that nicotine prevents the metabolism of dopamine in the brain, essentially doubling the effect of smoking.
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  8. acyuta

    acyuta MDL Expert

    Mar 8, 2010
    I am off cigarettes since Dec 2006 (smoked for 23 years). Still 23 years out of my 43 year of life went up in smoke.
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  9. ErRober

    ErRober MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2010
    I gave up smoking on January (smoked for 15 years). I'm very happy now.
  10. nguoikho1

    nguoikho1 MDL Novice

    Jul 24, 2010
    i gave up smoking because i do'nt have money...lolz
  11. gamepoint

    gamepoint MDL Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    eat chewing gum! i used to do i'm not smoking anymore
  12. armv

    armv MDL Novice

    Oct 11, 2010
    I could imagine how quitting smoking would be hard. More power to you guys.
  13. BobSheep

    BobSheep MDL Guru

    Apr 19, 2010
    Some tips for giving up anything.

    1. The more people you tell about your attempt to give up something the better. You will get more moral support and feel as though you are living up to your commitment. Your feel good factor will improve. You mindset is an important factor here.
    2. Never cut yourself off from what it is you're tying to give up. If it's cigarettes then leave the house with half a packet. If it's food have a small emergency supply of your favourite food in the fridge. It will take your mind off what will you do if you have to have something. Eating 1 cake is better than buying a pack of 4 and then feeling tempted to eat the other 3. Same for buying a packet of cigarettes and smoking 20 when you could manage with 10.
    3. Don't try to give up to quickly. Let your mind and body settle for a week or 2 (or more) at a certain level before reducing further. You might struggle at reducing 30 cigarettes per day down to 20 but it could take a few more weeks or more before you can manage with 15. Go too fast and you might think it's impossible and give in.

    BTW. I have never smoked.
  14. geeza23

    geeza23 MDL Novice

    Oct 15, 2010
    cold turkey i rekon probs hardest but most effective and the determination
  15. Davidkaz

    Davidkaz MDL Novice

    Oct 18, 2010
    Unfortunately, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. You can sit down with him and explain the health repercussions of smoking and that it worries you/you don't like it/[however you feel] and you want him to stop. If he chooses to stop then awesome, but it's really his choice to make (especially this early in the relationship).
    If he disregards your feelings on the issue by continuing to smoke, you probably shouldn't take it personally because he would do that to anyone trying to take away his favorite/most addicting habit. Let him know you're unhappy but don't push too hard because it will only create bitterness for both of you.
    And if he's unwilling to make compromises (such as not smoking around you to preserve your health), or if smoking is something you absolutely cannot tolerate, you might consider breaking it off. Maybe when it hits him that his habit could cost him his girl, he'll warm up to the idea of quitting.
    Maybe try enlisting the help of family or friends in discouraging it/educating him to make his own decision.
  16. IonDarkWatch

    IonDarkWatch MDL Novice

    Oct 22, 2010
    I'm hoping to Quit smoking within the next 2 weeks, I have cut down from 20 a day to 10 a day. I tried to just stop instantly about a year ago and managed only 3 day before i was driving my misus and work collegues up the wall.
  17. dabits

    dabits Guest

    I smoked a lot, and wanted to quit.
    I stopped for 9 months once, but started again ... my own stupid fault.

    We all know the reasons why we should quit:
    - health
    - money
    - the nasty habit we don't want ruling and destroying our life and health
    - ...
    And still we light up another one.

    Don't let others convince you that it's soooooo hard to stop, instead listen to people that have stopped smoking.
    Convince yourself that you want to stop because ... you just don't want to smoke!
    The (strong) above arguments never were enough reason anyway.
    Do it only for yourself, it's you that wants to do it.
    Be proud of yourself, you're going to accomplish something you've wanted for so long ... and others with you.

    And what did the trick for me:
    There was something I wanted to do, really bad ... and I allowed myself to start doing that ONLY AFTER I QUIT!
    I put out my last cigarette, and never smoked again :cool:
    When I had problems, I looked in a mirror/window and said to myself ... "but I don't smoke :D".

    That was 2001, now it's almost 10 years later, and I'm still proud of myself, and I'm doing something I love ... because I quit ... and I'm still so proud of myself :cool:

    I hope this helps someone :hug2:
  18. IonDarkWatch

    IonDarkWatch MDL Novice

    Oct 22, 2010
    Thats the best advice i have heard about smoking and i have only been on this site for an hour.:biggrin:

  19. gabris[LT]

    gabris[LT] MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    as I remember something like this is written in the book "easy way to stop smoking"(or something like that) but I'm smoking 5 years for now, tried to stop maybe 20 times, the bigest period without cigarete was 1month. I had read books, watching movies but none still none helped :D
  20. DivisionBell

    DivisionBell MDL Novice

    Jul 30, 2009
    True enough ;). same here.