Well to do a simple test I activated with 1.3, changed the date forward in bios, 12 months, rebooted again, yes it was red lining, ran 1.3 again and voila..activated. The issue in a few months will be OGA, and off course SP1, not the time bomb.
yea, it's easy to move time now and reactivate now... who knows what happen then )) mb skuid will not be valid somehow that time. if guys could activate with 1.2 or 1.053 and now it dosnt work then it can happen with 1.3 and 1.054 late. i meant just that
I think this is quite an old thread and my preferred method is the EZ activator for Office. Unfortunately my post count does not permit me to add links yet. You can find it here in Forum>Computing Life>MDL Projects and Applications. It's stickied as Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply. I want tuvi's hack because I'd like to try the instructions in forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/20460-Office-2010-Visio-Premium-2010 You see, I've Office 2010 Pro Plus with MAK key (permanently activated), and I'd like to try enable Visio 2010 without messing my Office installation. Do you have any experience on this? Or, how can one use the EZ-Activator to activate only Visio 2010 (leaving Office installation intact)? PS. I've found tuvi's hack in the torrent posted in page 2 of this thread.
tuvi's hack is totally outdated now, also there are tools on forum to backup your office activation and at the end of the day how long does it take to uninstall and reinstall office. As for a download from torrent site there are tools available on MDL that are verified to work plus you also get support if you run into a problem.
Thanks a lot for the replies. I tried Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator (simply pressed the"EZ-Activator" button in the Main tab) and it worked like a charm!!