I am 6 foot tall, my hood *red* comes just over my chin... This silver 250 decides to pull next to me.. So hey, nice Sky in Maui today. sigh.. -ed- oh and heading to the valley from upcountry this mornin.
*Not my pics but beautiful none the less. Lamborghini Sesto Elemento http://forums.mydigitallife.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=35044&d=1430986864 http://forums.mydigitallife.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=35043&d=1430986861
Please post a "link" of the original (not compressed) pic of the same HDR pic so that I can download it
I'll be happy to....with a watermark? all my pics are copyrighted oh wait! ......I can sell it to you, CASH ONLY! j/k Here is another one HDR