I should have some free time this week so I will work on a test version with the Multi OEM Project support for applying Brands from within Windows.. I will PM you both with testers..
lol. freetime? off topic.... but... it is when i sit on my butt, from 23.00-07.00, doing sweet fanny adams.. doing nightshifts.. i have to work on a crappy network, running macafee s**t, with no admin authority, of course, but i can still do things, on a pc that that is constantly using its swapfile, because the corporation is too damned mean to plug ram into it, and i even get paid for my troubles.. it pays to be in the security business.. not much different from what i do at home, without all that crappy stuff.. that is freetime.. it keeps the old brain sharp..
One cool feature I like is that if you add to the OEM's folder the app finds the new OEM's and adds to the list auto....I will not have to bug Alphawaves if we find new OEM's to add. Alphawaves is just brilliant!