[Tool] ConvertNT5SKUs - Convert Windows NT 5.x SKUs v3.0.0 (RC3)

Discussion in 'Windows XP / Older OS' started by example12345678912345678, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    @George King
    I remember that you said it's very easy to convert to Starter by just adding one registry key. I've tried that. But it's a shame that Starter & Embedded editions are exclusive to 32-Bit Windows XP OSes.
    I've tried to integrate the registry key by using nLite. But it's still Professional x64. I have no idea about IA-64 version of Windows XP since there's no way that I can install it. Because there're no IA-64 emulator and I don't own any IA-64 machines.
    XP Starter x64 Fail.png
  2. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    #62 example12345678912345678, Oct 8, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
    I'm so near to complete v2.0 for ConvertNT5SKUs. I finally made Windows Server 2003 to XP Pro conversion stable.
    VirtualBox_Windows XP_08_10_2022_14_19_55.png
    Update: I made it work on 64-Bit conversions too. But there's a problem with this conversion. You can't log in, because there're some activation problems. You need to crack in safe mode. AntiWPA/AntiWAT will let you log in.
    VirtualBox_Windows XP x64_08_10_2022_18_31_42.png
  3. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    XP Pro x64 KN.png
    I'm working on a minor update to v2.0. I found out that K and N editions are possible on AMD64 aswell. I converted it by modifying syssetup.inf and defltwk.inf then disabling SFC by nLite.
    My next goal will be Server K, KN and N editions on both architectures.
    Coming soon...
  4. maxtorix

    maxtorix MDL Member

    Feb 3, 2010
    What are the actual steps for producing XP x64 Home and Server Web 2003 x64 SKUs?
    What source is used for base and the target ISOs for these two SKUs?
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  5. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    #65 example12345678912345678, Oct 23, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
    Well, I made those ISOs before I created the script.
    I used Windows XP Pro x64 for base ISO and Home x86 for target ISO. For that, I edited the dosnet.inf and txtsetup.inf file and replaced the setupreg.hiv file from Home x86 ISO.
    I might try to add Defltp.inf file from x86 ISO for Home x64 ISO.
    And as for ServerWeb 2003 x64, I used Standard x64 for Base and Web x86 for Target ISOs.
    If there's a problem with the script, tell me and I'll try to fix that.
    Edit: I found a problem with the script. Server to Client conversion was only working with Enterprise x86 and Datacenter x64 ISOs. Now I'm trying to fix that.
  6. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    Released v2.0.1 minor update. Fixed minor bugs.
    I might consider creating a video tutorial on usage of ConvertNT5SKUs if it's needed. But I have yet to decide it.
    But if I make a video tutorial about it, I would either make it unlisted and share video link only here or add age restriction due to copyright things.
    I'm not sure if Microsoft still cares about Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003.
  7. dorfd1

    dorfd1 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 10, 2015
    is the target iso modified when using convert.cmd?
  8. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    Nope, first of all it extracts Base.iso which is used for the build of the release. (Ex: 5.1.2600.5512 or 5.2.3790.3959)
    Then it extracts Target.iso which is used for SKU info (Ex: Pro, Home, Server etc.)
    Next it extracts Target.iso to Final folder which is the actual work folder, copies all files from Base.iso and overwrites all existing files. I used that method since there's no "No to All" option in xcopy.
    After that, it converts to the SKU which is the SKU of Target.iso.
    Finally it creates the ISO and everything would be finished.
    Currently I'm working on ConvertNT5SKUs 2.1.0 which is more stable and will hopefully add support for converting to Starter/Tablet PC/Media Center editions on x86 conversions.
  9. pottzman

    pottzman MDL Member

    Dec 8, 2009
    I have a question. If I was to convert Windows Server 2003 to Windows XP Pro. Is the actual underlying kernel/os of “final” iso still actually NT5.2 (server 2003) or is it NT5.1 (xp)? I’m trying to understand what are the benefits of doing these conversions.
  10. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    You got 5.2 Client
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  11. pottzman

