can someone mod a bio 4 me please i really want windows 7 on my comp so can someone please mod my bio it's a HP-sp44656 h**p://
Hi guys.. I also have HP 8710p Notebook. is anybody still working on the problem or is everybody given up?
Hello, i have a problem with my hp 6730b. Somebody write down, that in the actual bios version Slic 2.1 is included. I update the bios and the only thing i found RW-Everything is the tab RSDT with this information. Root System Description Table: 0xB9FFE0AC 52 53 44 54 54 00 00 00 01 25 48 50 51 4F 45 4DRSDTT....%HPQOEM 53 4C 49 43 2D 4D 50 43 0F 00 00 00 20 20 20 20SLIC-MPC.... 13 00 00 01 00 C0 FF B9 00 B0 FF B9 00 A0 FF B9................ 00 90 FF B9 00 80 FF B9 00 70 FF B9 00 A0 FD B9.........p...... 00 80 FD B9 00 70 FD B9 00 60 FD B9 00 50 FD B9.....p...`...P.. 00 40 FD B9 .@.. Signature"RSDT" Length0x00000054 (84) Revision0x01 (1) Checksum0x25 (37) OEM ID"HPQOEM" OEM Table ID"SLIC-MPC" OEM Revision0x0000000F (15) Creator ID" " Creator Revision0x01000013 (16777235) Entry00xB9FFC000 Entry10xB9FFB000 Entry20xB9FFA000 Entry30xB9FF9000 Entry40xB9FF8000 Entry50xB9FF7000 Entry60xB9FDA000 Entry70xB9FD8000 Entry80xB9FD7000 Entry90xB9FD6000 Entry100xB9FD5000 Entry110xB9FD4000 I have no tab "Slic". Is my Notebook Slic 2.1 ready or not. Which Bios Version for the 6730B is Slic 2.1 ready? Many thanks for the help.
Many thanks. Everything is now ok and now i have a slic tab and slic2.1 version. Many, many thanks!!!! Great.
HOW TO INCREASE VERBOSITY OF THE LOG FILE OF HPQFlash.exe VERSION HOW TO INCREASE VERBOSITY OF THE LOG FILE OF HPQFlash.exe VERSION IN HPQFlash.exe Search string 0F8453010000 And replace by 909090909090 Search string 0F8485010000 And replace by 909090909090 Save and close. ================For those interested by the code========================= FlashDLL_4.30.4.1.exe 40C2F0 sub_40C2F0 proc near 40C2F0 40C2F0 40C2F0 SystemTime = _SYSTEMTIME ptr -62Ch 40C2F0 var_61C = word ptr -61Ch 40C2F0 var_61A = byte ptr -61Ah 40C2F0 String = word ptr -414h 40C2F0 var_412 = byte ptr -412h 40C2F0 var_4 = dword ptr -4 40C2F0 arg_0 = dword ptr 4 40C2F0 arg_4 = byte ptr 8 40C2F0 40C2F0 sub esp, 62Ch 40C2F6 mov eax, dword_44C000 40C2FB xor eax, esp 40C2FD mov [esp+62Ch+var_4], eax 40C304 cmp dword_44D5A0, 0 40C30B jz loc_40C464 -----> 6 NOP's (increase verbosity) 40C311 push esi 40C312 push edi 40C313 xor eax, eax 40C315 push 206h 40C31A push eax FlashDLL_4.30.4.1.dll 2B000 sub_1002BC00 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10028C60+2D3p 2B000 2B000 2B000 var_334 = dword ptr -334h 2B000 String = byte ptr -330h 2B000 var_32F = byte ptr -32Fh 2B000 SystemTime = _SYSTEMTIME ptr -124h 2B000 var_114 = dword ptr -114h 2B000 var_110 = byte ptr -110h 2B000 var_10F = byte ptr -10Fh 2B000 var_4 = dword ptr -4 2B000 arg_0 = dword ptr 8 2B000 arg_4 = byte ptr 0Ch 2B000 2B000 push ebp 2B001 mov ebp, esp 2B003 sub esp, 334h 2B009 mov eax, dword_1004CB6C 2B00E xor eax, ebp 2B010 mov [ebp+var_4], eax 2B013 cmp dword_10050C04, 0 2B01A jz loc_1002BDA5 -----> 6 NOP's (increase verbosity) 2B020 mov [ebp+var_110], 0 2B027 push 103h 2B02C push 0 2B02E lea eax, [ebp+var_10F] 2B034 push eax 2B035 call sub_10011E30 good week end
Quote: Originally Posted by ckv View Post That i didn't understand. Has the 6710b been given up? And why? hi, We don't know how to mod this kind of BIOS for the moment. Can I assume the same for the 6510b? Nevermind. They both use the same bios so the answer is obviously yes.
This problem happened to me on Windows Vista , But with windows 7 its gone now. Dont know what caused it or something. I had it all the time on Vista but now in Windows 7 its not accuiring anymore