The Windows 7 SP1 USB Driver Bug (what it is and how to fix it)

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Enigma256, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Just got this:

    [h=2]404 - File or directory not found.[/h][h=3]The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.[/h]

    RJARRRPCGP MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    #162 RJARRRPCGP, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2011

    OT, this reminds me of the XP with SP2 installed from SP0 bug!

    With XP, when service pack 2 is installed from SP0, at least with nForce 2, it's still USB 1x!

    How you can tell? Windows will display the balloon telling me the USB device can run faster as soon as a USB stick is plugged in.

    USB 2 is there after I delete the USB entries in Device Manager and reboot XP.

    XP don't have this problem with SP2 integrated or SP3 integrated.
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  3. ramsk

    ramsk MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2012
    How to get USB 2.0 / UHCI working again?

    My USB 2.0 seems to have been downgraded to 1.1 from what I read. I followed the process, installed the fix file but there is still no response from any of the USB drives. Perhaps they are still behaving like UHCI but I see 2 EHCI ports when I checked device manager > USB.

    How do get the ports to work again (behave like USB 2.0)?

  4. RanCorX2

    RanCorX2 MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2009
    can someone please re-post "USB KB2529073 Fix V4a"?

    I recently reinstalled windows 7 sp1 + hotfixes but my usb drivers were not updated & all i have is "USB KB2529073 Fix v2a" which did not fix the problem.
    I also cannot install Windows6.1-KB2496290-v2-x64 which fails, i assume because my usb files are messed up.
  5. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    When checking the USB driver version, do not check them through the device manager, the file individual file version information isn't updated. You have to check the driver versions manually under System32\drivers.

    The SP1 driver bug was a real issue, but has been fixed for quite a while now. It is no longer required if you install all the latest updates.
  6. RanCorX2

    RanCorX2 MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2009
    ok cheers.
  7. tt_work

    tt_work MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2012
    Hallo everybody,

    i have i think the same problem.

    I receive a code 52 @ the device manager of a windows 7 64 bit system after installing many upgrades for usb host controllers...

    25.03.2011 05:29 52.736 usbehci.sys
    25.03.2011 05:29 325.120 usbport.sys
    20.11.2010 12:43 41.984 winusb.sys

    I think its something with these three files.

    When i start windows with "start without forcing digital signed drivers" everyworks fine...

    Can anyone help me to troubleshoot it?
  8. starmush

    starmush MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2012
    Hey there!
    Very frustrating, have recently, iun the last 48 hours installed SP1 for win7, previously, and after my OS reported that USB devices could work faster if plugged into USB2. Have run the USB fix file in this thread and that reports usbehci.sys and usbport.sys files already up to date and winusb.sys is not used by changes were made to system. I ma still getting this very annoying error...any help please, greatly appreciated!