Saw this post and looked through the referenced threads. Great stuff!! I understand its basically cramming the patched WMC install into the WHS install DVD. I was wondering since the work has already been done and I don't have the needed apps right now to manipulate the windows install media,, would there be an already patched iso available?? I recently stood up whs 2011 finally updating my old whs v1 box to a more powerful machine and would love to have whs and wmc consolidated on the one box. Please let me know. Thanks
Sooner or later someone will do, I think. I didn't post firstly because it's against the rules, secondly because i did it on a localized version, so it would be of limited interest.
I haven't read through the entire 180+ pages of the thread yet but I do see the WMC v8 fileset. Was wondering if you might know if there was a way to install WMC on WHS2011 after WHS2011 is already installed and running?
Frankly I tried once on an SSE2008r2 machine and it din't work (the cabs installed with no errors, but then the ehome directory was not there. Not sure if was a problem of that machine or if just doesn't work. Clearly that should be possible adapting the installer made for W10 (there DISM can't be used because there aren't signed packages for win 10) you should ask Abbodi for that, given it isn't my area, and would be too time consuming for me. Anyway installing the MCE packages with dism surely doesn't hurt, in the worst scenario your server will work just like before, w/o any WMC working.
so I'm trying to get it to install from the package they have put together on whs 2011. not working. stepping thru the install scripts i've gotten the files installed and reg entries etc, i think, still verifing where the install is breaking down. Getting an ehshell.exe not a valid win32 prog error when trying to run it but it appears to be registered. Am curious what version of WMC you successfully implemented on whs 2011? I am trying the x64 v8 that they put up which is at version 6.3.9600.16384 but I checked my win 7 machine its running at 6.1.760.16385. wondering if there's a version issue/limitation for running on whs2011?
Before mess with regs and assembly installation try with the "proper way", download the Abbodi package extractor from message #45 to get the two WMC cabs. Then install them with dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\ do it for each of the two cabs. Then, if it works, replace the four files patched files.
Thanks T-S for the details on extracting/injecting the files. Worked like a charm. Got my install disk iso burnt and installed it. Wasn't quite sure how to put the patched files in prior to install so I did it afterwards. Small bump there was that the installed ehome files were owned by trustedinstaller so had to mess with ownership and permissions before I could update the files. WMC started up just fine. Running MS updates now now WHS. Just hoping there aren't any wmc updates that might overwrite the patches. Thanks again for the help and detailed steps. This is awesome! Did you happen to try connecting an extender to this instance of WMC? Planning on using xbox 360s to connect. Will be testing them in the next couple days.
I was able to get it installed on Server 2012. A few problems. I cannot seem to get msmpeg2 installed with that tool it keeps erroring out. Also, when I go to Live TV, it tells me it cannot find my HD Homerun. Does this work with DRM (protected) channels?
I think that isn't mandatory for WMC. Anyway sometimes the MSC returns errors because the file is already present or because the wrong version. Check if it's already there, and eventually install it manually taking it from a win 8.1 iso/installation I have zero experience ton those odd cablecard tuners, they are US only things, but according to the WMC thread they are problematic but usable, at least for unprotected contents. Please look at the WMC on W10 thread given the problems are likely the same See the above reply. For the record I think that the situation should be different on WHS-2011 given there the WMC is installed in the "official" way. That said I have still no experience with CC on it, nor reports of successes/failures.
Okay so mixed results so far... I did an "online" install of the packages on my current WHS-2011 server and that went fine (I also included Hyper-V packages from Server 2008r2) I also copied over the modified files after fixing the TrustedInstaller ownership issues. Media Center launched fine. Now I have a few problems moving forward. My server is older and only has a VGA video card so it won't pass the DCA requirement, but I didn't think that would be a big deal because I connect via extenders so I can use the DCA Bypass tool but it won't even let me attempt to setup live TV over remote desktop as it thinks it is an extender session, and even if I get past that I'm not sure I'll be able to do anything with it since I can't get any extenders to connect either. Upon trying to add the extender I get the following error in Event Viewer: Media Center Extender Setup cannot create an account for the Extender with ID: uuid:10000000-0000-0000-0200-7CED8D5CB013. Error: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer. I'm assuming that might be an easy fix and all I need to do is add something to some other group, but I'm not sure what the "something" is or what other group it needs to be added. Anyway, I think I'm done testing for the night, but I'll poke around more tomorrow.
No matter what I tried to do it could not detect my HD Homerun. The only real reason to use it in server is for live tv and for extenders. So, I think I am SOL.
Did you try to launch WMC as administrator and to put temporarily the network service in the administrator group?
Not yet, but I'll give it a try later today. Edit: Tried it. No joy. I also dug out one of my old Ceton Echos to try too and the same result. I've noticed that once the MCX-xxxx user accounts are created on my functioning WMC systems they are added to the "Performance Monitor Users" group if that makes any sense.
My testing has come to a halt because of the same issues seen above and time constraints. But, I won't give up that easily. Parsing the win 10 thread is a monumental task as it is over 200 pages now so it may take time to find answers if they are in that thread. I installed as previously mentioned injecting the files into the whs2011 wim and fresh installed whs2011, WMC runs and thats about as far as I could get. Attempting to run DCA(digital cable advisor), it seemed to install ok from the extras gallery, but when trying to run it I get an error, Invalid Application, Unable to Launch "Digital Cable Advisor". I found the override for DCA and implemented that now at least when I run DCA it says my system has passed but if I continue to try and run the system tests of DCA it give the same invalid application error. So although the passed setting is forced into place the DCA app still has issues. I also have an HDHomerun Prime network connected tuner. I installed the HDHR software and configured it and I can see the live TV from the network tuner on my WHS using the HDHR provided VIEW program. I also see the tuner in the windows explorer, selecting Network under the Media Devices section. I also double checked the network discovery setting to ensure it was enabled which is why I can see the device in the media devices under network in windows explorer. So, I feel confident the tuner is installed correctly as it will play live TV with the provided player. When I attempt to setup TV in WMC (settings > TV > setup TV signal) I get,,, The TV signal could not be configured because a TV tuner was not detected,, etc. Searching around a bit I found a command line command to discover tuners,, c:\windows\ehome\ehprivjob.exe /OCURDiscovery, but that runs and returns to command like with no output at all. <banging head on desk> That is as far as I have gotten. Was going to look further into it tonight. Let me know if you guys have any ideas on how to fix these issues. Thanks.