This is no request thread! HP COMPAQ bioses, how to modify the bios?

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Yen, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. libschitz

    libschitz MDL Novice

    Mar 9, 2012
    Hi, I have hp 2710p with bios F.20 (dec 2011). I can't downgrade to F.15 with whitelist removed.
    Please help me.:confused:
  2. mykeie

    mykeie MDL Novice

    Mar 15, 2012
    need to update to slic 2.1 i have compaq presario CQ60 307SA

    -Manufacturer: Wistron
    -Motherboard Model: 303c
    -Bios revision: F.54
    -Bios Type: Hewlett-Packard
    -Bios Download Link: Unknown
    Is it possibe to do?

  3. mercyground

    mercyground MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    I just bought a 2nd hand HP 8510p laptop. Would love to have the whitelist ripped out. SLIC2.1 isnt that important. Yay for Daz :p

    -Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
    -Motherboard Model: 30C5
    -Bios revision: 68MVD F.20
    -Bios Type: Hewlett-Packard f.20 bios

    I would have used the F.15 patched bios but some kind person updated this laptop to the F.20 which WILL NOT allow me to downgrade at all :(
  4. fromthesticks

    fromthesticks MDL Novice

    Nov 12, 2009

  5. madper

    madper MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2012
    Is there a `whilelist removed` bios's link for 4230s?
    please help me. I want use ar9382
  6. nando4

    nando4 MDL Junior Member

    Jun 28, 2009

    HP have set a trap to get non-informed users to upgrade to the F.20 or newer bios. Those newer bios are RSA protected, meaning you can't mod then. Nor do they allow rollback to previous versions. It's a very bad example of sabotage methods use to maintain system-upgrade profits.

    Now some of the HP Business notebooks like the 2510P/2530P have socketted bios chips. Meaning you can remove the bios chip and reprogram it to the older non-whitelisted pre-F.20 bios release. You'll need a bios image and a USB SPI programmer to do it. If yours isn't socketted then it would require a soldering iron to unsolder the 8pins to remove the chip. Grains bios repair in the UK might be able to supply a pre-flashed chip and/or image for you. I hope users that go to this trouble can share the pre-F.20 bios with the rest of the community so other affected users can do the same.

    There is otherwise a method to overcome the *wifi* whitelisting using the DIY eGPU Setup 1.x software and isolating pin20 on the wifi card. Though it won't help with WWAN whitelisting.
  7. mercyground

    mercyground MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    so no one is doing the whitelist hacks anymore? or cant cos of the rsa patching? dammit... guess i'll have to find a hp whitelisted N class instead. I'm pissed about this.
  8. death_jax

    death_jax MDL Novice

    Oct 12, 2010
    Hi TTAV134, can you remember me? :biggrin: I was the tester for the HP 6735s BIOS.
    Now, the HP has released a new BIOS, an F.20 version (if you want to modify it :biggrin:, but this one is giving me some problems (I thought it could solve other problems I have).
    When I turn on my lap the caps lock blinks 2 times, this for 5 times, then blinks 6 times, this for 1 time, and then the lap goes to POST :confused::confused:, but that blinks, on HP site (, means that there are a BIOS problem, but for that reason I think that the lap should not turn on :confused::confused:.
    I tried to redownload my F.0E BIOS version to downgrade but the link is down.
    I found a copy of that file on my lap and I tried to flash, but HPQFlash.exe (and eRompaq.exe from DOS too) show me this error:

    This is an older version of BIOS which is not compatible with your system configuration

    and in the ver.log file the error seems to be:

    FlashRomImage(): Write Block #9, Attempt #1 FAILED, error code = 0x15
    Cannot flash block #9 because it is blocked by BIOS. dwErrCode = 0x15
    FlashRomImage: Failed to write block #9 to Flash ROM. dwErrCode = 0x15
    Flash Image failed: lBytesLeft = 2064384, dwOffsetLocation= 32768, bStatus = 0

    Flash Rom: Cannot downgrade, BIOS blocks it - Error code = 0x15
    Exit hpqFlashRom, bStatus = 0, dwErrorCode = 0x0015
    FlashRom returns bStatus = 0, dwErrorCode = 0x0015
    FlashRom in active mode failed, dwErrorCode = 0x0015
    CCompletionFailPage: In general failure block.

    Now, I read the previous post about other problems on F.20 version of BIOS.. I hope that this problem can be solved in some way, because BCD in Windows seems to have disappeared (EasyBCD doesn't find anything!!) in my case, but the system starts up anyway :confused:!!
  9. Snatch

    Snatch MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2009
    What was the process of adding Slic 2.1 to 6715b F.07 Bios?
    I mistakenly updated to the latest bios ver. F.20 before reading through this forum and now realise I cannot revert back to a previous version. :mad:
    Whether I'm on the right track or not, using ADDCC i've decompressed the rom.bin and made changes to 19_FFF6CBA8_ROMBLOCK_patched_68YTT_F20.bin and 02_POST_00020100_patched_68YTT_F20.dec but now I'm guessing there's no way to compress back to rom.bin?
    Any guidance will be much appreciated. :cool:
  10. gsteams

    gsteams MDL Novice

    Oct 29, 2009
    I mistakenly flashed a 6510b to the latest bios version F.20 hoping it has SLIC 2.1.
    It has only slic 2.0.
    I tried using FLASH_DOS_BOOT to roll back to earlier version, but it always fails at 93%.

    Any help will be much appreciated.
  11. ZevLang

    ZevLang MDL Novice

    Apr 12, 2012
    REmove fan routine from BIOS..?!
    I can't be the only one.

    My HP NC4400 laptop runs very cool; could probably run without a fan at all.

    I'm wondering is there any way to remove the assembly language
    BIOS routine for fan operation and disable the fan/run fanless?

    There's gotta be a way!


    ed. "extract dsdt.aml then use iasl to make it a text readable .dsl .. edit it then recompile as .aml then insert into bios file with the mod tool."

    HOW do i do this, am a newbie?

    please somebody

  12. cuba74

    cuba74 MDL Novice

    Apr 18, 2012
    I upgraded the BIOS on my HP Compaq 610 notebook, the HP site. After that occurs to me occasionally blue screen dump of physical memory .... Can anyone help me, what should I do? Can I restore the old BIOS? Sorry for my bad English.

  13. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    What is bios type in UBBT?? Other BIOS??
  14. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    yep doesnt say ami or award.
    file inside the floppy it made from sp23345 to virtualfloppy. OCTAPU20.312 size 372KB
  15. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    What about using ADDC3??