It's ugly in my opinion, especially since the title bar is broken and lacks inactive color, the caption buttons lack rectangles around them or frames and minimize/maximize selection is just colorless. the 1 PX Border is ugly, looked better in Windows 8, should have been customizable.
Other than some weird nostalgia, just the size of the titlebar makes this fugly. Is there a nice aero theme that has figured out how to resize the titlebar?
I really prefer Windows 8.1 UI....Hope it will be better in a few updates....Really.... Windows 10 is very good, fast, better...But UI is bad ( icons, start menu,etc...) :\
i love black themes, ported some from Windows 7 & 8.1, it would be awesome if it will be some transparency
I'm sure some nice person will come along and find the secret setting that's responsible for titlebar size sooner or later. I'll still try it just to try anything smaller than default is better for me.
It's perfectly fine with me, the only reason I am not using it is because it still gives the Icons on the taskbar that "Wide" looking view. And no, there is no aero theme with fixed title bar size as no one currently knows what really controls their size, alone. The reason I used the basic theme is because it is "single colored / non colorizable" and has both Active and In-Active Window color.
Can anybody tell me if they managed to get transparent titlebars in windows 10 build 10240 I can't figure it out... Thanks in advance