Symantec Ghost Solution Suite v3.x

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by lantern, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    #461 Flipp3r, Jun 29, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
    Ghost 11.xx is legacy and won't backup the modern uefi partitions. Hence once you restore - it's not bootable.
    The newer ghost 12.xx supports uefi.

    You could re-create the correct partition layout, dump your os partition, reboot back into winpe, make it bootable.
    Save the following as layout.txt:
    sel dis 0
    con gpt
    cre par efi size=100
    for quick fs=fat32 label="System"
    assign letter="S"
    cre par msr size=16
    cre par pri
    shrink minimum=650
    for quick fs=ntfs label="Windows"
    assign letter="W"
    cre par pri
    for quick fs=ntfs label="Recovery Tools"
    assign letter="R"
    set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac"
    gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001
    lis vol
    run diskpart /s layout.txt
    This will create uefi structure for disk 0. Change it if your M.2 is another drive.
    Dump OS Partition. Reboot back into winpe. (I'm assuming the partition is offline so safer to reboot).
    Make it bootable, run:
    bcdboot C:\Windows 

    I could be totally wrong and perhaps just running the bcdboot on your current dump will work...
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  2. KanataMike

    KanataMike MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2022
    Thank you.

    I found a copy of the boot images for both the 32-bit and 64-bit Ghost (just determined this was 3.3 RU8) a few pages back. I booted this image. I found that it was able to read the image that I created with GSS 2.5.1 (Ghost when I performed a check image file. That said, it failed to restore the image into the original partition with the same error.

    I ended up taking the image file to another older computer and restoring it to a GPT based hard drive with a partition of the same size using my original Ghost After that I booted the new computer, from the Ghost media and tried a partition to partition image from the externally USB attached HDD to the internal M.2 SSD partition. After that I was able to boot the system. I was worried about having to rebuild the new system and use my licenses another time (and then the Microsoft license count may run out).

    I am in the process of recreating a new image of the partition with After that, I want to test a restore. I am hoping this will work so that I have a recovery point as I test and play with things on the system.

    I will let you know how this turns out.

    I forgot to mention, the new system is an HP ZBook G8

    Thank you everyone
  3. KanataMike

    KanataMike MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2022

    I created the image as mentioned above and verified it with the check image feature.

    I started a restore from the image file to the original partition. It gets to about 62% through and then pops up a message saying

    A destination volume could not be locked as it is in use by another process. Do you wish to attempt to force a discount on the volume?

    Whether I select Yes or No (I tried it twice now), the restore aborts/ends.
  4. KanataMike

    KanataMike MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2022
    Update 2:

    I rebooted the system, on the restore, I got the same error long before the 100% mark on the restore, i.e.
    A destination volume could not be locked as it is in use by another process. Do you wish to attempt to force a discount on the volume?
    When I selected "Yes", I received an error indicating that the volume could not be dismounted. Ghost exited.

    When I rebooted the system and loaded Windows, it appears that the restore worked. I removed/uninstalled an application to test and it was back.

    It would be nice to understand the issue and resolve it. Does anyone have any thoughts on tis topic?
  5. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Are you making the backup from winpe? I've never seen that error...
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  6. audigy

    audigy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    ghost 12 from broadcom isnt backward compatible with images created with symantec ghost it will allways fail at 99%.
  7. Wonneproppen

    Wonneproppen MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2009
    i send you a pn
  8. KanataMike

    KanataMike MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2022
    I am using Win PE 64-bit (amd64), from ADK Windows 10 2004, with the Ghost64.exe (

    I created a new clean image, with the above mentioned ghost64.exe, using the -cns -z9 -split=4096 switches.

    I verified the image using the Check -> Image File option.

    Then I tested a restore to ensure that I can recover on my new HP Zbook laptop. The restore runs to about 64%. Then I receive the error prompt

    A destination volume could not be locked as it is in use by another process. Do you wish to attempt to force a discount on the volume?

    When I select "Yes", most of the time it jumps (after a pause) to complete. Sometimes it just aborts.

    The system seems to boot up afterwards. Given the error pop-up, I am concerned on whether something is not restored correctly
  9. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Have you tried using any other backup software? I like Terabyte "Image For Windows". You can run it from WinPE. All you need is imagew64.exe and IFW.INI (make it read only).
    I find Ghost 12 very slow. 11 was way faster. IFW "It really whips the llama's ass!". :)
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  10. audigy

    audigy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    use this switch ghost64.exe -ntic -ntil -split=0 -seekunsafe for broadcom ghost when restoring or creating new image
  11. vigipirate

    vigipirate MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2011
    hello Can you explain how to integrate the switch to Ghost Video would be more explicit for the debtants thank you
  12. KanataMike

    KanataMike MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2022
    Years ago I tried the Microsoft backup "built into" Windows 7 - after years of using Ghost V10.x. I had several issues with the MS backup including (my top list of complaints):

    - Only one backup image can be saved into the back up partition;
    - No compression - backup image was the size of the original partition. The Ghost compressed image was significantly smaller;
    - Was far less friendly than Ghost; and
    - With compression, Ghost was faster (assuming you have a reasonably fast processor).

