The history of drugs trade, who runs it and who profits?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by gorski, May 19, 2021.

  1. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Gorski ........... could it be your an alcohol and / or tobaco addict ? ............ Do you take / abuse yourself with those hard drugs ? .............. How much ? ............ How often ?

    I pity anyone who hasnt had LSD , MDMA and cannabis . I cant understand or acept the thought that ignorant people can throw their lives away because their heratege and rights have been stolen and they have been lied to .

    People have a right to free their minds . A right to heal themselves . A right to grow up . A right to become adult . A right to make their own decisions .
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #22 Mr.X, May 25, 2022
    Last edited: May 25, 2022
    These are precisely going to vanish sooner or later from globalists' ideologies in this New World Government elitists are imposing on us. They want to end nation-states own sovereignty and impose treaties such as a Global Pandemics Treaty.
    I can assure you the TWO worst by far are benzodiazepines and SSRIs and antipsychotics and other psychiatric excrement they sell for medicine.
  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    I had a professor, when I was doing my MA in Politics, who was teaching the history and theory of policing etc. - he kept telling us how he was doing heroin "recreationally", only on weekends and how there was no harm to it, that it's a matter of personal freedom only and no harm done, he was decontextualising everything else about it, trying to sell it as if he and his academic pals sharing this "habit" were the paradigm - and couldn't/wouldn't possibly see how uncomfortable we were around him, his hands shaking, his obvious addiction showing in every way, from the way he looked, to how he held himself, barely managing to keep his attention on the subject, constantly trying to draw this subject into almost anything and everything, as if this is the paradigm for policing and public health policy etc. etc.

    Not even gong into crack and other addicts with no control over any of their lives, while hooked... anything for a "fix"... and I mean just about anything...

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  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    You claim

    He claims

    But ---- > ' Not even gong into crack and other addicts with no control over any of their lives, while hooked... anything for a "fix"... and I mean just about anything... '

    Shows that 1 - You havent got the slightest clue about what your talking about ....... and 2 ............. what you wrote is typical of denyal from people that abuse the two hardest drugs = Tobaco and alcohol .

    In germany we have proof . Since heroin is freely available on prescription the ' drug problem ' has gone away . It doesnt exist anymore . And the only real problem before were the laws themselves . The biggest danger and damage came from them and the government .

    Those laws provided trillions of $$$$ for illigitimate goverments .......... like the usa ............ that were used against us in black ops ............ the laws provided trillions for terrorists ............ and trillians for arms dealers ........... and trillions for international mafias .......... costed our insurance and health system trillions ............ and were the cause of millions of deaths .
  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #25 case-sensitive, May 26, 2022
    Last edited: May 26, 2022
  6. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  7. mlvltd01

    mlvltd01 MDL Novice

    Feb 12, 2023
    I believe Portugal and Czech(?) already have like a policy for hard drugs. And so far the consequences are that addiction rate didn't change, but criminality did, so looking positive imo.

    OT: Basically everybody from bottom to top profits from drug trade, traffic, ... Direct or indirect.
    War on drugs...

    Name one product that still has the same price like 50 years ago....
    Cocaine does. Must be that the people at the top have a piece of the pie as well.
  8. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    the war on drugs what a was the CIA who introduced all the drugs now being pursued.....hypocrisy at its finest....the war on drugs is a money machine for the US:rolleyes:
  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Germany is still trying to decriminalise cannabis ......... but at the moment political oposers are blocking it with claims that cannabis causes brain damage in children and is a danger to developing minds ( Up to 25 years old !?!? )

    @ Sharlatans ..........cannabis is a danger to children / it causes brain damage.

    That is a statement based on ........... missused general theory . Where is the proof ?

    When did someone kill 200 children , cut their brains out , examine them , put them back in the kids , bring the kids back to life , give 100 of them cannabis over doses , then kill them again , then cut their brains out again , then examine the brains and compare the results ?


    Shakeing your head can cause brain damage !?!?!?

    How many kids fall of their bycycles / horses and damage themselves every year ? ...... Should we ban and punish horse riding ? Bycycle riding / manufacture ?

    How many people get brain damage / damage from sport every year ? ............. rugby , boxing , judo , karate , football ......... and and and ? ...... Should we ban sport ?

    How many people die / get injured in car acidents each year ? .......... should we ban cars ?

    How much / what damage do alcohol and tobaco cause in children , pregnant women and unborn babys ? ............ should we ban alcohol and tobaco NOW and punish the manufacturers and dealers ?
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    There is some proof that the psychoactive substance in Cannabis can have psychotic effects in some people and the experience can have lasting damage, esp. with younger people, yes...

    Dig a little! in cannabis psychotic episodes&t=brave&ia=web

    So, the point is to KNOW these things beforehand and prepare oneself, to go slow and easy, not take a whole "cookie", for instance, esp. if you're a rookie...

    Also, to do it with good friends, who would take care of you if you're one of those people who would have too much of a *bad trip*...

