You fail at the internet. Accept it or not it changed nothing. The solution you seek can be found here
UAC requests permission from from you, the Admin, to allow a program to install Malwarebytes relies on definitions to know if a program is malicious or not, if the definition is not there, it won't detect it as malware - use them both
ReHIPS There is a f***ing neat, beautiful, powerful and lots of <ful solution called ReHIPS. It's on the verge to become non plus ultra security soft which utilizes Windows built-in security mechanisms (Windows Security Subsystem) With this you can be a happy clicker an be safe same time. I think in due time it will surpass Sandboxie as well. System Administrator Setup and Operations Guide for ReHIPS 1.2.0 Host-based Intrusion Prevention System (pdf)
Every site gets advertising served from ad servers. Easy to hack. Potentially every site you visit puts you at risk.
Thanks for the replies! Fact is, I don't have and/or run: any Antivirus Apps neither Malewarebytes (exploit) UAC turned off Defender turned off I run: once a week Virus online scan fully all drives blocked MS Sites and others via Host file blocked some websites with Firewall I added now Baidu and Tencent for both incoming and outgoing traffic to the Firewall! The fact is, this was the first time I got some attack in Windows 10. While doing the weekly Virus Scan , I got a total of 5 infected files in near 2 years, which isn't bad at all! I simply take care about that the system is running well and keep a close eye on running services, apps etc. using a Taskmanager, I use the Windows internal one and Whatsrunning! Any suspicious found, I end those service and also delete that content, include all related entries in the Registry, use the same way as explained in the OP!! In my office, I had not any problems for years, a result of using Smoothwall Express for a long time! That said, I'm not paranoid about Virus etc, just keep an eye on my system and take action if something goes on! It's true that nobody could avoid everything, special if surfing on the Internet! In today's computer use, to be connected to the Internet, is simply mandatory! One more thing: I didn't asked for help at all, include advice of How Too......! If I seek help or advice, I'll clearly ask specific for that!! My intention to post was just for information! Thanks.
So OP creates a thread, saying "Dodgy websites are dangerous and likely to infect your machine, if you visit them with absolutely no protection enabled on your machine at all" Yep, no sh1t Sherlock, the dumbest human award goes to OP, never heard such stupidity Hey OP, did you also know it is dangerous to wear a blindfold and run across a busy motorway at rush hour? Did you know it is dangerous to pour petrol all over your body and dance around a bonfire?
The stupidity is simply found in your post! I tend to say as always in your answers to my post's! Without to know, what security I use on my LAN, which differs a lot from the computers, you're in no position to tell anything about it and it's security, and such answer, as of your post, is based on no any knowledge, some people would say: That's stupid! Please refrain for further answers to any of my Post's/Topic's! Thanks.
Your same coward answer as always, you post a really stupid thread this time, you cant stand the heat (or truth) from other users, then ask them "politetely" to stop posting in your thread, you really are an attention whre..
Before everyone gets their shorts in a tangle, this post is a sticky here... Baidu, Chinese, LOL
And if you're a wannabe rapper and some "chick" is twerking all up against you in a club, Don't go in the restroom to get oral sex or You'll end up on Jerry Springer and hear the words, "I was born a Dude"
I do not understand this, do you not think MDL has not vetted this to make sure it's safe, are you saying we should throw all of China under the bus.
It's pisthai isn't it! As we know he'll argue that black is white and always has to have the last word. Remember his "svf does not create a hash matching ISO" nonsense, then when he was taken to task by several members completely changed tact with some guff about laws in his country, when in fact no one had mentioned that. Most are used to pisthai now. It's pisthai, best accepted as such... Why is this guff about Chinese sites posted in W10 section anyway?