Failed to Load regsvr32 wuaueng.dll regsvr32 wucltui.dll regsvr32 initpki.dll regsvr32 wuweb.dll others succeeded and consistent sfc /scannow found some corruptions Mine is too "Windows Defender is disabled by group policy"
After applying this remove windows spying in the software Get Insider Builds is grayed out in windows update. Did i do something wrong or the program disabled it. I dont think this bothers me as i can upgrade the build using the iso of next build right ? Anyone shed some light this way ?
Ill take a look at this as well. For now if you want just use the uninstall instructions on page 11. Sorry for the inconvenience
Version 1.4.3 works great, although it was not able to make any changes to my 'hosts file' even after 'taking ownership' of the file. I was able to do this step manually though.
Doesn't matter Every new version removes the telemetry overall, but just adds features... + I already added the link to fix the windows defender issue, that was the only issue with v1.4.3 anyways + I left v1.4.2 link for those who don't want to remove windows defender... --- This program still awesome... for al those who don't want to put crazy commands or registry entries. It helps out Plus my script is amazing for those who want to remove telemetry upon installation
I want to thank all of you all for your support!!! It's been amazing having helped close to 40.000 people solve a big issue Didnt expect this thread to become so popular... Wow! Ive never helped so many people out before Incredible!!! The opportunities are endless.
Kindly share your latest uninstall script ... And akso the latest version link for stable spying removal tool in english...
Only way to remove is with my script on page 11. Just follow instructions on there and it's gone... There's one issue though --- I haven't updated it to fix defender issues yet. You'll have to visit the link I put on the first post to fix that BTW: Use v1.4.2 links on the first page for the tool to remove telemetry