Russian sites call HIV a myth, Western conspiracy—an epidemic is now exploding Apple's had a shockingly bad week of software problems The Surgeon Who Wants to Connect You to the Internet with a Brain Implant Secret Link Uncovered Between Pure Math and Physics
SF Gate: Here are the most stunning images NASA has ever taken of our planet.
Brain Pickings: Code Girls: The Untold Story of the Women Cryptographers Who Fought WWII at the Intersection of Language and Mathematics. MacRumors: Apple's Alleged Throttling of Older iPhones With Degraded Batteries Causes Controversy. The Verge: Congress took $101 million in donations from the ISP industry — here’s how much your lawmaker got.
BGR: There may be a volcano forming under New England, scientists warn. The Verge: We have abandoned every principle of the free and open internet. How the baby boomers — not millennials — screwed America. Not really science or tech news but a nice article!
Bruce Gibney is a winy cry-baby. It wasn't the baby boom generation that was responsible for that great bank rip-off in 2009, which was what actually led to where we are today. It was the Clinton administration that sold out the American people to China for cheap products made over there. It was the Baby Boom generation that made it possible to clean this country up, and attempted to have responsibility for wasteful govt spending (that did not work) If he wants to point fingers, maybe it should be at that X generation of the 70's thru 90's
A new polymer could make phone screen repairs a thing of the past Dec 18, 2017 Researchers in Tokyo have discovered a new polymer that may actually heal itself, enabling production of self-healing phone screens. The study was published in Science by a team of researchers led by Professor Takuzo Aida from the University of Tokyo. Titled "Mechanically robust, readily repairable polymers via tailored noncovalent cross-linking," the research promises a unique hard glass-like polymer called "polyether-thioureas" that can heal itself with only hand pressure. This makes it different than other materials that need high heat to heal up from a break. According to The Guardian, the special glass polymer was discovered by mistake by a graduate student, Yu Yanagisawa, who thought the material would become a type of glue. He found that cut edges of the polymer would stick to each other, and formed a strong sheet after being compressed by hand at 21 degrees Celsius. New breakthroughs like this may make broken screens and costly repairs a thing of the past.
Android Headlines: Loapi Android Malware Physically Destroys A Test Device. The Verge: The GPD Win is a miraculous gaming laptop that fits in your pocket.