OK, I may have done something wrong, do I also need the x86 installer from winrar if I only use the x64 version ? for me it looks like this. winrar-x64.exe winrar-x64.txt and the txt has the switch /S is that correct ? ok i'll run again, and take photos
@KleineZiege You find out why it doesn't work on your side. WinRar.txt is universal file for both architecture. Script split installer filename by - (dash) and looks for part before it to correct TXT. So -x64, -x86 or -all are ignored from TXT files.
yes one works now I took the -x64 out of the txt, and now the programs are installed silently. Great work thank you do you happen to know the silent switch for VMware 16.1.2 ?
Romanian (ro-RO) translation. Code: FINTEXT = "Windows Post-Instalare" CERTEXT = "Instalare certificate" SCRIPTTEXT = "Executare scripturi" OFFTEXT = "Instalare Microsoft Office" MSITEXT = "Instalare pachete MSI" ACTTEXT = "Activare produse" UPDTEXT = "Instalare actualizări" SILTEXT = "Instalare aplicații" TWKTEXT = "Aplicare setări personale" DRVCLNTEXT = "Îndepărtare driveri neutilizați" RBTTEXT = "Repornire" I didn't tested POWIS yet but will do test it soon... Thank you.
How are you guys ... I have a question, is it possible for ESD support to work in Windows 7 boot 7 Without Using POWIS? Well, I would like to make the boot 7 only have the ESD support but it does not have "Autounatteded" or "Drivers Packs" functions, etc. but there is only the full ESD support in boot 7 without unattended functions or RunOnceEx only the boot7 and its ESD support ... Is it possible? @George King
POWIS updated to v1.0.2! Documentation and first post will be updated with detailed instructions for Themes and Wallpapers plugins folders later Code: 01.07.2021 - v1.0.2 - Added RunOnceEx Greek (el-GR), Turkish (tr-TR) and Romanian (ro-RO) translations - Added install.esd input support - Now you can use POWIS on setup with install.esd - Added Themes and Wallpapers plugin folders - Added many new customizable options into config.ini - Fixed AutoUnattended selector - Fixed Num Lock default settings in WinPE - Fixed WinRE.wim name and description - Fixed RunOnceEx on NTLited images without Internet Explorer
@TesterMachineOS I think it can be easily done soon. I will try it today, as I added many options to disable features. Now some small changes are needed. I will let you know when I'm done with it. @ianymaty Thanks for translation, added in v 1.0.2
Ok, thanks friend ... another thing that I have to mention that in powis in windows and its boot 7 for esd has a small problem that in some computers it sends an error of "OSImage / No Reboot" in my opinion it may be that you cannot find or locate the file "install.esd"
Integrate USB / MassStorage drivers. If you want I can upload some packs for integration created from DriverPacks for Windows 7
POWIS updated to v1.0.3! Documentation and first post will be updated with detailed instructions for Themes, Wallpapers and Activation plugins folders later Code: 15.07.2021 - v1.0.3 - Added RunOnceEx Swedish (sv-SE) translation - Added Activation plugin folder and moved Activate.cmd inside - Improved setup.cmd for more customizable builds Now we can use plugins folder more effective. I will upload some "Plugins packs" as example later.
How to create POWIS with Windows 11 Home with forced offline account? Simply add DisableNetworkAdapter.cmd into plugins\setup Code: @echo off title Windows 11 Offline account solution cls REM Disable network adapter before entering OOBE wmic path win32_networkadapter where "physicaladapter=true" call disable REM Enable network adapter after OOBE REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v "OfflineAccount" /d "%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe /min /c \"wmic path win32_networkadapter where \"physicaladapter=true\" call enable\"" /f goto :EOF This trick disable network adapter during RunOnceEx setup phase. Then is your PC rebooted into OOBE and you are offline. After you finish OOBE, network adapter is activated again automatically