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Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by kldpdas, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    hmm maybe I need to buy a wagon in place of these others...:rolleyes::g:
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, Mr Otter, after this post - it seems I do! Go suck on the facts I just put before you. If you have nothing better to add to the discussion, then better stay silent, you'll at least seem clever...
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  3. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  4. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    #864 Tiger-1, Dec 4, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
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    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    AMD Navi 21 rumors

    Based on PTT forum leak, we know:
    • Real high-end solution (Navi generation)
    • 7 nm+ (EUV) by TSMC
    • ~505mm² chip size (needs to be confirmed) based on the chip size you can see it's a "big boy" (high-end chip), navi 10 has 258mm².
    • RDNA2-architecture (needs to be confirmed)
    • Hardware-RayTracing (needs to be confirmed)
    • GDDR6-Memory
    • Tape-Out (according to the Chinese forum was already back 2 Months ago or near October/Nov).
    • Because of Tape-Out date the release for Summer 2020 seems logical.
  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    This is very interesting (when is Andalusia going to do this, on an even larger scale?):


    Iberdrola Finalizes Construction of the Largest Photovoltaic Plant in Europe
    Tuesday, 31 December 2019
    Europe's biggest photovoltaic plant has been completed by Iberdrola in just one year. The Núñez de Balboa project, which recently obtained its commissioning permit from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and for Red Eléctrica de España, has started energization tests. Based on these processes, the plant is forecast to start operations in the first quarter of 2020.

    With the completion of Núñez de Balboa, with an installed capacity of 500 MW and an investment of nearly 300 million euros, Iberdrola moves forward in its plan to relaunch green energy in Spain, which envisages the installation of 3,000 MW by 2022, with Extremadura at the center of its strategy.

    Núñez de Balboa extends over an area of some 1,000 hectares (2,470 acres) straddling the municipalities of Usagre, Hinojosa del Valle and Bienvenida in the province of Badajoz. The plant, promoted in collaboration with Ecoenergías del Guadiana, is a flagship renewable project that has broken records:

    • Millions of components: with the installation of 1,430,000 solar panels,115 inverters and two substations involving delivery of a total of 3,200 containers.
    • Job creation: it requires more than 1,200 employees during peak-work periods; 70% of them from Extremadura.
    • Revitalizing the industrial fabric: its construction has contributed to the development of the value chain, with purchases from some thirty suppliers, many of them local, worth 227 million euros.
    • Protection against climate change: the plant will generate clean energy to supply the needs of 250,000 people a year - equivalent to the populations of Cáceres and Badajoz combined - and will avoid the emission of 215,000 metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.
    • Project funded by green financing: for its development, Iberdrola received green financing from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), Spain's state financial agency.
    • Promoting sustainable consumption: A pioneer in Spain, with long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in place, the project will supply clean energy to major clients committed to sustainable consumption.
    • Education and training on renewables: Iberdrola and the Municipalities of Usagre and Llerena are working together on training students of the Campiña Sur Vocational School in Extremadura, with educational site visits and practical plant experience.
    In addition to Núñez de Balboa (500 MW), the company has more than 1,300 MW in renewables in six pipeline photovoltaic projects: Francisco Pizarro (590 MW), located in Torrecillas de la Tiesa; Ceclavín (328 MW), in Alcántara; Arenales (150 MW), in Cáceres; Campo Arañuelo I, II and III (150 MW), in the district of Almaraz; and Majada Alata and San Antonio (50 MW each), in Cedillo. Furthermore it has 300 MW grid access available with which to plan another photovoltaic project.


    Iberdrola's plan to invest in renewable energies in Spain includes the installation of 3,000 new MW by 2022. By 2030, company forecasts point to the installation of 10,000 new MW. These actions will enable jobs to be created for 20,000 people.

    Currently, the company's projects in construction and at the detail design stage - wind and photovoltaic - amount to more than 4,000 MW in Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Navarre, Aragon, Murcia, Cantabria and Andalusia.

    In Spain, Iberdrola is the leader in renewable energies, with an installed capacity of 16,000 MW (over 30,300 MW worldwide), making its generation facilities some of the cleanest in the energy sector.

    Iberdrola's commitment to a decarbonised economic model has led it to earmark 10 billion euros a year for investment in renewable energies, smart electricity distribution networks and storage technologies, on top of the 100 billion already invested since 2001.
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  8. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    This changes everything...


    IDTechEx forecasts exponential growth to a huge $350 billion in 2040 for clean microgrids. It will be driven by legislation, cost, increasing problems with national grids and many new applications. Electrifying mines to farms and transport helps too.

