The MDL Times - Science and Tech. News on MDL

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by kldpdas, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Thankfook for little mercies!

    "Great news for GE Renewable Energy!

    This week they announced the signing of a deal that will deliver 190 Haliade-X turbines to the Dogger Bank Wind Farm, slated to be the largest offshore wind farm once it's complete!

    Located off the Yorkshire coast, it's only fitting that the world's largest offshore wind farm will become the first to use GE's Haliade-X 13 MW turbine, itself the most powerful offshore turbine in the world."

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  2. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    TechRadar: Arm wants to obliterate Intel and AMD with gigantic 192-core CPU.

    Popular Mechanics: A Student Just Proved Paradox-Free Time Travel Is Possible.

    Fox Business: Everybody vs. the App Store: Why companies are taking issue with Apple's growing revenue engine.

    Ars Technica: Deep algebra for deep beats: The beautiful sounds of musical programming.

    PhoneArena: Google adds a COVID-19 layer to Google Maps.

    Minnesota Public Radio News: The Great Conjunction of 2020: Jupiter and Saturn sky show this fall.
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #923 gorski, Sep 27, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2020
    “In the coronavirus patient zero example, you might try and stop patient zero from becoming infected, but in doing so you would catch the virus and become patient zero, or someone else would."

    No one can know that for sure. You may simply create a temporary distraction for the first infected person, which would mean the bat was boiled longer and properly so, ergo no transmission...:rolleyes::D:p
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  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #924 case-sensitive, Sep 27, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
    Hopefully someone can help me and tell me if / where i dont understand ---- >

    @ Time travel ........ what a load of bollocks :) ....... childish crap with ' paradox's ' ....... Its all theory ......... and people jugling with maths .

    First ........ time travel is impossible .......... because ........ the past has gone ....... it doesnt exist anymore ........ and the future doesnt exist untill it happens .......... and when its happened it cant ' unhappen ' :)

    They talk about paradox ....... as if there is a choice ........ something to change ......... they talk about free will ......... but the ' theoretical ' paradox .......... cant happen ......... it cant come to that position in the first place ....... something cant happen and not happen in the same time and place ? ......... the paradox ' stops ' / ' doesnt allow ' the paradox to happen in the first place :) ........ and they conveniently for them talk about time healing / adjusting itself ........ three positions = It cant happen because of paradox ........ it can happen and would change future history :) ......... or what these two say = It can happen ....... at least up to a point where it doesnt change anything ....... for you......... = maybe you didnt kill your own grandfather .......... maybe it was someone elses ? :) ......... and it didnt change history .

    When i read that i thought ........ ' Garanteed some prick will start talking about quantum physics ' .......... did we notice that any time a moron wants to talk about things they dont understand ........ or want to ' prove ' something ......... they start talking crap about quantum physics . In this case its because in quantum physics things can ........ at least theoreticly be in two states at the same time .

    BUT thats people mixing two different types of physics together ......... wich science cant do .......... there isnt a unifyed theory .

    Then they talk about ...... ' The butterfly effect ' !!! ........ again a total missunderstanding . OK yes . Things have a start . Example . The universe / ' big bang ' ...... and energy release that caused a domino effect ......... with one domino stone after another falling over against another ......... untill that energy disipates = gets diluted . OK we can see / ' prove ' that ........ a leads to b leads to c ....... and not the other way around :) ...... BUT ....... that doesnt work with butterflys :) ....... IF we look back at an event and try to find THE cause we see that things dont have one cause ? ........ In the theoretical example ......... what was the weather like on that day ? Warm enough to keep it alive ? Did it have enought to eat ? .......... imagine we trace that theoretical butterfly ........ on that particular day ........ in our particular theoretical example .......... and then look back at the weather records and see that it was to cold on that day for the butterfly to survive ? Whatever way we look at it that butterfly wasnt the start .

