OK. I also felt that this is not right. 歹勢啦,requesting and waiting for the administrator to delete this thread.
Haha, typical for the chinese sites though, PAINFULLY slow. I've always said if you're gonna leak something, make sure people can grab it in a timely manner.
Right. So I've removed all the things and thanked you. You may refer to #1. I will pay more attention on what I do, be a real good Taiwanese.
By the way, why the title of this thread becomes bold? htt p://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/61305-leakedwindows-10-build-10125 Is it operated by the admin?
What are you doing there, mate. I was American, and now an OZ. But it really does not matter where if you are doing fine.
I have no idea about it. The modders will always keep an eye on it. All I know is that I try my best NOT to break the MDL rule. (As you can see from my bad English.)
Tell your friends to come here often. This is the best place I feel at home - No politic issue at least.