are you sure the pid checker is not being blocked for internet access? it requires inet access to connect to MS for the MAK check.
Hello guys, I have the ultimate pid checker but I just can't seem to check the Windows 8.1 Pro keys. Could someone please help me? I have Windows Vista and when I try to look for C:\Windows\System32\spp\tokens\pkeyconfig, I can't find "spp" to take me further in the process. I see spp.dll, but not just spp. Help!
hi i am going to buy a windows 8.1 pro key at ebay. as there are lots of fakes: as far as i understand the ultimate pid checker can tell me if the key is "legal" and activatable ? and for the 8.1 keys i need pkeyconfig?! how do i use that ? ty , i am new here and a total noob as u might notice^^
You can't use this to check any retail key's activation limit but this is useful for MAKs. Download 8.1 pkeyconfig from the post above yours, then select it as Custom after opening the PID checker.