ooh oke good to now but is there an simpler way to download them ? i don't want to copy paste them in catalog
OK, need to get the added hashes handled better ... will change the detection process . Still couldn't replicate the imagex which is shown . EDIT: should be sufficient to add another delimiter to the search loop to get the hash string handled correctly, when checking for files. Will test and upload sm*rter version tomorrow (if successful).
Found to places where the code needs to be changed slightly. #1. REM out or delete lines 882 and 883: Code: call :FolderCheck msp, %checklist% call :FolderCheck exe, %checklist% This is responsible for grabbing imagex.exe . Then downwards (line 1591 and ff) in the FolderCheck part change slightly to show this: Code: ::=============================================================================================================== ::FOLDER CHECK :FolderCheck for /r %%i in (*.%~1) do ( set /a count+=1 set "updatetemp=%%~ni" for /f "tokens=2 delims=-_" %%m in ("!updatetemp!") do echo %%m>>%~2&&echo %%m ) goto:eof That should solve most issues .
Used the script to find them in the several Update.log files i collected over the last time while testing it . Would be nice to have a complete link list for mostly needed updates of both architectures, could be used for search and offered via the tool .
No need for haste ... will start testing with older ISO. Will be sufficient to test the ProfessionalWMC creation and the integration/enable stuff .
Regarding murph list Spoiler KB2965500 already exist in new iso KB3018943 is not required, it will go away once KB3008925 is installed (flash) KB2979582, KB2990532, KB2993651, KB2977174, KB2994897, KB2996799 are not required by WU (once KB3000850 and KB3013769 installed) note: KB2990967 is not suitable for integration (included exe file must run on live system)