The right to complain

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by KnowledgeableNewbie, Oct 13, 2014.

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  1. mimart7

    mimart7 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    Certain clown(s) are giving me a headache. Or is it, that I am stupid?

    Seriously, any os, application, or driver you install gathers information. If you are so worried about it, time to stop using computers and phones.
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  2. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012

    Attached Files:

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  3. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    They sell all information that is viable to be monetized.
    When you register your product, what do you think they do with that information?
    You don't have to register a product to get warranty service, so why do they do it?
    Because they sell it.

    When you buy a phone or even a stick of gum at the store, they sell that information.
    If they include your personal information, they get a better price, hence every store trying to get you to join their 'preferred buyer's program' or similar.
    When you check your loved one into a hospital for an injury, they monetize that.

    They sell any information they can.
    This is not about that, though. It's about boundaries.
    It's about not having a safe space to be alone on your own system.
    If you're as bothered by the complete lack of privacy as I am, you won't install this sort of OS until you're sure you can disable the tracking and telemetry stuff.
  4. Zeblade

    Zeblade MDL Junior Member

    Jun 21, 2007
    1st this should never have got past post one. Like Steve Martin once said in a move "Can we come back from LA LA land now"

    Dude if you believed half of what you post here you would not be here nor on the internet with no phone blah blah blah.

    Again ..your no one. You are ONE in billions. You have nothing going on in your life ANYONE cares to have to use blah blah blah. Just like the rest of us.

    If someone is getting your information then its YOU being going somewhere you should not be.

    Again lol.. if you want your privacy then GET OFF THE NET! Get rid of your cell phone. Its like you saying.. "I keep leaving my money out side and someone keeps taking it. Everyone is trying to steal from me".

    Yes there are those that sell give away information just as there are those that hurt murder you name it. Most dont..

    Side note: Ever see what China sells for a Halloween costume? It says "Visit the western world" A guy with a pig face a huge fat belly costume. No lie...haha..
  5. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I will dismiss you as easily as you dismissed me.
    You're wrong, and have a nice life.
  6. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010

    (circular logic in action)
  7. mimart7

    mimart7 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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  8. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    This entire thread and everything it represents for the past 10 pages disagrees with you.
  9. Zardoc

    Zardoc MDL Addicted

    Feb 7, 2008
    #169 Zardoc, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014
    Ok, here are my 2 cents worth,

    I have been having a field day with these 2 threads because I think that this subject is just not seen as poignant has some users might seem to think it to be. (My take nothing personal)
    Now, I find it hard to understand how a thief can tell another thief not to stick his nose in his (her) business. If you use illegal software keys, illegal volume licenses, illegal torrents, download hordes of unpaid music, kiddy porn, or publish info on how to make weapons and then cry foul if big brother is watching what you are doing, just remember, you brought it all on upon yourselves. (Ourselves, not to be self-righteous ;))
    You can’t ask other people to be honest if your own conduct leaves a bit to be desired. You can’t have your cake and eat it!

    Now on the other hand, I find it pertinent when someone tries their best to be honest and then goes ballistics when someone abuses their right to privacy. Unfortunately, it’s always the same deal. “The good always pay for the bad”

    If everybody played honestly, we would avoid a lot of lost time trying to scan out the dishonest people around us.

    So M$ is using an (illegal tactic) or a loophole as politicians would say to make a better product and get more $$. Do the ends justify the means? Nope. But why don’t we fight it. It’s a really big machine and we are outgunned. So some of us on forums like MDL try to circumvent some of the illegal tactics that software makers try to pull on us. Others, quite frankly take advantage of MDL for their own crooked schemes. :(

    say-no-to-data-mining, I get your point, but you aren’t gaining any respect because you lash out like a loose cannon.

    I see some members trying to find a solution to key logger and data mining, and others waiting to take advantage of it for their own gains.
    It’s just a Spinning wheel as BST once sang, until…. :flag:
  10. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Wish I'd known Stupid People were allowed to be members, I'd joined a long time ago. On a serious note, I think Data Mining is totally out of control and hanging onto what little privacy is available should be a concern for everyone. Even though I've been reading as much as I can understand, (remember I'm Stupid), and I've blocked whatever I could, I'm still not comfortable using Win TP as a Daily Driver. Now that I've become a member maybe I can offer a little insight on How those of Us without high level Geek Skills think. Just letting Ya'll know a bunch of You Guys are My Hero's.
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  11. KnowledgeableNewbie

    KnowledgeableNewbie MDL Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    have you tried checking out what MB is in your laptop. i'm sure there are drivers there somewhere. you just need to search. i had the same problem when i downgraded from Vista to XP years ago, took a while but i found the drivers. just too a little effort.
  12. KnowledgeableNewbie

    KnowledgeableNewbie MDL Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    shouldn't buy the software be first. lol. and my preference is the reverse of 3 and 4. just the way i've always done it.
  13. KnowledgeableNewbie

    KnowledgeableNewbie MDL Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    just a quick history lesson. in the olden days, 80's and 90's it was considered shouting if u used capital letters. that rule is still followed by some of us old timers. hence my nonuse of capital letters in my posts.
  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Yep, me too!!!
  15. blaze007

    blaze007 MDL Novice

    May 11, 2008

    i just want to let you know you can use windows 8 drivers on windows 7.
  16. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    Actually the rule still carries forward to today ;)

    @Mr X. & @KnowledgableNewbie: If you know all of the list already then it doesn't matter what particular order you do it in ;)
  17. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I would put some testing into that statement..
    It could be that some kinds of drivers work fine and others do not.
  18. KnowledgeableNewbie

    KnowledgeableNewbie MDL Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    and how do you know that one click button, isn't really going to format you HD, or take your files hostage. my point being, learn to do it the hard way before you use the easy way. it's both gratifying in some cases, safer.
  19. photowondervn

    photowondervn MDL Novice

    Sep 11, 2014
    IMHO if you install as a main OS on your main computer with all your stuff, you have no right to complain, since you did so at your own risk.
  20. KnowledgeableNewbie

    KnowledgeableNewbie MDL Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    they do give you the option. don't install it or learn to turn off things you don't like instead of asking others to do it all for you. a bit of knowledge goes a long way. i see a problem i try to solve it myself before begging others. now that's a matter of ethics.