    Apparently vaping can give one more control over how much THC one inhales how fast, in order to pace oneself...

    It's all in learning, knowing things and being aware of the possibilities, not about "just being free to..."

    And stop the BS with alcohol & tobacco - one bad thing doesn't justify the other, FFS!!!
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  11. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    OMG !!! :)

    Did you read that ? ...... Read the first link ---- >

    That link is bollocks ......... its presented in a pseudoscientific way ......... but some things are twisted ......... and some is apples and pares .......... and some exagerated ......... and AGAIN ........ some are theoretical . A person who hasnt studyed the subect could / would / might have GREAT difficulty putting the information and claims in perspective .

    People with PRE EXISTING problems can have difficultys ...... with LOTS of substances ....... and behaviour ......... and news reports ........ and negative propoganda . Some people are preconditioned .......... have been trained that ............ DRUGS ARE BAD !!!!!! ......... JESUS WONT LOVE YOU !!!!!! ......... You are EVIL !!!!!!! ........ and get so frightened and paranoid that they have problems .

    Another thing is that it seems that people with personality defects / problems might be drawn to drugs .

    Part of perspective would be ........ to tell us how many theoretiocal cases of theoretical cannabis brain damage are there each year ?

    Another thing is ........ to check the claims ......... where i am theres a doctor who says cannabis causes brain damage . There was a documentry about it / him . They presented a young man that talked about his ' problems ' . What he said was clear ......... some of it in words that came from him ........ mixed with ' scientific ' statements , claims and explanations that were way above his head ......... that he had learnt from / trained by doctors and his parents .
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You don't understand anything if you don't see all the rest of it, just focus on something you disagree with...
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  13. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Interesting drug call dmt
    I watch some video claim that
    Government do experience on people using this drug
    And it may / may not connecting you to
    High realm with angles & deamons
    If this true, and the government do test it on people
    Should we all try it ?
    Maybe it do connect us to higher realms?
    Interesting topic

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  14. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
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  15. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013

    I cant see that . It wants me to strip off and dance naked .

    @ Drugs ; ' esoterics ' and god nazis .

    We should be very very carefull with esoteric / god maniacs . For instance DMT is a very strong halucinogen . Halucinations are not real . There is no evidence for god with or without drugs .

    The whole theme gets abused by very very evil people with their god ............ people who want to make us slaves , give us orders , push us around , make us praise / worship them .

    Look at ALL the ' religeous ' countrys in the world ....... and ALL of them are absolutely EVIL . Absolutely godless scum .

    DMT is a drug most people dont do more than one or two times ...... and theres no market for it ........ because its so overwhelming .

    BUT ......... ALL drugs should be decriminalised . It has nothing to do with anyone else what other people do .

    I like takeing drugs , i do it every day , and have done it every day for over 50 years .
  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Still didnt see that video .

    Didnt want to shoot anyone down ......... just wanted to make a clear difference between serious discussion and esoteric claims .

    Looking at history and religeon it seems clear to me that religeon / god claims come from ignorance , greed and paranoia ............ coupled with drug experience . Basicly .......... cave men didnt understand drugs / science and atributed their halucinations to a ' god ' .

    Example......... in palastine .......... the semits .......... moses .......... and claims that he had personal and direct contact to god ......... who spoke to him through a burning bush ;) ............ which told him to build a tent with 6 ( ? ) layers of cloth .......... with a fire in it . ;)

    In palastine there are different species of acacia trees that contain DMT ......... wich can be activated / imbibed by inhaleing smoke from it ........... and a tent with 6 layers of cloth ........ and a fire in it ........ is a shamanic swet hut ........... for ritual raucherung / smoke cleaning ceremonys ;)

    Knowledge that has even got as far as popular culture ---- > Holy smoke bat man !!!
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, not all drugs should be decriminalised! Not all drugs have been created equal and "benevolent"...

    Even the "lighter" ones sometimes have nasty effects on some people...

    You really should check your elementary facts before posting!

    But you being on drugs while posting... Duuuhhh...
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  18. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Do you have evidence for using drugs
    Since I read the bible a few times
    it's not written in the bible ...
    You don't have evidence that he used drugs :p

    if he sees god or not.
    I don't know ... I don't care.
    but proof that Moses does drugs.
    I don't have any .. neither you

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  19. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #39 Dark Dinosaur, Jun 7, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    Just read some articles about our government priority
    They will prefer to give you heroin style drugs like fanta etc ...
    And not canabis even that it less addicted
    The pharmacy corporates .. want money ..
    They will sell you genuine heroin for medical treatment
    And you end up like junkies from the street
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  20. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    And other Players let's call them drug dealer etc etc
    Since they not legal by the government
    Any way .. people that addicted to fanta ( thanks to government)
    Will go to the black market to get some .. :confused::confused::confused:
    Because they are legal junkies (by government.. )
    Thank you government.. :doh:
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