The Windows XP OEMBIOS Archive

Discussion in 'Windows XP / Older OS' started by crypto, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. Inge

    Inge MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2008
  2. Appzalien

    Appzalien MDL Novice

    Jan 4, 2011
    #742 Appzalien, Mar 9, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
    Four Compressed Files

    I can't seem to find the four compressed files mentioned in the how to: create Pro OEM SLP CD (OEMBIOS.BI_
    OEMBIOS.CA_ OEMBIOS.DA_ OEMBIOS.SI_ ) I've tried what seems to be all the links on the first page it links to and I get license files or zips with makecab in them but no four compressed files. Also if I click on the spoiler tabs I get an error.
    The download page listed take me to a OEM BIOS repository but the zip files have the makecab bat oembios bin cat dat and sig in them no four uncompressed files. Where the heck do I get those files? With out them the how to seems moot.

    Never mind I figured it out. The BI_ CA_ etc. I was looking for was BIN CAT from the repository so I did get the right files but they were uncompressed inside the zip file.

    Since I will be using these PC's I create as totally offline and I would prefer to use the SP2 version of XP (I find SP3 a bit of a pain) would there be a problem using this conversion on XP SP2 VLK or is there no difference. I know the original page says XP SP3 VLK to OEM but I'm just curious.

    In step 4 am I copying files from my extracted ISO to the temp folder or vice versa?
    "Copy these files inside the I386 folder of your extracted VLK source replacing the old files."
    It doesn't make sense since at the beginning of the tutorial it mentions two source files one of which is your ISO file. It should read " Copy the files from the TEMP/I386 folder to the VLK source ISO's I386 folder replacing the old ones no? So strange and confusing even though it seems obvious copying files from the ISO to the temp folder makes little sense, that's the way it reads with no mention of the TEMP folder in the instruction line.
  3. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    Which ones are you downloading?

    From what link are you downloading? I will download them and check it out.

    And SP2 should not make a difference.
  4. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    Keep it simple.
    > create a folder on your desk top. (Name it what ever)
    > extract your ISO of XP into that folder
    > copy and paste the 4 compressed files into I386 replacing the originals
    > use nLite to create a new ISO
    > Burn the ISO and install
    > Done!!
  5. Appzalien

    Appzalien MDL Novice

    Jan 4, 2011
    #745 Appzalien, Mar 9, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
    I edited my previous post with a different question about step 4 where is seems to say to extract the VLK Source I386 (my extracted ISO?) overwriting old files but that makes no sense. And if the make ISO file is in the TEMP folder will it find my XPOEM files in the root of the drive. I apologize for all the questions but I'm trying to write a step by step for myself so there is no question, but I seem to have so many questions. If the above Simple version works why the Temp folder? Aren't those files important to change?
    This makes sense to me:
    copy the files from I386 folder from the TEMP I386 to the XPOEM I386 folder overwriting. Place the MakeISO folder in the XPOEM folder an run. Is that correct?
  6. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    Your making this harder than it needs to be. Just follow the steps I pointed out and you will be fine. This TEMP folder you talk about seems to be Screwing you up. In my steps the temp folder is the one I told you to create on your desk top. SAME thing!! When they say the root of the drive they are talking about making a temp folder on "C" drive. It does not mater where you make it, it's just easier if you use the desk top. I just gave you 5 easy steps, (the same way I did it) follow them and be done with it. Don't over think this or you will just screw your self up and not understand any thing.
  7. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    The TEMP folder is a temporary working folder. It's some place to extract the files in the ISO to. When all is done you will and can delete this folder if you like. Or you can use it with nlite to add and remove things. Your call on that.
  8. Appzalien

    Appzalien MDL Novice

    Jan 4, 2011
    Actually the TEMP folder is one that's downloaded from the instruction page. In it it has an OEM folder with files for two types of discs, one for regular Pro and one for VLK Pro as well as the Make ISO folder. Each OS type has only has one folder in it, I386. The PRO I386 folder has two files a win sif and a setup ini and the VLK Pro I386 folder those as well as five others. It seems to me that the TEMP folder is simply there to gather the required I386 files from there to the extracted OS XPOEM. then running the makeiso file (I tried it) looks for XPOEM in the root of C and creates the ISO. My question still is why does the original page say:
    "Copy these files inside the I386 folder of your extracted VLK source replacing the old files."
    instead of:
    "Copy these files inside the I386 folder TO your extracted VLK source replacing the old files."
    Now that makes sense to me.
  9. Appzalien