    I especialy liked the part where the two physisists , the study and the reports say ' "For example, if I know the current position and velocity of an object falling under the force of gravity, I can calculate where it will be at any time. '

    LOL ........ and i thought that one of the basic laws of science is ........ you cant measure the speed and position of an object at the same time ....... = It cant move and not move at the same time . A moving object hasnt got a position and an object in a position hasnt got a velocity .
  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Episode 2 :) ---- >

    I dont know :) ........ and i dont mind if i'm wrong ........ and i'd be realy pleased if someone can explain to me if i've missunderstood / am making mistakes = Please tell me :)

    1 - The thing to look at is this ---- > Thats the study ......... and not the confusing trivial / populistic reporting about it .

    2 - They say the study is peer revued ........ wich some people missunderstand and think that that means that the conclusions of the study are correct . Thats not always the case . The peer revue means that the maths have been checked and are right ........ and that the maths could point at the two ' scientists ' :) conclusion ....... BUT ........ not that that conclusion is right .

    3 - They're mixing and conveniently for them jumping from general relitivity into quantum physics . Wich is imposible ........ at least at the moment .

    4 - They're argueing against causality and determination ( = A leads to B leads to C ) ......... localy ....... and talk about non causal events but dont point at or demonstrate any ( proven ones ) .

    5 - Causality and determination are the backbone of science ....... the past leads to and determines the future ........ it cant be any other way . Time IS movement IS energy ......... energy flows ...... and the flow of energy IS time ...... and it flows in ONE direction = From ' now ' into the future .

    6 - Theres nothing new in that study .

    7 - It doent fit together . The science and theory are one thing ........ wich might fit together ....... but the example they give doesnt fit with it or their conclusion ......... and doesnt prove or show or sugest that there are non causal / deterministic events . Does their A fit with the B or is it two differnt A's and B's ? And are they actualy looking at A ? = A start point ' A ' ? Or are they starting at C and ' think ' its A ? = Maybe they didnt look deep enough ? ....... and just because they cant see an A - B - C doesnt mean that it doesnt exist ?

    If a person travels back into the past their actions might not have an effect on THEIR lives / future ....... BUT ....... its impossible that it doesnt have an effect .
  6. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    epilogue....:sofa: ---- > we are only human idiots......... we take ourselves far too seriously,and we think far too much..:biggrin5:
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  7. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    #927 Bat.1, Sep 27, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
    The impacts of wind energy facilities on bats
    • Hundreds of thousands of bats are estimated to die each year at wind energy facilities
    • Bat species that make long distance seasonal migrations are the most vulnerable to fatalities
    • High fatality rates at wind energy facilities have raised concerns about rapid and severe population declines of the hoary bat in North America
    • Most bat fatalities are caused by bats colliding with rotating blades of wind turbines. Fatalities are highest during autumn migration and on nights with low wind speeds. Some bats may be attracted to wind turbines, increasing risk of impacts to bat populations.

    • Bat gone get SPCA and PETA File Lawsuits...BAT LIVES MATTER
    • :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
    • SOURCE:
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, the fields of such energy harnessing devices should be designed to protect wildlife of any kind (fish, birds, whatever)! Sonar, light emitting and other devices should be put to good use!


    Mirror Like Photovoltaics Get More Electricity out of Heat
    New heat-harnessing "solar" cells that reflect 99% of the energy they can't convert to electricity could help bring down the price of storing renewable energy as heat, as well as harvesting waste heat from exhaust pipes and chimneys. The energy storage application, known informally as a "sun in a box," stores extra wind and solar power generation in a heat bank.

    "This approach to grid-scale energy storage is receiving widespread interest because it is estimated to be ten-fold cheaper than using batteries," said Andrej Lenert, an assistant professor of chemical engineering. For further information see the IDTechEx report on Energy Harvesting Microwatt to Gigawatt: Opportunities 2020-2040.

    The "sun" itself in this approach is already low cost: a tank of molten silicon, for instance. The relatively expensive parts are the photovoltaic panels that turn the stored heat back into electricity. Compared to ordinary solar panels that turn light, rather than heat, into electricity, thermal photovoltaics need to be able to accept lower energy photons—packets of light or heat—because the heat source is at lower temperature than the sun. To maximize efficiency, engineers have been looking to reflect the photons that are too low-energy back into the heat bank. That way, the energy gets reabsorbed and has another chance to get packaged into an electricity-producing, higher-energy photon.

