Thanks for this tool everyone, I really like it and it's usefull, I have a question if I may(and sorry if it's dup). Why EVAL isos as base? Is it only because they have direct download links?
Yep. The chance they disappear is very low hence they are perfect. Additionally the EVAL and the SVF needed for the source ISO aren't bigger than downloading the english MVS ISO directly. MS tends to hunt any direct ISO shares not authorised by them. EDIT: Forgot to mention the fact that only 2 EVALs are needed to create all 4 MVS source ISOs.
What language you want the LTSB? This only shows when you try to create the en-us version, which is already the source ISO .
As edited above. The source ISO downloaded for LTSB is the en-us one, so it only looks a bit confusing, no SVF needed for that language, only for the others.
RELEASE: S-M-R-T SVF ISO CONVERTER v0.03.01 +++ FEATURE UPGRADE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.03.01 --added 1709 16299.125 creation --added option to download/resume source ISO files --switched to GitLab distribution --shortened process if en-us version is the target
Ah I think I may need some help here too:- when i open "svf.iso.converter.cmd" it just shows me a blue page and nothing seems to show up thereafter. Any clues? Thank you
Thanks for the really quick reply. So, if I understood well, you are saying that LTSB is basically an end product and cannot be changed, just downloaded by the tool?
No, the source ISO is already the original full 2016 LTSB en-US source iso, so no SVF patch needed for those who wanted the en-US 2016 LTSB iso, for all other langs you need the SVF patch for conversion to that iso.
Only thing i can imagine is the self-elevation that can break in seldom cases. Delete line 7 and start via right-click as admin.
Yep, as Enth said. 1803/1709 downloads use the Ent EVAL to create an english MVS source ISO. LTSB downloads the english MVS ISOs directly. EDIT: Edited OP to note the difference between 1709/1803 and LTSB process.
RELEASE: S-M-R-T SVF ISO CONVERTER v0.03.08 +++ FEATURE UPDATE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.03.08 --added check whether tool path contains spaces (thanks to mkuba50)
Code: (cd /d "%~dp0")&&(NET FILE||(powershell start-process -FilePath '%0' -verb runas)&&(exit /B)) >NUL 2>&1