Unfortunately this is the world we live in, damn greed !!
Even the brave Gauls get a terrible shock, because the only thing that scares them is that the sky falls on their head. For alternative angles you have to have a clear view. "Scientists have created something of a reverse solar cell: a tool that generates electricity from the darkness of night. As energy, and how humans produce it, continues to be an important modern conversation, a team of researchers have branched way out, trying to harness energy from whatever sources they could. They were able to generate enough electricity to power an LED using $44 in equipment, thanks to something called radiative cooling. “The amount of power coming in from the Sun has to be approximately equal to the amount going out from the Earth as thermal radiation, in order to keep the Earth at a roughly constant temperature,” study author Shanhui Fan, Stanford electrical engineering professor, told Gizmodo. “The amount of power available for harvesting is very large.” Solar panels commonly generate electricity from the Sun through a physical process called the photovoltaic effect (light exposure on certain materials generates an electric current), but others work through thermal processes — the Sun is hotter and Earth is cooler, and the difference in temperature can be converted into usable energy. The researchers devised a system based on the alternative process, in which Earth is the source of heat. The system is made from a 20-centimetre aluminium disk painted black and hooked up to commercial thermoelectricity generators. These disks are radiation emitters, and are typically several degrees cooler than the ambient air. Heat flows from Earth and into the air, and then from the air through the thermoelectricity generators and into the disk, which then radiates the heat upwards. The test in California was able to generate 25 milliwatts per square metre of the disk, enough to power one small LED. During the daytime, the device could act in reverse, absorbing sunlight and producing electricity from a heat travelling from the Sun to the disk and into the outside environment. This is just a proof of concept. With more insulation and in more optimal conditions, like a drier climate, the researchers think they’d be able to bring this up to 0.5 watts per square metre of disk. With larger disks, they might be able to light a home continuously. This is isn’t really comparable to solar energy, which can generate maybe 100 times more power than this device operating at its limit, according to study author Aaswath Raman, an assistant professor of materials science and engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. But it’s cheap, and would be able to operate for longer than a battery could. And of course, it provides a way to generate electricity at a time that solar panels can’t." Onwards and upwards, eh? One can't stop science... "Welcome indoors, solar cells Swedish and Chinese scientists have developed organic solar cells optimised to convert ambient indoor light to electricity. The power they produce is low, but is probably enough to feed the millions of products that the internet of things will bring online. For more information see the IDTechEx report on Energy Harvesting Microwatt to Megawatt 2019-2029. As the internet of things expands, it is expected that we will need to have millions of products online, both in public spaces and in homes. Many of these will be the multitude of sensors to detect and measure moisture, particle concentrations, temperature and other parameters. For this reason, the demand for small and cheap sources of renewable energy is increasing rapidly, in order to reduce the need for frequent and expensive battery replacements. This is where organic solar cells come in. Not only are they flexible, cheap to manufacture and suitable for manufacture as large surfaces in a printing press, they have one further advantage: the light-absorbing layer consists of a mixture of donor and acceptor materials, which gives considerable flexibility in tuning the solar cells such that they are optimised for different spectra - for light of different wavelengths."
No stopping it!!! "Off Grid Energy Independence £12.8M in EU funding for wave power project #energyharvesting #renewables £12.8M in EU funding for wave power project | Off Grid Energy Independence More than £12m of EU funds will be invested in the next stage of a major initiative to generate clean energy from ocean waves."
Just have a look at all these pieces... Hit HOME button if they ask you to register...
A BBC's Horizon show similarly named "Assault on the Male" is now retold,. as BBC have REMOVED(!?!?!?!?) their show from their servers: A MUST SEE! "Fu**ed by petrochemicals..." Not just us - life as such is KO'ed by 'em! We better start moving fast... P.S. Frankenstein industry!
