Thank you, DavidXanatos. Awesome tool! I can finally replace Process Explorer which I find, for my needs, useless.
hi, would it be possible to sort the types combo box in handles tab alphabetically? Currently it is sorted by some unknown order and it is pretty hard to find something there.
another feature that could be good i think to add option to see how much handles any modules are taking like explorer have 2000 handles which modules take the most would be nice
Sort by Status should be in line with item colors Sort order: 1. Elevated 2. Service 3. System 4. Suspended 5. DotNet 6. Immersive 7. Owned 8. Custom setting
There is already a handles column you just need to enable it by right clicking on the column header and choosing it from the "Objects" sub menu.
And what do we do with: "Elevated, Cross Session, Job, Owned" "Job, Service, System" "Strongly Named, Job, Owned" "Cross Session, Strongly Named, Job, Owned" "Cross Session, Strongly Named, Immersive, Job" since we may have multiple states for one process, i really have no idea how to reasonably sort this.
Sorting by status is alphabetic. Every process has a color code related to a state. This state name should be the first in the string of states. This achieves the processes are sorted by color.