The state Duma asks Moscow to ban the use of Windows 10. For Some Reason (yikes)

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by AcuraTML, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. manix

    manix MDL Junior Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    #61 manix, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  2. roga

    roga MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    Are you suggesting everyone doing anything important is using linux? :g:
  3. manix

    manix MDL Junior Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    #63 manix, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    Yes, although my definition of "important" might be a bit different.
    A government clerk managing some accounts and playing solitaire is not important. Someone browsing youtube all day to watch gaming videos is not important.
    A system controlling the entire nuclear arsenal of a country is important. Someone running a simulation on a supercomputer with the purpose of developing a cancer treatment is important.
    Guess which one of the two examples is more likely to be done with Linux.
    I will give you a hint - 476 out of the top 500 supercomputers in the world are using Linux, 21 others are under some version of Unix and you have 3 out of 500 using Windows. And out of these 3 one has to use Linux at the same time as Windows because the Windows system is not good enough.
  4. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    No that's not the suggestion all the lad is to really i think what you want as an authority and a firm and sound solution regarding xyz files, code, pins, and vital information in control at all times with other possible solutions in place like plan a and plan b regarding a networked environment or a storage solution that is very ideal for each situation to harness that data or g-e-m as you clearly see and the master user reports from Microsoft they even in bold say not to use in xyz environments in their data report to all major business partners since window 8 and same applies to Windows ten.

    As your aware within the next 5 to 7 years workstations and desktops will be redundant and slowly moved towards portable devices and the highly profitable global market of in other worlds windows is coming to the end of t chapter as the reports and trends a speeches from the board of Microsoft has explained to the share holders 20 years ago that is the primary goal
  5. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    Very well put and layed out, yes, on what you touched on critical infrastructure grids and so on this has been a big problem for many years and there are not to many options till the court hear and rule on many case that are holding up pat rights
  6. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    #66 nosense, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    Windows is a consumer OS. Those super computer Linux\Unix OS are specialize for a certain task.
  7. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #67 Skaendo, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    Actually your slightly wrong about the Top 500 supercomputers, check my sig.

    I have the actual numbers and percentages somewhere but I'm too busy to look for them right now.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    None are cut out to be implemented in an area of mass human life support as per current standards that have been put in place by the IEEE
  9. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    Baited.....what happen to the ignore list...
  10. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    This what you state doesn't cut it in what they are talking about supercomputer and stuff is nice on paper and yes wows a certain circle but not for the "big picture "
  11. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    I am afraid the only solution for Microsoft or and other party in the current market will need to open the code and supply the tools to add and remove and custom make the OS to what the major operators needs are and the primary winning company with be required within the contract to provide the customer all the major updates for xyz period and review the contract in terms of impairments rendered by the major customer that's one solution, in Canada the government is revamping every server at the federal level and so is the US on the eastern coast federal level again it more complicated in the US Cuz you have millions of circuits of military networks to temporarily hubbert

    Plus you got the new ip project going on global scale for the last 21 years and now this program regarding high level of security systems for major partners the Cisco people and the fiber guys are nonstop around regions in the world with the new ip project only folks who are involved or close within this assignment will know what all this entails

    The above information doesn't even belong in this forum the reason it's here is there are a few that are Involved in one capacity or another and I can speak for them too ;)

    It's all good when these projects gets completed and implanted in the very near future...

    As you can comprehend there is so much going on around you, and it's just not windows and wow and I got it to activate lol
  12. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    This thread goes nowhere! I'm closing it here.