People should use the GUI version, i got a few pm's about the script version, it seems a bit confusing to some.
The EVAL is the one mismatching after trying to convert it, also both iso have different hashes. I'm suspecting my slow internet, as the GUI ver. keeps stopping the download after the speed drops. But with the CMD ver., it keeps retrying (which I didn't know why the GUI ver. never did at first). I did thought of getting the iso from that post for a third attempt, but I'm still downloading. Thanks for the advice btw.
Post the output of the tool, the eval iso is downloaded and the sha-1 is verified before trying to convert, not after.
I get strange results when trying to download LTSC 2019 in spanish (32 bit version): Code: 22:51:47 CREATING MVS ISO 22:51:47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 22:51:47 Language: es-es 22:51:47 ISO Name: es_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x86_dvd_b0f6388a 22:51:47 ISO Hash: c81cb44ad55e88ac28057696cda6f6203afe6bad 22:51:47 EVAL Name: 17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_CLIENT_LTSC_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us 22:51:47 EVAL Hash: b11efabfc38428b69042da841e1cb4b105be359b 22:51:47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 22:51:47 Downloading EVAL ISO... 22:58:51 EVAL ISO exists. 22:58:51 Checking hash... 22:59:03 Check Hash: b11efabfc38428b69042da841e1cb4b105be359b | SUCCESS! 22:59:03 Downloading Target SVF... 22:59:03 es_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x86_dvd_b0f6388a 22:59:04 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The EVAL name seems to correspond to the 64bit version, but I want to download the 32bit version. Is it possible to force it to download only the 32bit version? Kind regards.
Is an error in the naming the download link is pointing correctly to the x86 EVAL. Hash for x64 EVAL would be: Code: fba7f17ffdf018e4cffd49a9819d719d3708cf09 Doesn't explain why it stops at the SVF download .
My bad I worded it wrong, but you got it. Also, sorry, I already deleted the faulty iso(s), but I kinda remember it if it helps, it went something like this : [HEADER] LTSC 2019 SVF ISO CONVERSION [ INFO ] Source: 17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_CLIENT_LTSC_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us [ INFO ] Hash : fba7f17ffdf018e4cffd49a9819d719d3708cf09 [ INFO ] Downloading Source ISO (if not already present). [ INFO ] Source Eval ISO present. [ INFO ] Checking Eval ISO Hash. [ INFO ] Hash : fba7f17ffdf018e4cffd49a9819d719d3708cf09 (From here on i'm just writing what I remembered) [ WARNING ] ISO Hash mismatching. [ INFO ] Hash : (anything but fba7f17ffdf018e4cffd49a9819d719d3708cf09) And it stops there, and I kept retrying many times. I even tried to read the Hash by using HxD (sha-1), on both occasions it was not fba7f17ffdf018e4cffd49a9819d719d3708cf09. Anyway, I tried downloading another iso (from Windows 10 SVF Repository Page 2) using IDM and it worked, so that's that.
Dunno with the cmd version but should be all good just trie it out without the iso to see what happens I guess
On another note, is there a mirror for the SVF repositories ? My slow internet keeps erroring the download, the CMD ver. and the GUI ver. also never finishes.
@Enthousiast I selected the techbench then it downloaded the Win10_1809_EnglishInternational_x64 , should I start formatting my other laptop and use this Win10_1809_EnglishInternational_x64 ? also is this be activated using the micrsoft toolkit ?
Sorry, Noob question here. Can anyone tell me what is difference between en_windows_10_business_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x64_dvd_d57f2c0d.iso and 17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_CLIENTENTERPRISEEVAL_OEMRET_x64FRE_en-us.iso
@s1ave77 can you make some sort of gitlab repo (as you do for uup) so it easier to keep track of new releases (esp. gui). i hook it up to rss reader and it makes very easy