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders "Don't believe those who tell you that sustainable energy is not a viable alternative to our fossil fuel dependency. The cost of sustainable technologies like wind, solar and storage are cheaper than new natural gas plants. We cannot let the rest of the world pass us by. We have to be an international leader and invest in groundbreaking technology like this, not in fossil fuel companies." "RMI’s “Breakthrough Batteries” report anticipates “self-reinforcing feedback loops” between public policy, manufacturing, research and development, and economies of scale. Those loops will drive battery performance higher while pushing costs as low as $87/kWh by 2025. (Bloomberg put the current cost at $187/kwh earlier this year.) “These changes are already contributing to cancellations of planned natural-gas power generation,” states the report. “The need for these new natural-gas plants can be offset through clean-energy portfolios (CEPs) of energy storage, efficiency, renewable energy, and demand response.” New natural-gas plants risk becoming stranded assets (unable to compete with renewables+storage before they’ve paid off their capital cost), while existing natural-gas plants cease to be competitive as soon as 2021, RMI predicts. RMI analysts expect lithium-ion to remain the dominant battery technology through 2023, steadily improving in performance, but then they anticipate a suite of advanced battery technologies coming online to cater to specific uses: Heavier transport will use solid-state batteries such as rechargeable zinc alkaline, Li-metal, and Li- sulfur. The electric grid will adopt low-cost and long-duration batteries such as zinc-based, flow, and high-temperature batteries. And when EVs become ubiquitous—raising the demand for fast charging—high-power batteries will proliferate. Many of these alternative battery technologies will leap from the lab to the marketplace by 2030, the report predicts."
Not very many peeps drive cars in the U.S. today. In fact only one of the "Big 3" auto manufacture's still make cars. Their profits are in trucks and SUV's (excluding Ford's Mustang) We wanna go, and go now, and we don't want to wait on some stink'in electric charger to get us there.
If only you have heard of electricity in your own home. Guess what: it makes it possible never to visit a petrol pump again, for any city run/commute... But hey, why don't you invent hot water all over again...
yup... great idea. Have us all become dependent on just one energy source, so when the day arrives that the mega giant electric corporation decides to screw us with outrageous charges.... we won't be able to do a damn thing about it. Today we have choices and without a choice we will be screwed. Intel and AMD is a very good example for the need for competition we need to keep corporations pricing in check. Of course today electric for your car is nearly if not totally free. Dope dealers use the same motive to get you onto drugs also. All of your posts to "save the planet" lead to just one thing.... only one source of energy dependency. And that would not be good for anybody except the governments and electric utility corps. Lets take "saving the planet" more seriously and move into thatch huts or caves, stop using any type of energy altogether and the earth will become clean again. In order to create the devices and machinery to have "clean energy" it takes machinery that requires fossil fuels to do that, and to maintain and keep them running
halfway before having to recharge again. I did London to Liverpool and back on a single (60L)tank of unleaded. Try that in an EV.
Perhaps we should compare like for like, whatdyafink? Btw, 355 km is not a problem for electric vehicles. I presume you did not go there to see somebody for 5 minutes. In that case it is not a great big problem to recharge a bit (say 1/2 hour) and get back to London easily. FYI: 'renewables' is a common noun but it does NOT mean a single source, FFS... (This is like talking to children, FCOL...) And here: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Murray coal company is going out of business in part because the cost of sustainable energies like wind and solar have been plummeting. That’s great news for the climate. But, coal miners are not our enemy. The 7,000 Murray employees impacted by this announcement need a Green New Deal that invests in a just transition for all workers and communities. We need to protect workers’ pensions, health care, and incomes. We stand with you and we will protect you as we make this fundamental transition in energy in America. That's strategic thinking, something loads of you have no clue about.... Or this one: Jay Inslee The science has been abundantly clear. We must stop bankrolling dirty energy. A new report published this week shows that 33 global banks provided $1.9 trillion to fossil fuel companies since the adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement at the end of 2015 and that the amount of...
only once in my life i ran out of fossil fuel, and that was caused by a faulty fuel tank sender. it is a long, long walk to that wall socket, and i just hate to might as well use public transport, instead of cars with electrickery.
I was doing a delivery, get there and back as quick as bloody possible. I had already hit bad traffic getting there and my eyes were already hanging out of my head like a grannys knockers, i was shagged out by the time i hit Birmingham and still had 2 hours to go. To make matters worse i didnt even have time to see The Liver Birds.
Well, these cars will come with self-driving capability, so you would be in luck... soon... If you were that tired, then a 1/2 hr power-nap would have been recommended (while recharging)... Noddy, before you start a journey E-vehicle tells you how far you can go, where and when to recharge etc. Get on with the times...
@gorski, i do not need you to tell me how to do a job i did for many years when there were no electric vehicles about, except for milk floats. A job i no longer do and is much different now to what it was back then. Go tell someone elses granny how to suck eggs.