Generally speaking, the energy question underlies any major industry today! But this one is dangerously undermining the very basis of Human life, in a manifold of ways.... One of the major issues, then, would be swapping to sustainable, green energy sources for our machinery... Secondly, moving away from monocrop nonsense which depletes the soil's quality and quantity! Thirdly, abolishing the insecticides and other chemicals harming the pollinators and more... And so on and on, a lot of crucial issues to our survival... So, let's start somewhere...
How about free of plastic, made with known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.... I'd say this is major, when it comes to food and water, our bodily nature - so SIGN THIS, PLEASE: We’ve seen it choking life in the deepest oceans and on the highest mountains. Now, shocking studies are finding traces of plastic pollution everywhere: in the rain, our food, our drinking water, even in the human placenta! It’s poisoning us and all life on Earth. But finally we have a unique opportunity to change this. Right now, more than 100 countries are calling for a new global treaty to end plastic pollution. If all countries agree to an ambitious plan, we really have a chance of cleaning up our act. Earth needs this treaty – so let’s make sure it passes! Governments are meeting in days to decide next steps – let’s deliver a deafening call from all corners of the world to demand an end to the plastic crisis! Click to add your voice and forward to everyone you can.
Just not gonna happen if... PURE EVIL!!!!