The one I have is only 1065, you have 1062, not really a big step in the actual driver, more software. Get the new card, if you can, you might still have the problem, but don't worry, they are pushing new drivers and software with win 10 faster. If you get bored, you can always search for a win 8.1 driver and try it. Don't go to AMD, as you'll just get the same as it's also for win 8.1. The 14 series was 8.1.
So what should I do about how the tiles on My Used Apps isnt showing up..see that is something that was actually working right before..I guess I will wait for the technician to come here, heck I paid for a four year warranty mind as well use it LOL..the video card unfortunately will NOT be new, Dell only gives out refurbished parts even if you have an extended warranty..from what I described above, the initial problem, sounds like a video problem? I always get the "Display drivers have stopped responding and have recovered" that goes back to the windows 8.1 days it would happen from time to time, I think everything is connected
I don't blame you, but usually you don't when all is ok, with your problem, can't see it being that much worse, and it could be the fixer. Just sorry you didn't have a problem that could be resolved now. Hope you get this all figured out with the tech so you can enjoy the system.
Do you think I should uninstall the AMD Catalyst that I have now and install the new one..cause the one that I have right now is this..AMD Catalyst Suite 15.20.1062 but the one available on AMD's web site is amd-catalyst-15.7.1-win10-64bit.exe I assume that is for the AMD Radeon HD 7500 series that I have I set it up that way..people are already talking about version 15.8 its crazy I just want to fix this problem..or I can just wait for the technician and let him fix it You know whats funny, my laptop is OLDER Than my PC and my laptop doesnt have this problem go figure LOL
The problem you're describing sounds like a hardware fault with the video card. Wait until you get the new card, it'll most likely solve itself. If you made a backup image, you can try going back to 8.1 to see if the problem is still there. least I know what the problem is, will just wait for the technician to come and he can install everything that needs to be installed to make it work again. Not sure why the icons under "Most Used Apps" is blank is there anyway to fix that in the meantime I know it wasnt like that til the Dell tech support guy was messing around with the drivers
Do a search for -" Icon Cache - Rebuild in Windows 10 " find a place you can understand the process. If you are worried about a Beta or a GPU driver cleaner, I don't want to tell you how this needs to be done, and you wipe out the icones and hate me, so I'll let you look for a place that you feel comfortable with. Lots of people have said this didn't work. You can also try the windows reset this PC and can keep your files, it's in settings, update.
If you take diagnostic's tests at Dell site, it will tell you if Video Card is OK, then you know it's a driver issue
Yeah it said that the video card is fine, I know its a driver problem since I already had that "Display drivers stopped responding and has fixed itself" that seems to happen more and more everyday, even happened with windows 8.1 so I know its a driver problem but no one can figure out how to fix it
Go to device manager and uninstall display driver, then reboot, it some driver will be reinstalled upon reboot, maybe that will fix it
Went into device manager, went to AMD Radeon 7500 right clicked on it and I see driver and on the bottom it says uninstall, and it gives me a warning about how I am about to uninstall this device from my system and if that is OK Dell just sent me an email saying the replacement part has already been received and someone will be contacting me about coming to the house..but the part they mention is GOODYEARFBTX,MNTW,XPS,8700 That doesnt sound like a video graphics card does it?