    Appzalien MDL Novice

    Jan 4, 2011
    I want to thank you for your help. Obviously until I can install the ISO I created I won't know if it worked but I'm fairly confident now. But since your the only one that came to my rescue you deserve the thanks. I will hit the thank you buttons on all your answers. I like the nlite Idea but I really wanted to figure out the instructions given in the how to and wondered about all the extra files included in the TEMP folders I386 folders.
  10. Appzalien

    Appzalien MDL Novice

    Jan 4, 2011
    #750 Appzalien, Mar 9, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
    Here is my step by step in case anyone else runs into problems with the page one instructions:

    1.Run the bios tool from boot to read the OEM bios string of the motherboard.

    2.Get the appropriate OEM bios from the repository.

    3.Extract the zip and run the makecab to get the compressed OEM files.

    4.Extract or copy your XP Pro VLK ISO files (or disc) to a folder (XPOEM) in the root of C drive.

    5.Extract the TEMP folder to the root of drive C.

    6.Replace the VLK I386 Files With OEM by Browsing to: C:\TEMP\OEM FILES\VLK TO PRO OEM\I386 and copy the files inside the TEMP I386 folder to your extracted VLK source ISO I386 folder overwriting the old files.

    7.copy the 4 files created in step 3 inside the I386 folder of your extracted VLK source: C:\XPOEM\I386 Overwriting.

    8.Run the MAKEISO.EXE file located at: C:\TEMP\MAKEISO\ It should point to XPOEM in the root of C.

    9.Click on the "Creation" button on the left, then click the "Start Image Creation" button on the lower right. Once it reaches 100% the
    finished PRO OEM ISO will be done and in the root of Drive C named: XPOEMPRO.ISO

    10.Burn the bootable iso image to a CDR, at 16X speed. Do a format and clean install from new OEM disk. The x32 SLP key provided by M$
    will be entered for you during setup.
  11. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    SAME thing. Don't sweat the small stuff.:confused:
  12. cbep40k

    cbep40k MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    I have a collection of sets of OEMBIOS.
    I miss a few sets.
    Does someone have the following sets?
    HP (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=00A1EECB) (redundant)
    EMACHINES (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=1B7F1F55) (redundant)
    FOUNDER (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=239141C0) (redundant)
    EQUUS (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=397A095A) (redundant)
    FUJITSU-PC (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=5132CB71) (redundant)
    EMACHINES (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=5B886419) (redundant)
    NEC-PACKARDBELL (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=82D4D6A4) (redundant)
    EQUUS (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=9C7D1B43) (redundant)
    FUJITSU-PC (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=BACB9A77) (redundant)
    SOTEC (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=F7768C8B) (redundant)
    Thank you all very much in advance!
  13. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    Those are all REDUNDANT and not used or needed anymore! Use a different one of the same brand.
  14. cbep40k

    cbep40k MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    #755 cbep40k, Apr 10, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
    I understand it. I want to fill up a collection for history. If somebody have the necesary sets, share its for me pleace! Thanks!
  15. Iamnuts

    Iamnuts MDL Novice

    Jun 4, 2010
    Does anyone still have this oembios (8b2ebecb) file set? I've searched a lot of places for it, but all are gone :(
  16. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Read the first post?
  17. Iamnuts

    Iamnuts MDL Novice

    Jun 4, 2010
    I Humbly apologise, I had, and I got another bios from there earlier. I must have gone bios blind, with all my searching. Thanks for the education, I grade myself only 1/10.
  18. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  19. cbep40k

    cbep40k MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    Is it possible to UP the topic?
    I have a collection of sets of OEMBIOS.
    I miss a few sets.
    Does someone have the following sets?
    HP (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=00A1EECB) (redundant)
    EMACHINES (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=1B7F1F55) (redundant)
    FOUNDER (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=239141C0) (redundant)
    EQUUS (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=397A095A) (redundant)
    FUJITSU-PC (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=5132CB71) (redundant)
    EMACHINES (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=5B886419) (redundant)
    NEC-PACKARDBELL (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=82D4D6A4) (redundant)
    EQUUS (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=9C7D1B43) (redundant)
    FUJITSU-PC (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=BACB9A77) (redundant)
    SOTEC (OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=F7768C8B) (redundant)
    Thank you all very much in advance!