    The new 230 page IDTechEx report, "Distributed Generation: Off-Grid Zero-Emission kW-MW 2020-2040" concerns electricity production with zero emissions that is off-grid or capable of being off-grid when needed. This is the future of much electric power generation, displacing heating oil to power stations. Distributed generation capable of being islanded is a significant new market opportunity.

    Over 100 organisations are covered. The report provides technical, market and company information useful to all in the value chain from materials and software suppliers to developers, product and system integrators and facilities managers. It concentrates on the present and the future and, in particular, benefits to society and opportunities for industry. The report primarily covers advanced countries because they are the largest value market, but there is also much information on emerging countries.

    The executive summary and conclusions are enough for those in a hurry. It embraces market drivers including why grids lose share. It simply presents technology comparisons, timelines and market forecasts unusually for short and long term - 2020-2040 and why 2021 will be a big year for orders and advances. Learn 13 new photovoltaic formats. A wealth of new infograms and graphs grasps the future of zero-emission electricity for buildings, construction, agriculture, mining, electric vehicle charging stations and more with clarity on how the improving microgrid systems design and harvesting fit in and when. From containerised to distributed, it is all here.

    Future mining entirely powered by zero-emission, off- grid microgrids. Source: IDTechEx

    The introduction gives energy trends, microgrid and energy harvesting design, progress in emerging countries, good and bad practice. Chapter 3 covers the increasingly important containerised and modular ZE microgrids with 19 examples. Chapter 4 "Buildings, vehicles, ships as ZE microgrids" has much that is not covered in other studies, yet large in potential. There are 18 projects and new ideas from IDTechEx. Chapter 5 concerns distributed ZE microgrids across farm, island and so on with six examples assessed. Chapter 6 "New microgrid harvesting formats: roads, windows, other" takes 30 pages to reveal winning applications and technologies for what is coming, with comparison tables and many operating examples from the pioneers. Good and bad are revealed.

    It is nonsense when so many treatises on ZE microgrids stop at wind and solar, so Chapter 7 "Wind, river and sea power as relocatable ZE microgrids" shows how these are increasingly important with many examples of success and predictions but also bad practice is revealed. Many comparison tables and maps are here and airborne wind energy is appraised. Given the importance and rapid improvement of it, Chapter 7 "Emerging photovoltaic technology for microgrids" is one of the longest chapters with many new infograms, comparisons and predictions with examples and latest progress. For example, why is single crystal silicon coming in fast and why has copper indium gallium diselenide CIGS got an ongoing, significant share?

    battery technology with cost predictions and gaps in the market. "Distributed Generation: Off-Grid Zero-Emission kW-MW 2020-2040" is the latest, most comprehensive and insightful work on this subject. It is prepared by multilingual PhD level IDTechEx analysts travelling widely with up to 20 years background and privileged access to data.
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Off Grid Energy Independence
    Posted on April 17, 2020
    Six-Junction Solar Cell Sets Two World Records for Efficiency
    Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have fabricated a solar cell with an efficiency of nearly 50%. The six-junction solar cell now holds the world record for the highest solar conversion efficiency at 47.1%, which was measured under concentrated illumination. A variation of the same cell also set the efficiency record under one-sun illumination at 39.2%.

    "This device really demonstrates the extraordinary potential of multijunction solar cells," said John Geisz, a principal scientist in the High-Efficiency Crystalline Photovoltaics Group at NREL and lead author of a new paper on the record-setting cell. for more information see the IDTechEx report on Energy Harvesting Microwatt to Megawatt 2019-2029.

    The paper, "Six-junction III-V solar cells with 47.1% conversion efficiency under 143 suns concentration," appears in the journal Nature Energy. Geisz's co-authors are NREL scientists Ryan France, Kevin Schulte, Myles Steiner, Andrew Norman, Harvey Guthrey, Matthew Young, Tao Song, and Thomas Moriarty.

    U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office funded the research.
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    University of Southern California scientists have developed a new battery that could solve the electricity storage problem constraining widespread use of renewable energy. The technology is a new spin on a known design that stores electricity in solutions, sorts the electrons and releases power when it's needed. So-called redox flow batteries have been around awhile, but the USC researchers have built a better version based on low-cost and readily available materials. For further information see the IDTechEx report on Redox Flow Batteries 2020-2030: Forecasts, Challenges, Opportunities.

    "We have demonstrated an inexpensive, long-life, safe and eco-friendly flow battery attractive for storing the energy from solar and wind energy systems at a mass-scale," said chemistry professor Sri Narayan, lead author for the study and co-director of the Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute at USC. The study was published today in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.

    organic material, already used in some redox flow batteries for its stability, solubility and energy storage potential. While the two compounds are well known individually, it's the first time they've been combined to prove potential for large-scale energy storage. Tests at the USC lab proved the battery has big advantages over competitors.

