Please post here your AcrylicConfiguration.ini Open AcrylicConfiguration.ini -> ctrl+A -> ctrl+c open notepad -> ctrl+V -> save into txt file and upload here please
Router addy for this ini is Change it if your router addy is different. Hitslog and statslog is confiured. Cool info View attachment AcrylicConfiguration.txt
Well, i almost screamed with joy, but without installing the service, AcrylicConsole only shows "Starting resolver..." after it loads the config. I can also still visit blocked domains/websites, nothing shows up in console =/
Wasn't there an article about how Windows pretends to throw up errors about being blocked by the hosts file?
Spoiler Wow, your bringing back memories as to why I stopped using Acrylic several years ago. I was running an SBS server on my network for a few years and it wouldn't play nice with Acrylic and so I chucked Acrylic and kept the server! I'm no longer running the SBS, but I'm getting ready to set up a web development server and I don't want to run into the same problem as before. Any advice for how to setup Acrylic DNS proxy to make it "return the equivalent of NXDOMAIN" or is that a question better directed to the Acrylic developer? Thanks!
Can someone write a tutorial to Windows 7? Since other OS's started receiving updates with telemetry, W10 preparation, etc, W7 users must know what is going on, we must know what is phoning home, what data is sending, etc. Please, don't abandon W7 users, we need to protect with fresh installs and do the right thing from scratch avoiding this mass "spy". Thanks all
This approach is WinALL. You follow the same steps XP, W7, W8 and W10! Give it a shot and holler if you get stuck!
@Aly Thanks heaps for continuing to help people who are struggling to make this work!!!! It's a bit hard for me to be a huge help because I follow the cookbook steps I provide in the OP and Acrylic just works! Plus, I'm not part of the "IT Crowd" so I have to be careful in my advice and NOT send people chasing the wrong solution to whatever the problem is. I'll add a section to the OP called "Troubleshooting" and start loading in problems encountered and solutions applied. You make MDL a way better place to hang out To you, if you still need help, and to all who are interested... The OP is updated with instructions for making the 3rd-party GUI work with the installed Acrylic Service: See: "Acrylic DNS Proxy Monitor a GUI for the installed service"
I found a solution for my problem. I am using a DSL modem, no router and I have flexible IP's, so I just used the IP of my normal DNS server instead of my non existing router in the AcrylicConfiguration.ini and changed manually the DNS address to in my PPPOE adapter settings. Works like a charm!
Yee-haw! Thanks for sharing. I'll add your post as a quote to the main thread and hopefully this helps someone else!