    "It's a recycling job," said Steve Forrest, the Peter A. Franken Distinguished University Professor of Engineering and the Paul G. Goebel Professor of Engineering. "The energy emitted by the heat bank has over 100 chances to be absorbed by the solar cell before it gets lost."

    The conventional gold-backed thermophotovoltaic reflects 95% of light that it can't absorb—not bad, but if 5% of the light is lost with each bounce, that light has on average 20 chances to be re-emitted in a photon with enough energy to be turned into electricity.

    Increasing the number of opportunities means one could potentially use cheaper solar cell materials that are choosier about what photon energies they'll accept. This has additional benefits: higher energy photons make higher energy electrons, which means higher voltages and less energy lost while getting the electricity out.

    In order to improve the reflectivity, the team added a layer of air between the semiconductor—the material that converts the photons into electricity—and the gold backing. The gold is a better reflector if the light hits it after traveling in air, rather than coming straight from the semiconductor. To minimize the degree to which the light waves cancel each other out, the thickness of the air layer must be similar to the wavelengths of the photons.
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    While the jobs are on opposite ends of the energy spectrum — from dirty to clean and from old to new — the mechanical skills Williams gained from his time working in oil helped him navigate the career transition. And lately, many ex-oil workers are taking that same leap in hopes of finding long-term stability — something that is becoming scarcer in fossil fuels.

    Workers atop a 300-foot-tall wind turbine in North Dakota.CBS NEWS
    In the past year, two seismic shocks — a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, followed by global pandemic lockdowns — tanked oil demand and prices too, devastating oil and gas production in the Bakken Formation.

    From June 2019 through June 2020, U.S. crude oil production fell 38% and natural gas production fell 31%. The unemployment rate in North Dakota rose to 11.3% in June. For the month of August, continued claims of unemployment in North Dakota were nearly 100,000, and about a quarter of those were tied directly to mining, quarrying and oil & gas extraction — the highest unemployment of any sector in the state.
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    We're trying to get to grips with strategy here, not tactics, if this is what you are asking....
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Superconductors: Material raises hope of energy revolution

    By Paul Rincon
    Science editor, BBC News website
    image captionA high pressure device called a diamond anvil cell was used to compress and alter the properties of hydrogen-rich materials
    Scientists have found the first material that displays a much sought-after property at room temperature.

    It is superconducting, which means electrical current flows through it with perfect efficiency - with no energy wasted as heat.

    At the moment, a lot of the energy we produce is wasted because of electrical resistance, being lost as heat.

    So room temperature "superconducting" materials could revolutionise the electrical grid.

    Until this point, achieving superconductivity has required cooling materials to very low temperatures. When the property was discovered in 1911, it was found only at close to the temperature known as absolute zero (-273.15C).

    Since then, physicists have found materials that superconduct at higher - but still very cold - temperatures.

    image captionRoom temperature superconductors could revolutionise the electrical grid
    The team behind this latest discovery says it's a major advance in a search that has already gone on for a century.

    "Because of the limits of low temperature, materials with such extraordinary properties have not quite transformed the world in the way that many might have imagined," said Dr Ranga Dias, from the University of Rochester, in New York State.

    "However, our discovery will break down these barriers and open the door to many potential applications."

    Dr Dias added that room temperature superconductors "can definitely change the world as we know it".

    In the US, electrical grids lose more than 5% of their energy through the process of transmission. So tackling this loss could potentially save billions of dollars and have an effect on the climate.
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  12. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    ZDNet: Three npm packages found opening shells on Linux, Windows systems.

    Engadget: Windows 10 is installing Office web apps without asking permission.

    XDA Developers: Nokia secures $14.1m NASA funding to roll out 4G on the Moon.

    AnandTech: AMD Zen 3: An AnandTech Interview with CTO Mark Papermaster.

