Have just noticed that HP and released Win 7 drivers for the 6710b and 6715b laptops.. I wonder if there is an updated BIOS floating around with SLIC 2.1 also ?
If I am lucky I will be able to get my hands on a 8710w. If I am really lucky then it is still working and it has the oldest bios. *no luck Btw anyone know something about 2730p EFI whitelisting? Already tried editing it but that doesnt work.
If anyone was looking for the decrypted dmi.lib file, dmi.ini for cpc_DMI Code: [Options] 5Y=_VT_ 3B=51Audio 3C=51Speakers 3D=ACPwrFail=Auto 3E=ACPwrFail=Off 3F=ACPwrFail=On 22=ADACREL 3y=ADO_PHO 24=ADPHOAL_FUL 25=ADPHOAL_STE 26=ADPHOEL 3w=AOL_MN 5w=ARC_MCV 3j=ARDY 27=AV. 28=AV.N15m 29=AV.N60d 5F=BBUY 5h=BDr 5j=BDrw 4V=BJH 5N=C_AMA 4t=C_ARC 5M=C_ARE 4s=C_BC 3e=C_BRY 5D=C_COY 44=C_DEC 5R=C_EAR 52=C_EGL 4v=C_FLX 4w=C_FLXR 2Z=C_GC 4U=C_GEO 35=C_GOB 4x=C_GW 4y=C_GWR 5r=C_JAN 3x=C_LEO 4p=C_LEOR 5J=C_LON 5P=C_M5 5s=C_MAH 4r=C_MAR 5C=C_MAR2 4X=C_MERB 4Y=C_MERR 4u=C_MES 32=C_MOJ 4Z=C_NEP 5H=C_NEP2 5k=C_OPT 2Y=C_PAL 5B=C_PLU 2X=C_SAF 36=C_SEU 4n=C_SEUR 5T=C_SPA 4q=C_VEN 5E=C_VEN2 5m=C_VIR 5S=C_WHI 3G=CD-RW 5c=CDS_D 5b=CDS_E 5d=CDS_P 3H=Chan=CTO 3J=Chan=Refurb 3K=Chan=Retail 4g=COR_SNAP 3M=CPUFan=Off 3N=CPUFan=On 2V=DLED 5z=DTV 3v=DVDP_DLX 43=DVDP_HDLX 42=DVDP_HSTD 3u=DVDP_STD 3P=DVDr 3Q=DVDRW 3q=ELAKE 57=EMD 3z=EN_RAID 2a=ENCBRIT 4j=FPA=H 4k=FPA=HM 4m=FPA=HML 4h=FPA=None 2b=FW. 2c=FW.N60d 4J=GG_AUD 5y=GMSF 4W=HDMI 4z=HDR 4M=HDrBDr 56=HDrBDrSM 4N=HDrBDrw 4K=HDrw 5x=HSLI 5n=ILIP 2d=IS. 3n=IS.M15m 2e=IS.N15m 34=IS.N1y 3k=IS.N24m 2f=IS.N3y 33=IS.N60d 3A=IS.N6m 5e=IS.X15m 59=JW1 5a=JW2 58=JWK 3b=KBDRV 5K=KBDRV2 5t=KBOSD 3R=LegacyFloppy=No 3S=LegacyFloppy=Yes 5W=LPS5 3m=LScribe 4b=MDVD_B 39=MDVD_DLX 4a=MDVD_P 38=MDVD_STD 2h=MSDME_DLX 2j=MSDME_STD 3c=MSENC 2m=MSMON_DLX 2n=MSMON_STD 54=MUV_B 53=MUV_F 55=NCO1y 3Z=NR 4T=OCUR 3Y=OS=LX 3X=OS=MSV 4P=P2G_STD 3V=PCBRAND=Pavilion 3W=PCBRAND=Presario 4Q=PP_STD 5A=PROD_COHO 37=PROD_COROFF 3s=PROD_CORPAI 3r=PROD_CORPHO 2q=PROD_MSOFFBAS 4H=PROD_MSOFFHS 4S=PROD_MSOFFHST 4F=PROD_MSOFFPER 3f=PROD_MSOFFPRO 2r=PROD_MSOFFSBE 4E=PROD_MSOPPT 5g=PROD_MSRDY 2s=PROD_MSWE 2T=PROD_MSWORD 2S=PROD_MSWORKS 2t=PROD_MSWS 4R=PS_DLX 2Q=QUIF_DLX 2P=QUIF_NUE 2R=QUIF_PRE 2W=R_PPR 3a=R_WM 4c=RC_B 4d=RC_C 4e=RC_P 5f=REGOFR 5Q=RMCO 2v=RN_DLX 2w=RN_STD 2y=RP_PLS 2z=RP_STD 3d=S_AOL 4C=SATA=AHCI 4D=SATA=IDE 4B=SATA=RAID 2A=SBKUP 3h=SDMED_DLX 3g=SDMED_PLS 2U=SFCHK 5p=SP.0 5q=SP.1 2C=SPY_BAS 2D=SPY_PRO 5G=SW_AIO 5X=SW_MACPQ 5u=SW_Main 5v=SW_Perf 5U=TS_BAS 5V=TS_VIN 4A=TVApp 3T=TVout=NTSC 3U=TVout=PAL 4f=TVTUNER 47=Vos.B 45=Vos.H 46=Vos.P 49=Vos.S 48=Vos.U 2F=WC_PLT 2G=WC_STD 2J=WD_DLX 2K=WD_FUL 2M=WD_SE 3t=WISP 3p=ZFR
Just noticed official Win7 driver support for HP 8710p/w. How good are our chances of an imminent SLIC 2.1 BIOS? That would be excellent if they were to be released as to my understanding these BIOSes remain unmoddable to date and only option to activate is using WoW 7.0.1b which does indeed work but still displays code text at boot. Unfortunately Hazar seems to have totally lost interest in the project In addition to that M$ are likely to target it in future WGA checks. Fingers crossed...
Do not know about 8710p/w, but 6715b was also given the Win 7 drivers, but I do not expect the BIOS to be done (what would be the reason from HP point of view?) They did not care to fix this BIOS for more than a year, not likely now You might be more lucky sebus
That's a shame Well, WoW still works...hope it stays that way BTW, has anyone tried any of the recent Daz loaders on 8710p/w? Does it work? netRAT.
I know I was really hoping for a new bios but well... I am using a loader on my 8710p but I cant remember which one it was