To all Americans: How would you feel if Donald Trump became president?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Threat, May 5, 2016.

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  1. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Yeah, a good MILF sample :D
  2. YAA-Canary

    YAA-Canary Guest

  3. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    If you God forbid, just spent a minute of thinking what kind of people left europe to go over there...???

    No? Too much to ask? It was the scum of europe... religious fanatics, indians and buffaloes butchers. Do yourself a favor, Try reading some books by Cormac McCarthy. America was always the way it is now... and will remain so. Scary thought, eh?
  4. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    NO ONE who could make any real difference to the normal average american, could ever get to be president.
    Why should the ones that actually have the power allow it?
  5. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    Yes, of course .... the bad news is that all he had to do is scream "Yes we can!", and the United Stupids of America of course thought that with that "we" they were meant.

    So I am very happy that Hilary or Donald will your next leader, americans most ceretainly deserve all the s**te that will be coming to them. Would be nice if on top of that, a REAL black leader, like Eldrigde Cleaver, would rise up...
  6. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    :eek: Indians are Europeans, are you telling me that because England invaded their country they automatically changed race ?! What nonsense is this, yes they sent convicts but that's not ALL they sent! Here is a list of the Mayflower passengers, point out the convicts please ?
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    :eek:What, ALL of them?:rolleyes: Madre mia... che brainy bugger...:worthy:

    I imagine some people are conservatives since it's so "comfortable", being a conservative, since it's all metaphysics with you, no effort required, after you establish some prejud... pardon, "principles"...:rolleyes: As in, why not treat historical beings as a-historic scum, the LOT of them, no exceptions allowed, if this makes a conservative German "philosopher"... well, fairly "comfortable"... Not only is he that old, but he also knew each and every single one of them "escapees" from Europe, and on top of that, all the subsequent generations, which he then duly burdened with the sins of their forefathers, if it could only bring him some more comfort, i.e. not having to bother with any real thinking afterwards... :rolleyes:

    Oh, wait, but it is now obvious that not all the religious, conservative etc. scum left for Amuuuricas, as some did stay behind, writing this quasi-religious, utterly butterly horse-manure they wouldn't possibly want generously bestowed upon themselves and their progeny... :D "The ELITE" stayed behind, I say... :p Some of that philosophical elite then left for USofA much later on, after WWII and around, only to teach the "Neo-Cons" the marvels of such horse-manure thinking, the results of which we are honoured to have witnessed around the world in endless wars:rolleyes: and even in this and similar threads of this jolly forum...:D

    Ahem, now to the crucial question: how could that "scum" have produced the American Revolution - with all its achievements that inspired the world?!? Or saving Europe from itself in 2 WWs, saving itself from the nasty capitalist sh@te after the big XX century crash, then post-WWII reconstruction of Europe and now coming up with such a good energy behind Bernie and the Gang (it does sound like a pop-rock band, non? :D ) etc. etc. etc.???

    If knowledge is the knowledge of differences, then you are an ignorant twit, Thomas, since you can't differentiate jack-sh@t!!! :p
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Misunderstanding: he is saying that the escapees from Europe were arrogant and aggressive, righteous nut-jobs, butchering both Indians and buffalo alike ("What's the difference?" :mad: )... Imagine being encircled by "hostile Indians" - whose land they were there to "conquer in the name of the Lord" and convert (to their Christianity) those who were already there, because "we are the chosen people and we know the best" [something German conservatives, like our Thomas, the good pupil:rolleyes: that he is :D "feels" wholeheartedly, as seen in just about every post of his... :D ] - so, if they refuse to be conquered and converted, oh well, Amuuuricans of that persuasion have always reached for a "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!" kinda "religion"...:rolleyes:

    Psssttt, you are disturbing the metaphysical peace of old Thomas, the fire-cracker-engine of eternal return...:rolleyes::D:p:biggrin:
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  9. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    :31: I find it a bit idiotic that he would blame the current problems in the US on the type of people that came from Europe so many centuries ago. The problem now is greed and jingoism, which manifests itself from economic turmoil which was created by the same greed and jingoism. It's a cycle that we see in many other countries for example England with Brexit. The same issue exists in China and other places but it doesn't get magnified by mass media.
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  10. ancestor(v)

    ancestor(v) Admin
    Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Guys, don't overdo it...
    Yes, there was a political thread allowed in the past, but...
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  11. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    There is no further point in any answer, you know nothing and yet refuse to look into the matter, you, like Gorski, qualify as honorary american...
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #72 gorski, Jul 11, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
    Quite the contrary! Only you qualify as a TRUE Amuuurican, by your own standards (not by mine, of course), because ONLY STOOPID and ARROGANT people like you do NOT qualify their sentences like this:

    BTW, I have cousins there and NO, their forefathers were NOT the scum of Europe - MANY have fled abject poverty and wars, retarded European states that kept them down regardless of their ability, especially the BACKWARDS states like Germany, Austo-Hungarian "Empire" and whatnot.......

    Amuuurica was NOT always the way it is today - full of people like you, harsh, unfeeling, superiority seeking f***wits who - in their infinite wisdom - "rule the world"! I can only give autographs to that moron, writing something like that... not to mention you, when it comes to ELEMENTARY thinking!:biggrin:
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  13. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @gorski: I know what you say to be true from stories that were told to me, by relatives who passed away.
    My family is of Italian descent, so, we got our fair share of a$$-kicking.

    Our ancestors came here for the same reason -everybody- comes here: For a chance at a better life.
    ATTENTION "AMERICANS"! We're all "Mutts" here. (Do I have to point out how loveable mutts are? :D )

    The basic ideals of America are alive and well. What's changed is what constitutes greatness, and what constitutes success. We teach our youth that striving for wealth is more important than striving for happiness.
    By the time they turn 30, they're wealthy and miserable.

    Why is that done? Because those who control the media are making money from people 'consuming' things. And the youth of -any- country tend to be impetuous, especially where gadgets and status symbols are concerned.

    After 30, we -all- have to assess our lives and find a comfortable place to live. For the sake of our psyches. From about 40 to life-end, we spend our time trying to heal ourselves and finding a comfortable place in the world.

    It's not an easy task for some. :(

    I think it's safe to say (At least from my perspective) that no matter -who- the new POTUS is, life in America will go on.

    We'll still be struggling to make it through each day, searching for happiness. :)
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  14. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    hm.:g: that should provide an answer to our superior thomas.does that sound like scum to you? you know, my dear thomas, i get so very tired of total stupidity at times, of people who think they have got a right to judge just from sheer righteousness? just a question @ thomas.. tompidompidom... :aerobueke:
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  15. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    Exactly how do you figure these are "BACKWARDS" ?
  16. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011

    perhaps he should have said feudal...
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I said they WERE backwards! ;)

    At the time, USofA, France and Britain were "ahead" and the rest - yayks!
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  18. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    And that time frame would be ?
  19. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
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  20. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @JFKI: Almost as old as you :D
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