Firefox. All browsers start and work almost the same for me but FF is by far the most user-friendly and functional, for me. Chrome is poor and deficient in options/functions/support, IE lacks many goodies from FF's extensions I got used with, Opera is traditionally not "my browser" for may other reasons.
Totally agree with you... Opera the BEST LOL Sorry, but I hate Chrome, but I'll add it to list anyways.
Although I have switched to Chrome since I shifted to Windows 7 (from Feb 2010), lately I have been finding that chrome is having some problems with pdf opening and downloading. Also, in many cases, downloads show as complete before they actually are (example, when I start download, it is a 50 MB file). Chrome completes it at say 25 MB. Cannot do anything about it except do it again. For many downloads, I now rely on IE 8 as that at least shows a download screen and is still reliable in completing the download.
Yes it's true...downloading in chrome is not recommended..use Internet download manager for download purposes and for web purposes use and furious
I had some months back increased Chrome usage and cut down on Firefox. However, lately I have seen Chrome loading slow or not downloading completely or some other stuff. In comparison, perhaps Firefox 4 beta esp. 3 and 4 has gotten much better (and perhaps back to its old self) and the only thing that is perhaps preventing an increased usage of Firefox for me is still the lack of addons (tabs, etc) for Firefox 4.