[TOOL] EzWindSLIC: Easily activate Windows 7/Vista/Server 2008-2022 on UEFI-GPT

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Deleted member 1435102, Apr 9, 2021.


Should I use powershell in this script to add more features? Vista will no longer be supported.

Poll closed May 7, 2021.
  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
  1. Krinal

    Krinal MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2018
    Hi, Why only Windows server Standard edition is supported in 2019 series? Or the list is not updated in first post?

    I mean why other are not added?
  2. At that time, I could only find Server 2019 Standard SLP serial. After a lot of searching I found Datacenter serial as well today, will add support in v3.01.
    BTW @Tito please add the datacenter serials in your thread Server 2019 OEM:SLP keys. :)
  3. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    @Exe Csrss

    Where's the proof that the key you "found" is from an actual OEM:SLP installation, not just a generated one?
  4. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  5. Ok
  6. EzWindSLIC 3.01
    add support for server 2019 datacenter
    replace compressed2txt with wsf solution
  7. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    Hello @Exe Csrss,
    because I more like W7 than W10, so, I decided to add my contribution to your project.

    I have tried to use your work on VM with (U)EFI, but there is no CSM/Legacy BIOS, so, I tested it on W8.1.

    Original Script part:
    @echo off
    title Original Script part
    set "_eline=call :colortxt ********ERROR******** %red%"
    set "_pak=echo Press any key to exit... & pause %_nul% & goto exit"
    set "_nul=1>nul 2>nul"
    set DateTime=%date% %time%
    rem script part
    for %%# in (Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M) do if exist %%#:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\en-US\*.mui set _espalreadymount=%%#
    if defined _espalreadymount (
        echo EFI System Partition already mounted at %_espalreadymount%:
        set _ltr=%_espalreadymount%:
    if not defined _espalreadymount for %%# in (Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M) do (mountvol /? | find /i "%%#:" %_nul% || set "_ltr=%%#:")
    if not defined _espalreadymount (
        mountvol %_ltr% /s %_nul%
        if exist %_ltr%\EFI (
            echo EFI System Partition successfully mounted at %_ltr%.
        ) else (
    rem        %_eline%
            echo Failed to mount EFI System Partition at %_ltr%.
    rem        %_pak%
    rem exit /b
    :: (...)
    mountvol %_ltr% /d >nul 2>&1
    rem end of script part
    echo. %DateTime%
    echo. %date% %time%
    echo _ltr=%_ltr%

    Mount to a Letter:
    @echo off
    title Mount to a Letter
    set "_eline=call :colortxt ********ERROR******** %red%"
    set "_pak=echo Press any key to exit... & pause %_nul% & goto exit"
    set "_nul=1>nul 2>nul"
    set DateTime=%date% %time%
    rem script part
    ::for %%# in (Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M) do if exist %%#:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\en-US\*.mui set _espalreadymount=%%#
    for /f %%W in (' mountvol /? ^| find ":\" ') do if exist %%W\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD set _espalreadymount=%%W
    if defined _espalreadymount (
        echo EFI System Partition already mounted at %_espalreadymount%:
        set _ltr=%_espalreadymount%
    ) else for %%W in (Z Y X W V U T S R P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A) do call :MntSetLetter %%W
    ::if not defined _espalreadymount for %%# in (Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M) do (mountvol /? | find /i "%%#:" %_nul% || set "_ltr=%%#:")
    goto :MntEspNext
    if not defined _ltr if not exist %1:\ set _ltr=%1:
    goto :EOF
    if not defined _espalreadymount (
       mountvol %_ltr% /s %_nul%
       if exist %_ltr%\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD (
           set _unmount=%_ltr%
           echo EFI System Partition successfully mounted at %_ltr%.
       ) else (
    rem       %_eline%
           echo Failed to mount EFI System Partition at %_ltr%.
    rem       %_pak%
    rem exit /b
    :: (...)
    ::mountvol %_ltr% /d >nul 2>&1
    if defined _unmount (
       echo Unmounting EFI System Partition at %_unmount%.
       mountvol %_unmount% /d >nul 2>&1
    rem end of script part
    echo. %DateTime%
    echo. %date% %time%
    echo _ltr=%_ltr%
    echo _unmount=%_unmount%