    Road to VR: Sony Unveils ‘Spatial Reality Display’ with Eye-tracking for Glasses-free 3D Viewing.

    Live Science: Meet the zeptosecond, the shortest unit of time ever measured.

    BGR: Betelgeuse is 25 percent closer than scientists thought. 'Classified knots': Researchers create optical framed knots to encode information.
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  13. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    TechRadar: Asus has revealed the first laptop to feature a discrete Intel GPU. Driver of the largest mass extinction in the history of the Earth identified.

    Ars Technica: For the first time, a Starship prototype roars to life with three engines.

    Review Geek: Windows Apps Come to Chromebooks Today Thanks to Parallels.
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  14. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    #934 R29k, Oct 27, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
    Ars Technica: Study shows which messengers leak your data, drain your battery, and more.

    Salon: What water on the moon means for the future of exploration.

    USA TODAY: Once in a blue moon: Get ready for a Halloween full moon.

    Live Science: Rare, 2-headed snake discovered by Florida house cat. Nokia Wins Bid to Build 4G Network on Moon.

    Business Insider: Intel and ESA launch first AI-enabled satellite, PhiSat-1 - Business Insider.

    CNET: Super cool white paint basically creates 'free air conditioning'.
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  15. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Ars Technica: In a first, researchers extract secret key used to encrypt Intel CPU code.

    Engadget: AMD Radeon 6000 RDNA2 launch in under 10 minutes.

    Ars Technica: How a tiny bit of lacquer grounded new Falcon 9 rockets for a month.

    The Verge: Cyberpunk 2077 developers ask for basic human decency after death threats over game delay. Physicists circumvent centuries-old theory to cancel magnetic fields.

    ZDNet: Fedora 33: Honing Linux's cutting edge.

    CNN: Unusual molecule found in atmosphere on Saturn's moon Titan.

    Wccftech: Xbox Series S & X Are the Only Next-Gen Consoles Featuring the Full AMD RDNA 2 Architecture, Says Microsoft.

    Android Police: Android 10 pushes Android Auto to over a billion Play Store installs. Scientists discover 500-meter-tall coral reef in the Great Barrier Reef, the first to be discovered in over 120 years.

    ZDNet: Microsoft is planning a big refresh to the Windows 10 UI with 'Sun Valley' in 21H2: Report.
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  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    #936 R29k, Nov 18, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
    TechRadar: Microsoft debuts mysterious new processor that will define ‘the future of Windows PCs’.

    Ars Technica: A history of Intel vs. AMD desktop performance, with CPU charts galore. Plasma treatments quickly kill coronavirus on surfaces. New fossil seal species rewrites history.

    The Verge: Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a remaster of the original trilogy coming to PC and consoles. New technology allows cameras to capture colors invisible to the human eye. New way of cooking rice removes arsenic and retains mineral nutrients, study shows.

    Popular Mechanics: Earth Keeps Pulsating Every 26 Seconds. No One Knows Why..

    9to5Google: Google announcing a ‘new Google Pay app’ for Android and iOS tomorrow.

    Ars Technica: Nvidia developed a radically different way to compress video calls.
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  17. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    9to5Google: Google acquires CloudReady OS that turns old PCs into Chromebooks w/ plans to make official offering.

    New York Magazine: We Had the Vaccine the Whole Time.

    The Conversation US: Fragments of energy – not waves or particles – may be the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

    Ars Technica: “A damn stupid thing to do”—the origins of C. Newly discovered ghostly circles in the sky can't be explained by current theories, astronomers excited. Here's everything announced during Nintendo's latest Indie World showcase. Researchers discover surprising connection between prehistoric dinosaurs and mammals in their teeth.

    EcoWatch: Moon Influences Arctic Ocean Methane Releases, Study Finds.
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Nice find re. C-19!

    Reading the rest... ;)
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  19. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    hm. if i click on those links, i will get ~100 cookies to clean up...
    so i won`t, lol.;)
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No need, Wally, run it in Tor browser - cleaned up on exit... ;)
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