    For example, iron sulfate is cheap and abundant - a dime buys about 2.2 pounds - while large scale manufacturing of AQDS would cost about $1.60 per pound. At those prices, material costs for the type of battery developed by the USC scientists would cost $66 per kilowatt hour; if manufactured at scale, electricity would cost less than half the energy derived from the redox batteries that use vanadium, which is more expensive and toxic.


    Also, in tests at USC, the researchers found that the iron-AQDS battery can cycle, or recharge, hundreds of times with virtually no loss of power, unlike competing technologies. Durability for energy storage systems is important for large-scale use.

    "The materials developed are highly sustainable," said Surya Prakash, co-author of the study and director of the Loker Institute, who collaborates with Narayan in developing new organic quinones. "AQDS can be manufactured from any carbon-based feedstocks, including carbon dioxide. Iron is an earth-abundant, non-toxic element."

    The technology also has advantages over lithium ion battery storage. The proliferation of consumer electronics and electric vehicles, powered by lithium ion batteries, creates scarcity for the element, which drives up costs. In turn, those economics make other, less expensive energy storage options more appealing, the study says. Also, lithium ion batteries don't last as long, due to recharging, as most anyone who's recharged cellphones and laptops know. "... The iron-AQDS flow battery system presents a good prospect for simultaneously meeting the demanding requirements of cost, durability and scalability for large-scale energy storage," the study says.

    Renewable energy use is growing, yet is constrained due to energy storage limitations. Storing just 20% of today's solar and wind energy requires reserve capacity of 700 gigawatt hours. One gigawatt hour is enough electricity for about 700,000 homes for an hour.

    Said Narayan: "To date there has been no economically viable, eco-friendly solution to energy storage that can last for 25 years. Lithium-ion batteries do not have the long-life and vanadium-based batteries uses expensive, relatively toxic materials limiting large-scale use. Our system is the answer to this challenge. We foresee these batteries used in residential, commercial and industrial buildings to capture renewable energy."

    Source: University of Southern California
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  12. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  13. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  14. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #874 case-sensitive, Jun 18, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
    At report

    [QUOTE="The US military is getting serious about nuclear thermal propulsion.[/QUOTE]

    f**k-you-shima with wings ?

    Astronauts sitting on a nuclear reactor traveling to mars ? ...... In 2 meter thick lead space suits to protect them from the radiation and heat ? ........ Hey wow !!! What will the russians and chinese say about the american armed forces launching nuclear reactors ( = BOMBS ) into space that could ' acidentaly ' fall on their heads ?
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You can launch them chemically, then assemble in space...

    I am sure they will be shielded properly, like in submarines or ships...
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  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    At universe ...... questions about article / theme ---- >

    BUT ......... how do they get the reactor with the radioactive fuel up there ? Anyway that they choose its the same risk / dangers . AND the russians and chinese would ' see ' it ........ see that the rocket had something radioactive in it ........ that could either be a bomb wich is illegal ........ or a nuclear engine wich the amis would try to say isnt illegal .

    Whats the difference between a nuclear reactor falling on our heads or an atomic bomb ...... or if it explodes powdered radioactive fuel ? What would happen if the rocket exploded a few hundred kilometers over the earth ? Over whos country ?

    Where would they launch it from ? ....... so that if it falls it doesnt fall on their heads ? Any way they launch it it has to fly over them and / or the chinese and / or the russians .

    What its realy about ---- >

    The amis recently announced their new starwars space division = The military in space ........ war from space . We already know that the people who control the air win . Second world war tactics are obsolete . That was proven in iraq . There were no battles where tanks fought tanks or armys armys . It was all done through air supremecy ......... mostly from thousands of miles away ......... by 9 to 5 ' TV studio ' workers . Like a computer game .

    What would a military do in space with no weapons and launch systems ?

    Its said to be a good idea because it makes moving objects in space faster ........ What objects ? ........ With no humans in them because of the radiation .

    The benefits compared to the risks ........ a military satelite that can move ' objects ' very fast Vs f**k-you-shima over our heads .

    Remembering that the ami military power is a legend . They never had to test it against a real adversary . And even the iranians have detected and taken over and landed american drohnes ...... and the chinese and russians have said that they have hypersonic missiles ...... wich the russians have publicly demonstrated ....... that the amis havent got ...... and have no defence against .

    Have the amis shown that they think or care about anybody else ? Has history shown that they can be trusted ? ...... Agent orange , mai lai , hiroshima , vietnam ....... if thats not clear look at the way they treat their own population .

    Can they be trusted ? ........
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, no one should be trusted with that much power and capacity to make a grievous mistake blindly!

    Many a checks and balances must be put ion place, it goes without saying....
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  18. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  19. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  20. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
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