    Mount to a Folder:
    @echo off
    title Mount to a Folder
    set "_eline=call :colortxt ********ERROR******** %red%"
    set "_pak=echo Press any key to exit... & pause %_nul% & goto exit"
    set "_nul=1>nul 2>nul"
    set DateTime=%date% %time%
    rem script part
    ::for %%# in (Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M) do if exist %%#:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\en-US\*.mui set _espalreadymount=%%#
    for /f %%W in (' mountvol /? ^| find ":\" ') do if exist %%W\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD set _espalreadymount=%%W
    if defined _espalreadymount (
        echo EFI System Partition already mounted at %_espalreadymount%:
        set _ltr=%_espalreadymount%
    ) else goto :MntESPpart
    goto :MntEspNext
    set _ltr=%WinDir%\Temp\EfiSysPart
    if not exist "%_ltr%"    mkdir "%_ltr%"
    mountvol "%_ltr%" /s %_nul%
    if exist "%_ltr%\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD" (
       set _unmount=%_ltr%
       echo EFI System Partition successfully mounted at %_ltr%.
    ) else (
    rem   %_eline%
       echo Failed to mount EFI System Partition at %_ltr%.
    rem   %_pak%
    rem exit /b
    :: (...)
    ::mountvol %_ltr% /d >nul 2>&1
    if defined _unmount (
       echo Unmounting EFI System Partition at %_unmount%.
       mountvol "%_unmount%" /d >nul 2>&1
       rmdir /q "%_unmount%"
    rem end of script part
    echo. %DateTime%
    echo. %date% %time%
    echo _ltr=%_ltr%
    echo _unmount=%_unmount%

    And replace:
    mountvol %_ltr% /d >nul 2>&1
    to the more flexible solution in given examples.
    Because in my opinion you don't need to unmount the ESP partition if your script not mounted it.

    Check the examples, and add one of them if you like it. :)

    BTW, because the poll is closed, I will say that not use PowerShell if you don't really need it. Not everyone has hundred of RAM and NVME SSD in RAID array. ;)

    M$ should test their OS on the cheapest computers/laptops from the market, then the OS will be much better optimized.
  8. Peto556

    Peto556 MDL Novice

    Jun 18, 2021
    Hi, I was gonna activate Win7 Ultimate but AIO script hangs on Loading .. forever. Same for traditional version. What coulb be the issue here?
  9. Try right clicking and hit run as administrator.
  10. Peto556

    Peto556 MDL Novice

    Jun 18, 2021
    Yeah I tried that, didnt help. But I managed to install and activate finally, very good work.

    Thing is I had to press Enter couple times, it didnt switch from the "Loading" stage by itself on my machine for some reason. Other issue was when I was starting it from a desktop location, it was not able to find the correct path to a script again after pressing Enter, because of the special char in my user name. Just a minor glitches though, but took me an hour or so to figure it out. Frustration and bashing the Enter key actually helped this time. :rolleyes: THanks again for this script.
  11. EzWindSLIC 3.02
    fix incompatibilities with special chars in path name (thx @Windows_Addict for pointing it out)
    traditional script no longer auto-elevates
  12. Tried it on clean win7 install on a asus z390 mobo nothing worked . but my own win7 activation script worked like a charm.
  13. which script?
  14. your ezwindslic aio or trad script any version till 3.01
  15. what is exactly the problem with new versions?
  16. stuck without showing anything just after user execute it with elevated prevelages.
  17. try new version 3.02 :)
  18. For sure i will try your ezwindslic ver 3.02 script the day when some system owner comes to me for win7 related issues n asked me for a fress efi install like the same this z390 mobo owner requested me to install win7 on his new build system.
    people are going back to win7 due to this win11 promos . thats very good n people must be with win7 as later builds are just a crap.
    EzWindSLIC 3.1
    add option to check activation status
    edition check now uses SKU value instead of registry
    fix more incompatibilities with special chars in path name