Whaa? You mean to tell me this is just for Show & Tell?? Someone who can read chinese should go back to vista123.com and find the 1-click app that actually tricks Vista into letting Aero run on any machine config!! Jeez, most all of us have run and CRASHED some slow-moving video game emulator because a plugin or our HW wasn't somehow compatable. But at least we got to see it try to work. That's all I personally want for Vista Aero. . . just TRY. PS: An Aero tweaker, which would work like an emu plugin, might also be good and AVAILABLE at vista123.com. I probly could mass-translate the site myself, but I'm a lazy chit.
Thsi tweak has nothing to do with Aero. You simply change the numbers that are displayed, which does not efect the machines performance in any way. It is the same think when you put a Vista desktop background in XP. XP wont sudenly become Vista, is it ?
like some ppl said i dont see the point. it would be good if microsoft had limited the score to only 5.9 and there was a way to unlock it but cheating scores is lame
LOL...actually this is senseless....I bet these same people have a 'Yamaha' decal on their moped's and think the performace just increased 400%
Works for me 1 shot I am using Vista Ultimate 64 bit. After changing everything all I did was update my score then BAM everything show 9.9
C'mon you guys! You don't need no program to change that score. You can do it manually. Go C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\ Open the latest (by the date) WinSAT.xml in your notepad and in the first top line after <WinSPR> you will see all the values and scores that you can correct. Save the changes and your rating is updated! One thing - the score can not be higher than 9.9