    pottzman MDL Member

    Dec 8, 2009
    Okay so what does that let me do as the user?
  12. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    #72 example12345678912345678, Nov 27, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2022
    While I didn’t test if newer programs or drivers work on NT5.2 Client, but it lets you use newer NT5.2 kernel with workstation SKU Operating System. Meaning it’s lighter than original Server OSes. No Server Manager or Administration tools. For v2.0.1 you have to use Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition for such conversions. Otherwise there might be some unstability. While most of v2.1.0 is done which removes that restriction, I don’t think it’ll be released until I fix the Optional Components thing.
    But of course I have to make the Final OS more stable.
    For example: “nusrmgr.cpl” does not work. And I have yet to find a solution for this.
    This is not a completed script. I’m working on it when I find time for it.
  13. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    #73 example12345678912345678, Dec 18, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
    Released v2.1.0.
    Here is the tutorial on how to convert to Tablet PC or Media Center Editions.
    For Media Center Edition:
    1. Extract these 11 files to \Extras\MCE
    2. Use Any Windows edition as Base.iso. However, you have to use Windows XP Professional SP3 for Target.iso. Same goes to Tablet PC Edition.
    3. Change "MCEEDITIONENABLED=false" to "MCEEDITIONENABLED=true" in SKUExtras.ini file. Warning: Do not enable Tablet PC Edition in such conversion. Or there might be some unstability.
    4. Run Convert.cmd as Administrator and wait until it's finished.
    For Tablet PC Edition:
    1. Extract all files located in CMPNENTS\TABLETPC\I386 to \Extras\TabletPC
    2. Extract these 3 files to \Extras\TabletPC
    3. Change "TPCEDITIONENABLED=false" to "TPCEDITIONENABLED=true" in SKUExtras.ini file. Warning: Do not enable Media Center Edition in such conversion. Or there might be some unstability.
    4. Run Convert.cmd as Administrator and wait until it's finished.
    Note: This tool does not include files for Tablet PC or Media Center editions like cab or inf files. You need to put these files if you want to convert to these SKUs.
    Note: You shouldn't do these conversions for 64-Bit conversions. And it won't be supported until I find a setupapi.dll patch for 3790.3959 64-Bit.
  14. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    #74 example12345678912345678, Jan 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2023
    Released first release candidate build of next major update.
    It adds a new SKU that was never published by Microsoft. Windows 2000 Home Edition.
    If you experience problems with this tool while converting to Windows 2000 Home Edition, you can use any ISO editor software and replace setupreg.hiv in I386 folder. You should find the file in W2KPersonal folder. Most of places is going to say Windows 2000 Professional, because Windows 2000 has no strings, bitmaps for a Home Edition SKU.
    This new SKU can upgrade to both Windows XP Home Edition and Professional while Windows 2000 Professional can only upgrade to Windows XP Professional.
    Also, the registry key can be a proof:
    The key is empty on Professional SKU, and set as Personal in Home Edition SKU.
    This conversion is useful only if you want to upgrade from Windows 2000 to Windows XP Home Edition.
    It also removes requirement for 3590.iso for XP to Server 2003 conversions.
    But it's still not stable enough. If you do this conversions, you have to run explorer.exe manually. But that's not a main goal for final v3.0.0.
    My main goals for final v3.0.0 are:
    1- Add menu system for Convert.cmd like Convert_Lite.cmd and remove SKUExtras.ini file.
    2- Add conversion to Windows XP Starter edition. Bitmaps and resources for Starter edition exists for both builds 2600 and 3790.
    3- Add conversion to Windows XP Embedded editions. Like Starter editions, bitmaps and resources for Embedded editions exists for both builds 2600 and 3790. But this can be done later.
  15. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    JFI: Windows 2000 Home was essentially the Neptune project. It was finished, but unfortunately cancelled before release, and home users got Windows Me instead. Meh...
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  16. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    That's actually true. However, the Neptune build has some bugs since it's not a final release. And possible timebomb maybe?
    Actually, I tried to use files from Windows Neptune to create a Windows 2000 Home with SP4. But, best thing I got is a BSOD after text-mode setup. Then I gave up on Windows 2000 Home. After a few months, I got an idea by editing setupreg.hiv. After a few tries, I made it. And I compared both self-made Home SKU and official Pro SKU by trying to upgrade to Windows XP Home Edition.
    Also, I checked registry keys. And found out that it's actually Home Edition not Professional. However, as I said there're no Windows 2000 Home Edition (or Personal) branding anywhere.
    Also, I tried to create a Web Server SKU for Windows 2000 via same way before I release v3.0.0 Release Candidate But, I failed on that.
  17. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Did you ever try to get MCE 52 ?

    You will get XP "freestyle" edition
  18. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    MCE is installed via optional components. I'll improve MCE edition more, but first I need to find a way to run scripts during GUI-mode setup. Because strangely setup can install the brandings properly but same thing cannot be said for MCE itself. I'm not sure if GUI-mode setup scripts are done via $OEM$ folder.
    I'll appreciate any ideas for this.
  19. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  20. example12345678912345678

    Dec 29, 2019
    #80 example12345678912345678, Jan 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2023