Hello I put online a demonstration video to use wget program included included simply follow the instructions to decompress uu.rar in a folder and follow my video
In short.. Download wget from location in other post (can use any version wget for your os if you have another source) Extract wget if downloaded (most people other than *nix users) open command prompt or terminal change to directory where you extracted wget (no need to do this step if installed globally (ie location in path var)) copy paste below adding the link you want to download from above post wget --header="Cookie: veritas_main" (insert url here)
Can this latest version be used with the Linux Ext4 filesystem? The only way you could get the old 11.5 version to work was to do a complete sector by sector copy of the entire drive.
Nothing missing. Licence is never included in the original download! Most tools can be used just fine without anything, you only need licence for Console app
Symantec™ IT Management Suite 8.0 HF5 powered by Altiris™ @ 9 Jan 2017 the version is 1.use Symantec Installation Manager to get symantec_deploymentsolution_8_0_hf5_x64.msi 2.use Orca to drop CustomAction / AimRunCheckCustomAction "This MSI must be run by the installerframwork. ...." 3.use UniExtract to get files under symantec_deploymentsolution_8_0_hf5_x64\PFiles64\Altiris\Deployment\Imaging\ghost\