    On the plus side, if you happen to use Hyper-V, the image was mountable in a Hyper-V VM. (I personally like VMware workstation) I believe Windows Explorer was able to mount it as well - like Ghost Explorer can mount a Ghost image.

    In the past, I ran ghost from a Win 98 DOS boot environment. That has worked well with (at the time) my Ghost V10.x. Yes, even with Windows 7, 8.x, and 10 (on a Dell M6800 and other computers of that vintage). When restoring, if it was onto a new computer or to a system with a replaced hard drive/SSD there were a few steps to follow to have the system booting after the initial restore (to rebuild the boot system partition using Windows commands). If these steps are desired, please let me know.

    I have switched my environment to use Win PE based on Windows 10 2004. I built this with the Windows ADK (with a script to remember how to recreate it). This gives me the boot environment with a command prompt, windows command line tools, and ghost. This has worked well until I got my new HP ZBook G8 with M.2 PCI 4 SSDs. My Ghost 10.x failed to restore. Thankfully through this forum, I was able to get Ghost 12.x (GSS 3.3 RU8 as a boot image & 3.2RU6 as installation media). This version has "saved me"

    I am a little hesitant to use back up software from unknown sources or not well known products. Therefore, I have not used anything else. It would be nice to know what is out there. That said, Ghost has been a reliable "friend".
  13. KanataMike

    KanataMike MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2022
    Thank you.

    I will have to look into and try these switches. For reference:

    -ntic = Ignore the NTFS volume CHKDSK bit

    -ntil = Ignore nonempty NTFS log file check bit

    -split=0 = I suspect this is to create one large image file. In the past, I have used -split-4096 for 4GB files

    -seekunsafe = Not sure what this one is, I did not see it when I ran Ghost -?
  14. KanataMike

    KanataMike MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2022
    I am not sure what you are looking for.

    Are you looking for information on how to start Ghost with these switches enabled?

    It has been a long while since I had and used the Ghost Boot Disk Creator. From what I remember, there was an option page to add these switches to the Ghost command when creating a boot image.

    If you do not have access to the Ghost Boot Disk Creator and only have a pre-built Ghost WinPE boot image, I suspect you could open the *.wim file and find where the ghost*.exe is launched. You could add the parameters there.

    For me, I create my own Win PE image, based on the Windows 10 2004 ADK. I add Ghost32.exe/Ghost64.exe along with gdisk*.exe into a folder and start it with a batch file (with the Start command so that I have access to the command prompt). I also have other Windows command-line tools such as diskpart available.

    let me know if this is what you were looking for.
  15. PlutoNash

    PlutoNash MDL Junior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    The Ghost flags can be added like this:
    1: Download and install (in this order - use default installation)
       Windows 10 ADK
       Windows 10 ADK PE-addon
    2: After installation, find and run "Deployment and imaging toolkit enviroment" in your start menu (run as administrator).
    3: In the new special terminal window, enter:
       For x86: copype x86 C:\MyTempFolder
       For x64: copype amd64 C:\MyTempFolder
    4: Now mount the virtual image, so you can change it:
       dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\MyTempFolder\media\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:C:\MyTempFolder\mount
       For Ghost64.exe etc., copy these files/folders to the C:\MyTempFolder\mount folder. These will appear in the X: drive when running PE.
    5: Now edit this file to suit your needs - say special command line flags for Ghost?
    6: In case you need to add storage and/or NIC drivers:
       Dism /Add-Driver /Image:"C:\MyTempFolder\mount" /Driver:"C:\SampleDriver\driver.inf"
    7: Optimize the image:
       DISM /Cleanup-Image /Image="C:\MyTempFolder\mount" /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
    8: Save all changes:
       Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:"C:\MyTempFolder\mount" /commit
    9: Create the ISO file (be sure to have the right path for your current Windows)
        MakeWinPEMedia /ISO C:\MyTempFolder C:\MyUserName\desktop\WinPE5.iso
  16. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Yeah I've been a long time user of ghost since the Norton days. I still use the v10 version for ghostcasting, it's so much quicker than v12. I just backup & restore a recovery partition so it works even for uefi.
    I can really recommend Terabyte Image for Windows. You should give it a try. It's been especially good for backing up & restoring complex partition layouts & correcting size changes when cloning.
    A simple example would be if I made an UEFI image of a HP 1TB hdd, replaced it with a 256GB SSD & restored the image. With the Terabyte saved image it would work. Ghost would probably complain & not correctly restore.
    Other packages may restore it but not be fully functional. ie, boots to the OS ok but onekey recovery fails to boot.
    Terabyte also have a Multicast server for deployment but I didn't like it much...
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  17. audigy

    audigy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    as i said i the past broadcom ghost isnt not backward compatible with images created with older version of symantec ghost for example if you created a image with version 3.2 ru6 from symantec and tried to restore it with 3.3 ru 8,9,or 10 it will fail at the end when it reaches 99%.
  18. wishbone55

    wishbone55 MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2020
    It's sound bad for me, normal when the new versions release they are always backward compatible with old version! I think try new clone software instead Norton